Melania will unravel Trump Presidency

Melania's refusal to be part of the Whitehouse culture by not moving there will make Trump focus less on the job because it seems that Trump needs to have his family around to be comfortable and confident enough to lead.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Melania's refusal to be part of the Whitehouse culture by not moving there will make Trump focus less on the job because it seems that Trump needs to have his family around to be comfortable and confident enough to lead. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

The only ones that are "unraveling" because of Melania are spiteful and whining lib-retards like you, Wolfie.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We'll leave this one out here, there may be some traction who knows.
LexusLover's Avatar seems that Trump needs to have his family around to be comfortable and confident enough to lead..... Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
No wonder you voted for HillaryNoMore.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bess Truman never lived in the White House. I guess it's a democrat thing. Blomberg never lived in Gracie Mansion either. Of course, the Clintons had no choice, they didn't own a house anywhere (they were poor).

By the way, Wolfpuke has descended so fast and so low that I'm not waiting for Christmas to put him on ignore. B bye
LexusLover's Avatar
I was wondering why she would want to lower her living standards.

Besides have all the Clinton cum stains been cleaned up?
BigLouie's Avatar
Remember how everyone complained about how much the Obama vacations cost. Her staying in NYC with her son is going to cost an extreme amount, probably about $200 million a year.
LexusLover's Avatar
Remember how everyone complained about how much the Obama vacations cost. Her staying in NYC with her son is going to cost an extreme amount, probably about $200 million a year. Originally Posted by BigLouie
That's all? How much of that are you gonna pay?

Oh, I never complained about how much Obama's "vacations costs" ....

.... I thought they were ill-timed in most instances.

But when he can't do anything he might as well have fun at it!!!!

Right, Big Boy?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
She is only going to stay there until the end of the school year so as to not disrupt his educational process.
I applaud the both for making a decision that takes their son into account.

Obama was so happy to get his family out of Chicago he could not wait to move them to DC and place them in the most exclusive private school. You know, it is part of white privilege. Same as he had in Hawaii.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Don't you just love it when the left speculates on what a Trump Presidency will be like? So entertaining.

Just proves what I've known all along. They don't know jack shit. Never have.
That's all? How much of that are you gonna pay?

Oh, I never complained about how much Obama's "vacations costs" ....

.... I thought they were ill-timed in most instances.

But when he can't do anything he might as well have fun at it!!!!

Right, Big Boy? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Will all the people interviewing at Trumps golf course get a free membership if they are hired? Or will they have to pay themselves.
Don't you just love it when the left speculates on what a Trump Presidency will be like? So entertaining.

Just proves what I've known all along. They don't know jack shit. Never have. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

I am sure you do know.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Lets ,make Pence the pres lol

Liberals will be coming out with all kinds of made up shit like Conservatives did with Obama.
bambino's Avatar
Will all the people interviewing at Trumps golf course get a free membership if they are hired? Or will they have to pay themselves. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Maybe Trump will give Obama a free membership. Why would it matter Retarded Lenny?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Remember how everyone complained about how much the Obama vacations cost. Her staying in NYC with her son is going to cost an extreme amount, probably about $200 million a year. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Louie, you are an idiot. you pulled that $200m a year figure out yer ass. how do i know? because that loafing lame duck Obama, with all his personal running around, has only cost $70.5M since 2009 when he took office. this is personal travel fyi.

so .. is hyperinflation kicking in and we just don't know it yet? NOT

btw, did we mention that Trump owns a jet? he does. and minus the military gear it's as nice as Air Force 1. some might say nicer .. you know how the Donald likes gold yeah?

so what would you say if he takes his own jet every weekend back to NYC? hmm??

are ya gonna say he can't? bahahaaaa

which do you think is cheaper for the tax dollar you twit? Air Force 1 fully staffed or a F-16?

who says Trump can't board his own private jet, fly to NYC on weekends and he pays for it. we pay the fighter jock, Maverick to escort him bahahaha

besides .. do we hear you decrying Obama's lavish spending as President? nope, u mope

even if it did cost an extra 200M a year, it's a drop in the bucket you retard

By Daily Mail Reporter
Published: 01:26 EST, 29 September 2012 | Updated: 01:26 EST, 29 September 2012
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Politicians looking for savings to deal with the national debt crisis should

perhaps start by abolishing the President.

Barack Obama and his family cost the taxpayer $1.4billion per year, according to a recently published book.

By contrast, the British Royal Family costs less than $60million each year.

Pricey: Taking care of Barack Obama and his family costs the public over $1billion per year, according to a book on the cost of the presidency

Two of the principal costs of the the Obama presidency - and any other presidency - are staffing and security, according to Robert Keith Gray's book Presidential Perks Gone Royal.

When it comes to keeping the First Family safe, few would dispute that it is worth paying a high price to keep the President safe from harm.


This means paying for hundreds of Secret Service agents, travel in the secure space of Air Force and funding a team of doctors to follow Mr Obama around.

But even this essential expense can be exploited to political ends, according to Mr Gray, a former staffer for Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

Air Force One: The presidential jet is one massive White House expense

When the President travels around the country on campaign, he is obliged to take Air Force One.

His party reimburses the taxpayer with the cost of a first-class air ticket per passenger - but this is far from the full cost to taxpayers.

It also provides a President running for re-election with a national transport network which is unavailable to his challenger.

Moreover, much of the money spent on Mr Obama's family goes to perks such as entertainment and household expenses.

For example, the White House contains a movie theatre which is manned by projectionists 24 hours a day in case one of the family feels like a trip to the cinema.

And even the Obamas' dog Bo costs the taxpayer thousands of dollars - his handler is reportedly paid over $100,000 a year.

Another huge presidential outgoing, according to Mr Gray, comes in the form of staff members who can be appointed by the commander-in-chief at his own personal discretion.

226 members of Mr Obama's staff are apparently paid over $100,000 - and the President can increase their salaries at any time.

Read more:

Judicial Watch: Secret Service Expenses for Obama’s 2013 Hawaii Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $316,698.03, Taxpayers Paid Over $8 Million for 17-Day Vacation

your libtard punk ass wasn't saying shit while Obama went everywhere he could on the tax grift. now you're gonna raise a stink????

fuck you