George Orwell - A Final Warning

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The statement at the very end of the video is unnerving. Fascinating. Only 2 minutes.

Heck we are already there you see that every day on this board....
joe bloe's Avatar
The Dimos should replace the donkey with the boot, as their party symbol, the one that stamps on the human face.

The left believes they can create a utopia, but that requires that the government be able to control essentially all human behavior. The most effective way to control behavior is to control what we think. That's probably the most insidious thing about the left, they want to invade our thought processes and actually change who we are, at the core level.

There's a scene in "1984" where the John Hurt character is tortured by using his fear of rats. After enduring prolonged torture, he finally breaks. He tells his torturer that he will comply; he will do whatever they want. He is then told his compliance alone is not sufficient. He has to comply because he sincerely believes, in his heart, that the government is right. That's the final victory that tyrants always desire, to not just get our reluctant compliance, but to get us to comply because we share their beliefs. Until the government gets that final level of control, they haven't finished their task.

The most evil element of tryanny is it's willingness to destroy the human spirit.
The Dimos should replace the donkey with the boot, as their party symbol, the one that stamps on the human face.

The left believes they can create a utopia, but that requires that the government be able to control essentially all human behavior. The most effective way to control behavior is to control what we think. That's probably the most insidious thing about the left, they want to invade our thought processes and actually change who we are, at the core level.

There's a scene in "1984" where the John Hurt character is tortured by using his fear of rats. After enduring prolonged torture, he finally breaks. He tells his torturer that he will comply; he will do whatever they want. He is then told his compliance alone is not sufficient. He has to comply because he sincerely believes, in his heart, that the government is right. That's the final victory that tyrants always desire, to not just get our reluctant compliance, but to get us to comply because we share their beliefs. Until the government gets that final level of control, they haven't finished their task.

The most evil element of tryanny is it's willingness to destroy the human spirit. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Goddammit! Who fucking told "joe blows dick" about our plans? Wtf! We've been working on this since Roosevelt . Now we have to scrap the whole project because someone told this jerk off about it and now all of his other "smart"
friends know what we're up to. Sonofabitch, do you realize the scope of what YOU and you alone have uncovered?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. You're right, UB. The Democrats' plan is common knowledge. And obvious by their policies and spokespeople. Joe didn't uncover anything new, he just reiterated what we already know.

Unfortunately, it doesn't differ much from the Republican plan.
The Dimos should replace the donkey with the boot, as their party symbol, the one that stamps on the human face.

The left believes they can create a utopia, but that requires that the government be able to control essentially all human behavior. The most effective way to control behavior is to control what we think. That's probably the most insidious thing about the left, they want to invade our thought processes and actually change who we are, at the core level.

There's a scene in "1984" where the John Hurt character is tortured by using his fear of rats. After enduring prolonged torture, he finally breaks. He tells his torturer that he will comply; he will do whatever they want. He is then told his compliance alone is not sufficient. He has to comply because he sincerely believes, in his heart, that the government is right. That's the final victory that tyrants always desire, to not just get our reluctant compliance, but to get us to comply because we share their beliefs. Until the government gets that final level of control, they haven't finished their task.

The most evil element of tryanny is it's willingness to destroy the human spirit. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Heard the RNC was replacing the elephant with a parrot...
joe bloe's Avatar
Goddammit! Who fucking told "joe blows dick" about our plans? Wtf! We've been working on this since Roosevelt . Now we have to scrap the whole project because someone told this jerk off about it and now all of his other "smart"
friends know what we're up to. Sonofabitch, do you realize the scope of what YOU and you alone have uncovered? Originally Posted by UB9IB6

You really should learn the history of your political views. You guys started working on advancing socialism and destroying freedom way before FDR. The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848. The Blosheviks took over Russia in 1917. The birth of socialism is probably The French Revolution in 1789.


The history of socialism has its origins in the French Revolution of 1789 and the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution, although it has precedents in earlier movements and ideas. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in 1848 just before the Revolutions of 1848 swept Europe, expressing what they termed 'scientific socialism'. In the last third of the 19th century in Europe social democratic parties arose in Europe drawing mainly from Marxism. The Australian Labor Party was the world's first elected socialist party when the party won the 1899 Queensland state election.[1]
rodog44's Avatar
Goddammit! Who fucking told "joe blows dick" about our plans? Wtf! We've been working on this since Roosevelt . Now we have to scrap the whole project because someone told this jerk off about it and now all of his other "smart"
friends know what we're up to. Sonofabitch, do you realize the scope of what YOU and you alone have uncovered? Originally Posted by UB9IB6
joe bloe's Avatar
His old avatar was more appropriate. It was a turd.