Texas Abbott balks at question on interracial marriage.

I just found this story on MSNBC's website:

Texas Abbott balks at question on interracial marriage.

The guy should just use his brain and say, that I would fight a ban, or I would quit my job as the AG if my state was so discriminatory.

Texas can do better than Greg. VOTE DAVIS!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
VOTE DAVIS!!! Originally Posted by marathonrunner
Yeah... Good luck with that shit.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's a hypocrite of epic proportions.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I just found this story on MSNBC's website:

Texas Abbott balks at question on interracial marriage.

The guy should just use his brain and say, that I would fight a ban, or I would quit my job as the AG if my state was so discriminatory.

Texas can do better than Greg. VOTE DAVIS!!! Originally Posted by marathonrunner
You guys are pretty desperate, trying to make some points on this bullshit question. He basically told them to take their question and shove it up their ass, but he did so politely.
This is the Democrats Willie Horton type dog whistle question - they are saying to all the minorities out there that they need to vote against the white man, because white men are bad. (I agree, in the case of white guys who are liberals, that they definitely suck, but that isn't at issue anymore than interracial marriage.
Besides, George Jefferson (aka Sherman Hemsley) also opposes interracial marriage!

So he says that as Attorney General, he is bound by his oath to defend and uphold the the Laws of the State.

As apposed to President Obama who simply ignores existing laws.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Number one your source is MSNBC and number two, you're getting bent out of shape that the AG would have upheld the law that was on the books from the 50s.

I'm surprised that MSNBC didn't ask Abbott about slavery, Jim Crow, or the legal killing of Apache in Texas.
God forbid that Abbott would come out and say something like "That law is wrong and outdated and I wouldn't defend it or enforce it."

Pretty amazing that some of the knuckledraggers here still want to defend a law prohibiting a white man from marrying a black woman. Whackos.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sometimes they want him to defend the laws. Other times they want him to make them.

However, there's no covering up the candidate's abject hypocrisy and insincerity.

Squeal all you want RWWtards -- "Steals on Wheels" just ain't the man you think he is.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
God forbid that Abbott would come out and say something like "That law is wrong and outdated and I wouldn't defend it or enforce it." (The question is ridiculous, a trap, and he knows it. He would look small answering that question, and he would look defensive and slightly guilty about being white - so fuck you, faggot)

Pretty amazing that some of the knuckledraggers here still want to defend a law prohibiting a white man from marrying a black woman. Whackos. Originally Posted by timpage
See, you are doing just what the dog whistle advertisement does. You are reminding minorities that for the next 500 years, you've got to vote your racial minority interest because otherwise the bad old white man, who claims he is dying out and irrelevant just to trick you, is really just one or two laws away from regaining all his power and crushing you back to subservience.
They didn't even ask Abbott about enforcing the law today, nor did anyone publicly say it is a good idea. You fuckers use the very question to legitimize your racially based anti-white agenda, all the while maintaining the righteous upper hand and moralizing about what bad people white people are, when you are the ones projecting the stereotype.
How does it feel to have your much idolized Wendy Davis be such a disappointment?

She can't run a campaign, how the fuck could she govern Texas?
See, you are doing just what the dog whistle advertisement does. You are reminding minorities that for the next 500 years, you've got to vote your racial minority interest because otherwise the bad old white man, who claims he is dying out and irrelevant just to trick you, is really just one or two laws away from regaining all his power and crushing you back to subservience.
They didn't even ask Abbott about enforcing the law today, nor did anyone publicly say it is a good idea. You fuckers use the very question to legitimize your racially based anti-white agenda, all the while maintaining the righteous upper hand and moralizing about what bad people white people are, when you are the ones projecting the stereotype. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No, actually, I am stating the obvious. It's a silly, outdated law that shouldn't be enforced or defended and Greg Abbott should have said so and moved on from it. I realize it is a foreign concept to you but: IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, actually, I am stating the obvious. It's a silly, outdated law that shouldn't be enforced or defended and Greg Abbott should have said so and moved on from it. I realize it is a foreign concept to you but: IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Originally Posted by timpage
You obviously do not understand that it was a loaded and silly question because the outdated law is no longer being enforced, Little Timmy-tard. And here's an example of a loaded question, Little Timmy-tard: do you still jack-off in front of your sister? Yes or no?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No, actually, I am stating the obvious. It's a silly, outdated law that shouldn't be enforced or defended and Greg Abbott should have said so and moved on from it. I realize it is a foreign concept to you but: IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Originally Posted by timpage
You are just an obfuscating jackass example of why people don't get along.
Don't give me this shit about it being the "right thing to do"...
The right thing to do would be if your fellow brothers supported their baby mama's and their kids.......
How does it feel to have your much idolized Wendy Davis be such a disappointment?

She can't run a campaign, how the fuck could she govern Texas? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How the does it feel to not be able to respond to the topic that we are discussing and instead trying to change the subject to something else?
You are just an obfuscating jackass example of why people don't get along.
Don't give me this shit about it being the "right thing to do"...
The right thing to do would be if your fellow brothers supported their baby mama's and their kids....... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Were the laws in Nazi Germany prohibiting marriage between jews and Aryans something you think you could've gotten behind and supported? If those laws were still on the books and a german politician was asked if he would enforce or defend those laws and he refused to answer that question, would you conclude he was an anti-Semite?

What's the difference?