The cat is out of the bag....

Miss O has a showcase again....more to come.
Thanks for everyone's support in protecting my wishes, I really appreciate all of you!!!
-------------Ok almost all of you!!! :t hrob:
Nice show case although I think you have a false illusion of your privacy. No offense.
Pics look great
My body---my rules THANKS!!! >>>
And seriously dude--WHY are most of your posts attacking me? You are such a weirdo! LOL wow
Bigh1955's Avatar
Are they really DDD? OMG!
Hey...I wouldn't mind attacking you...but it'd be in a nice way. LOL
TRex1176's Avatar
Wow! Showcase looks amazing!
And seriously dude--WHY are most of your posts attacking me? You are such a weirdo! LOL wow Originally Posted by Miss Omaha O
Come on now {Staff edit- real world info}.
Seriously I have asked you to stop stalking my online posts. Putting my RL info on this board is unsafe and inappropriate. PLEASE leave me alone I have NEVER seen you and don't apprecaiate your unsolicated opinions!!!
GH 2562:

It's not Miss O who should "come on now" - it is YOU. Back in September ( you did the same thing - inserted a name, saw it get removed by a mod and then apologized for it. Now you do it again????

Miss O is a totally classy, stunningly beautiful, highly refined, and, um, "pleasure oriented" provider who deserves better than this.

This board can be a useful, informative, enjoyable community - as long as this is not disrupted by reckless behavior of a few. There are a lot or reckless behaviors, but few as toxic as "outing". Purporting to know (or pretending to know) the provider'ss real name and using it in a post has no constructive purpose at all and is a big step toward outting which always is contrary to the purpose of the board.

I can't figure out why you would do it???? Your post "Oh, come on now, ****" has no product of rationale thought nor any content or purpose other than to expose a name. Was there some sick thrill that happened when you hit the enter key????

And you do this while all the time hiding behind your own anonymity. Please edit your post and apologize to the provider and to anyone who has the name you used that may be harmed by this recklessless. And then don't do it again.
Redwolf's Avatar
I am glad to see that MA or whoever was quick to edit the info. I am sure that I was not the only one to RTM.
Gohuskers2562 you just steer clear of miss O. I only ask once