Stupid Lt Governor

Needless to say, apparently we all know now that Nebraska's former Lt Governor doesn't read this forum.

What a dumbfuck!
What a dumbfuck! Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
I agree. It is bad enough if you use a personal cell phone, but a state issued phone is available for anyone to get records for.
12blue4u's Avatar
Well there goes the family values. LOL
see none of that wouldve happened if he just had a damn hobby phone LMAO.
But cmon.... he SHOULDVE known better.
I've worked with the guy on a few issues and I never realized he was a skirt chaser. If I woild have known, could have introduced him to some of my friends, lol.
mbinlincoln's Avatar

Late Saturday afternoon, former Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Rick Sheehy announced that the reason he resigned from his position was to accept a lucrative new position as the spokesperson for Tracfone.

F.J. Pollack, C.E.O. of Tracfone announced in a release that "there are times when you need to be anonymous when using a cell phone and we think Rick Sheehy is just the guy to promote that message."

In his own release, Sheehy stated that "I think I have a story and a message to share with not only the young people, but people of all ages. If you are using a cell phone and you don't want it traced back to you, then Tracfone is the phone for you. For just $9.99 you can be as anonymous as a Lieutenant Governor usually is."

See what happens when you don't use your brain to think with instead of your dick? lol
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
He got his brains caught in his zipper!

See what happens when you don't use your brain to think with instead of your dick? lol Originally Posted by MsElena
12blue4u's Avatar
Yeah Nash would have been an interesting eve at the WH. Fricking niners

Late Saturday afternoon, former Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Rick Sheehy announced that the reason he resigned from his position was to accept a lucrative new position as the spokesperson for Tracfone.

F.J. Pollack, C.E.O. of Tracfone announced in a release that "there are times when you need to be anonymous when using a cell phone and we think Rick Sheehy is just the guy to promote that message."

In his own release, Sheehy stated that "I think I have a story and a message to share with not only the young people, but people of all ages. If you are using a cell phone and you don't want it traced back to you, then Tracfone is the phone for you. For just $9.99 you can be as anonymous as a Lieutenant Governor usually is."

Originally Posted by mbinlincoln
LMAO i totally had to google that to make sure you were just messing around but that is HILARIOUS LMAO good one
mbinlincoln's Avatar
LMAO i totally had to google that to make sure you were just messing around but that is HILARIOUS LMAO good one Originally Posted by Kay2Day
Honey, I always make the ladies laugh. However, there may be other reasons for that though...