brandy review 1-2013

shel0419's Avatar
no1hcm wrote a review on me dated 1-2013. Medical conditions are not to be discussed. MA. no1hcm review is prejustice. and u nfair . i watch for this client . he is very judgemental and a biggot. brandy
shel0419's Avatar
Medical conditions are not to be discussed. MA.
Medical conditions are not to be discussed. MA. Originally Posted by shel0419
Having never met you, I have mixed feelings about you as a result of this post

On the one hand, it must take a lot of courage to be an ASP with.

On the other hand, I can see the potential for a lot of problems. Medical conditions are not to be discussed. MA.

The review seemed fair enough, bMedical conditions are not to be discussed. MA..

I know the money is good, but I would personally suggest another line of work. If you decide to keep at it, though, you may need to change your game one of two ways.Medical conditions are not to be discussed. MA. There are some crude jokes about your situation that....if done with grace & humor...could help educate your clients and put them more at ease.

I wish you luck
Being Judgemental was the last thing on my mind. I will not defend my review. I stand by it. I will not address this again regardless of your response. Good day madam!
Erwin M Fletcher's Avatar
Id be more interested in the how or why this lady has premium access!
profile says Male????? I would call it a paid account so someone can see the ROS areas.
I don't know what the review says, but I've never had a problem with no1hcm. He's always been good to me.

And the men's locker room/ROS obviously isn't as private as some of you think. Too many white knights wanting to defend their fair lady and of course there always a lady who can't stand not knowing what's in there.
shel0419's Avatar
Medical conditions are not to be discussed. MA. you have no right to judge. u r offensive. what if your had a chronic illness since birth. u also are judgemental.
shel0419's Avatar
your a biggot
shel0419's Avatar
there is no comments in other reviews he is a bigggot
shel0419's Avatar
he is an ass and a biggot
shel0419's Avatar
i paid for it
shel0419's Avatar
have him be born with a chronic illnesss and see what then plus he has given one good review and one no
shel0419's Avatar
it can out of a prescribtion bottle and was 1
shel0419's Avatar
Medical conditions are not to be discussed. MA.