Obama makes astonishing claims in this speech to the VFW in Reno.....he is truly out of touch with reality....

"Because we're leading around the world, people have a new attitude toward America. There’s more confidence in our leadership. We see it everywhere we go," President Obama said at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno.

"Four years ago, I stood before you at a time of great challenge for our nation. We were engaged in two wars. Al Qaeda was entrenched in their safe havens in Pakistan. Many of our alliances were frayed. Our standing in the world had suffered. We were in the worst recession of our lifetimes. Around the world, some questioned whether the United States still had the capacity to lead," Obama said earlier in his speech.

"So, four years ago, I made you a promise. I pledged to take the fight to our enemies, and renew our leadership in the world. As President, that’s what I’ve done. And as you reflect on recent years, as we look ahead to the challenges we face as a nation and the leadership that’s required, you don’t just have my words, you have my deeds. You have my track record. You have the promises I’ve made and the promises that I’ve kept," he said.


And what do veteran's overwhelmingly think ???

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-24-2012, 01:08 PM
Most people that join the military like structure, they do not care for change. They are right leaning by nature/conservatives. A perceived liberal will never be at the top of their list , plus many are retired, they are afraid that Obama will cut into their government funded Medicare. They want the government out of their Medicare!

That is the most fuc'd up thing the Tea Nuts have ever come up with!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-24-2012, 01:38 PM
Most people that join the military like structure, they do not care for change. They are right leaning by nature/conservatives. A perceived liberal will never be at the top of their list , plus many are retired, they are afraid that Obama will cut into their government funded Medicare. They want the government out of their Medicare!

That is the most fuc'd up thing the Tea Nuts have ever come up with!

Originally Posted by WTF

aint that the damn truth ..

one TP sign says OBAMA STOP SPENDING ... the one right next to it says LEAVE MY SOCIAL SECURITY ALONE OBAMA

joe bloe's Avatar
The audience should have got up and walked out, every last one. That would have made a statement. For this guy to be commander in cheif, is sickening. Obama despises America's military. He thinks we're the bad guys.

Having Obama for commander in chief is like having an atheist for Pope.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-24-2012, 02:14 PM
Most people that join the military like structure, they do not care for change. They are right leaning by nature/conservatives. A perceived liberal will never be at the top of their list , plus many are retired, they are afraid that Obama will cut into their government funded Medicare. They want the government out of their Medicare!

That is the most fuc'd up thing the Tea Nuts have ever come up with!

Originally Posted by WTF

ok, this and Im finished ..


And then Obama gave this speech on the economy saying:

“we tried our plan — and it worked.”

joe bloe's Avatar
And then Obama gave this speech on the economy saying:

“we tried our plan — and it worked.”

http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama-...rticle/2502981 Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Of course, from Obama's perspective, his plan worked like a charm. The country, that he hates so much, is significantly, closer to the abyss.

Obama and his pals are probably delighted with our horrible economy. It's like Jeremiah Wright says, "God bless America? No no no, God damn America, God damn America!" Obama could have written that sermon; those are his sentiments, exactly.

If Obama can fool 51% of the people into giving him a second term, he'll finish the job of fundamentally transforming America into a third world Hellhole. DC will look like Mombasa by the end of his second term.
And compare Romney's excellent speech to the VFW gathering ....

"I am an unapologetic believer in the greatness of this country. I am not ashamed of American power. I take pride that throughout history our power has brought justice where there was tyranny, peace where there was conflict, and hope where there was affliction and despair. I do not view America as just one more point on the strategic map, one more power to be balanced. I believe our country is the greatest force for good the world has ever known, and that our influence is needed as much now as ever. And I am guided by one overwhelming conviction and passion: This century must be an American Century.

A healthy American economy is what underwrites American power. When growth is missing, government revenue falls, social spending rises, and many in Washington look to cut defense spending as an easy out. That includes our current President.

Today, we are just months away from an arbitrary, across-the-board budget reduction that would saddle the military with a trillion dollars in cuts, severely shrink our force structure, and impair our ability to meet and deter threats. Don’t bother trying to find a serious military rationale behind any of this, unless that rationale is wishful thinking. Strategy is not driving President Obama’s massive defense cuts. In fact, his own Secretary of Defense warned that these reductions would be “devastating.” And he is right.

This is not the time for the President’s radical cuts in the military. Look around the globe. Other major powers are rapidly adding to their military capabilities, some with intentions very different from ours. The regime in Tehran is drawing closer to developing a nuclear weapon. The threat of radical Islamic terrorism persists. The threat of weapons of mass destruction proliferation is ever-present. And we are still at war and still have uniformed men and women in conflict.

All this and more is ongoing in the world. And yet the President has chosen this moment for wholesale reductions in the nation’s military capacity. When the biggest announcement in his last State of the Union address on improving our military was that the Pentagon will start using more clean energy – then you know it’s time for a cha

It is reported that Bob Gates, the President’s first secretary of defense, bluntly addressed another security problem within this administration. After secret operational details of the bin Laden raid were given to reporters, Secretary Gates walked into the West Wing and told the Obama team to “shut up.” He added a colorful word for emphasis.

Lives of American servicemen and women are at stake. But astonishingly, the administration failed to change its ways. More top-secret operations were leaked, even some involving covert action in Iran.

This isn’t a partisan issue; it’s a national security crisis. And yesterday, Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said, quote, “I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks.”

This conduct is contemptible. It betrays our national interest. It compromises our men and women in the field. And it demands a full and prompt investigation by a special counsel, with explanation and consequence. Obama appointees, who are accountable to President Obama’s Attorney General, should not be responsible for investigating the leaks coming from the Obama White House.

Whoever provided classified information to the media, seeking political advantage for the administration, must be exposed, dismissed, and punished. The time for stonewalling is over.

It is not enough to say the matter is being looked into, and leave it at that. When the issue is the political use of highly sensitive national security information, it is unacceptable to say, “We’ll report our findings after Election Day.”

Exactly who in the White House betrayed these secrets? Did a superior authorize it? These are things that Americans are entitled to know – and they are entitled to know right now. If the President believes – as he said last week – that the buck stops with him, then he owes all Americans a full and prompt accounting of the facts.

Like most politicians, Obama says the buck stops with him, but he doesn’t really believe it. In reality, the decision to leak classified information for political gain probably came from very near the top of the Obama administration. His principal staffers, after all, know his priorities. Romney assured his audience that he will run a different sort of administration:

And let me make this very clear: These events make the decision we face in November all the more important. What kind of White House would reveal classified material for political gain? I’ll tell you right now: Mine won’t

The operating principle of American foreign policy has been to work with our allies so that we can deter aggression before it breaks out into open conflict. That policy depends on nurturing our alliances and standing up for our common values.

Yet the President has moved in the opposite direction.

It began with the sudden abandonment of friends in Poland and the Czech Republic. They had courageously agreed to provide sites for our anti-missile systems, only to be told, at the last hour, that the agreement was off. As part of the so-called reset in policy, missile defenses were sacrificed as a unilateral concession to the Russian government.

If that gesture was designed to inspire good will from Russia, it clearly missed the mark. The Russian government defended the dictator in Damascus, arming him as he slaughtered the Syrian people.

We can only guess what Vladimir Putin makes of the Obama administration. He regained the Russian presidency in a corrupt election, and for that, he got a congratulatory call from the Oval Office. And then there was that exchange picked up by a microphone that President Obama didn’t know was on. We heard him asking Dmitry Medvedev to tell Mr. Putin to give him “space.” “This is my last election,” President Obama said, and “After my election I’ll have more flexibility.”

Why is flexibility with Russian leaders more important than transparency to the American people?

I will leave Reno this evening on a trip abroad that will take me to England, Poland, and Israel. And since I wouldn’t venture into another country to question American foreign policy, I will tell you right here –before I leave – what I think of this administration’s shabby treatment of one of our finest friends.

President Obama is fond of lecturing Israel’s leaders. He was even caught by a microphone deriding them. He has undermined their position, which was tough enough as it was. And even at the United Nations, to the enthusiastic applause of Israel’s enemies, he spoke as if our closest ally in the Middle East was the problem.

The people of Israel deserve better than what they have received from the leader of the free world. And the chorus of accusations, threats, and insults at the United Nations should never again include the voice of the President of the United States.

There must be a full suspension of any enrichment, period.”

It is a mistake – and sometimes a tragic one – to think that firmness in American foreign policy can bring only tension or conflict. The surest path to danger is always weakness and indecision. In the end, it is resolve that moves events in our direction, and strength that keeps the peace.

I will not surrender America’s leadership in the world. We must have confidence in our cause, clarity in our purpose, and resolve in our might.

This is very simple: if you do not want America to be the strongest nation on earth, I am not your President. You have that President today.

The 21st century can and must be an American Century. It began with terror, war, and economic calamity. It is our duty to steer it onto the path of freedom, peace, and prosperity.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It was a well done speech, but he still sounds like he wants to bomb the world into freedom. We need to be reducing our military presence around the world, not be expanding it. Trying to keep up with every tinhorn dictator in every corner of the world will bankrupt us just like the Soviets went bankrupt trying to keep up with us. And we are damn near bankrupt already.

But the armaments and oil industries are doing well. They don't seem to be afraid of a Romney administration.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
It was a well done speech, but he still sounds like he wants to bomb the world into freedom. We need to be reducing our military presence around the world, not be expanding it. Trying to keep up with every tinhorn dictator in every corner of the world will bankrupt us just like the Soviets went bankrupt trying to keep up with us. And we are damn near bankrupt already.

But the armaments and oil industries are doing well. They don't seem to be afraid of a Romney administration. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
yes were are, unemployment is 4.7 statewide, OKC I think is 4% and yes the reddest state in the nation will go for Romney

GOP governor, lt governor, majority in House and Senate are GOP, anybody listening?
We already spend $700 billion a year in defense, China spends $140 billion, Russia spends $72 billion, the UK spends $63 billion, and the conservatives don't have a problem spending all that money. If we have to spend so much money to defend ourselves, we're probably not doing something right. Must be like the Department of Education, more money doesn't mean more quality. But it's OK, keep supporting the spending, I'm sure when your kids are hungry because the country is bankrupt those bullets will be very tasty.
yes were are, unemployment is 4.7 statewide, OKC I think is 4% and yes the reddest state in the nation will go for Romney

GOP governor, lt governor, majority in House and Senate are GOP, anybody listening? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I hear you cpt. Your state kicks ass...fucktherestem...
BigLouie's Avatar
Question : how much should we cut defends, and what percentage of the cuts would you pay down debt vs domestic spending?

We already spend $700 billion a year in defense, China spends $140 billion, Russia spends $72 billion, the UK spends $63 billion, and the conservatives don't have a problem spending all that money. If we have to spend so much money to defend ourselves, we're probably not doing something right. Must be like the Department of Education, more money doesn't mean more quality. But it's OK, keep supporting the spending, I'm sure when your kids are hungry because the country is bankrupt those bullets will be very tasty. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
They look at him and say "SUCKER"

Obama makes astonishing claims in this speech to the VFW in Reno.....he is truly out of touch with reality....

"Because we're leading around the world, people have a new attitude toward America. There’s more confidence in our leadership. We see it everywhere we go," President Obama said at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno.

"Four years ago, I stood before you at a time of great challenge for our nation. We were engaged in two wars. Al Qaeda was entrenched in their safe havens in Pakistan. Many of our alliances were frayed. Our standing in the world had suffered. We were in the worst recession of our lifetimes. Around the world, some questioned whether the United States still had the capacity to lead," Obama said earlier in his speech.

"So, four years ago, I made you a promise. I pledged to take the fight to our enemies, and renew our leadership in the world. As President, that’s what I’ve done. And as you reflect on recent years, as we look ahead to the challenges we face as a nation and the leadership that’s required, you don’t just have my words, you have my deeds. You have my track record. You have the promises I’ve made and the promises that I’ve kept," he said.


And what do veteran's overwhelmingly think ???

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/publ...ey_59_obama_35 Originally Posted by Whirlaway