A New Low...WTF!

Firehawk's Avatar
Folks, teach your kids right from wrong. If you rely on these maggots posing as teachers to do it, we're done as a society and nation...

DDarkness's Avatar

How RIGHT You are! But ultimately this one falls on the teacher but more importantly where was the Chair of the English Department who reviews lessons, but where the hell was the principal who SUPERVISES all school staff!

FUCK ME! What a messed up situation to subject students/families/the community to!

offshoredrilling's Avatar
what was she thinkin
I was trying to think of a scenario where that would be ok... Nope can't think of one. That teacher could very well be
I find this thread very interesting. It amazes me that this teacher doesnt know the truth about the holocaust. Well actually a lot of people do not know why Hitler did what he did. They assume he just didnt like jewish people but it was more to it. I am 100% german and my great grandfather served as an anti-nazi to protect everyone that hitler had a target on. My family had told me the reason hitler went crazy but for this teacher to have these kids write about a lie just baffles me. Some teachers just shouldnt be teachers.
I know that some teachers want kids to play devils advocate and think on their own two feet but this is taking it a bit too far.
I find this thread very interesting. It amazes me that this teacher doesnt know the truth about the holocaust. Well actually a lot of people do not know why Hitler did what he did. They assume he just didnt like jewish people but it was more to it. I am 100% german and my great grandfather served as an anti-nazi to protect everyone that hitler had a target on. My family had told me the reason hitler went crazy but for this teacher to have these kids write about a lie just baffles me. Some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. Originally Posted by Sweet Destiny
My grandfather lost his entire family during the holocaust. He was the only family member at age 19 , to come to America before Hitler began his march through Europe. All his brothers, sisters, parents, aunts , uncles, and cousins did not want to leave their homeland and did not think Hitler would kill the Jewish people.ALL of them died in concentration camps.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I know a guy that escaped a camp. And a guy that was a message carrier in the German Army that drove a Harley Davidson to do that job. Both have told me very sad stories of the war.

Its surprising how many things Germany bought here for there military before US stopped exporting to Germany. Ford, Lockheed, GM, Standard Oil etc. That would have been a better topic.
My grandfather lost his entire family during the holocaust. He was the only family member at age 19 , to come to America before Hitler began his march through Europe. All his brothers, sisters, parents, aunts , uncles, and cousins did not want to leave their homeland and did not think Hitler would kill the Jewish people.ALL of them died in concentration camps. Originally Posted by RODOSH
My great grandmother told me the same thing when I was young. My great grandparents used to hide people in their basement to protect them. And a lot of people didnt think hitler would kill jewish since he was half jewish himself but his mentality was so screwed up he didnt know what right from wrong was. They should have just killed him from the start.
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