Who really are the MAGA people?? Nicole Shanahan Robert Kennedy's pick for his VP shows us in this short video!!


"Across the Atlantic, in the North American country of the United States, lies a fascinating and often misunderstood collective. From its Northeastern cities to its Midwestern towns to its expansive West, this courageous group of individuals are most notably known for their unwavering patriotism. Join us as we explore the fascinating world...of 'The MAGA People.'

"As we embarked on our journey, we were judicious in taking all necessary precautions — our media had warned us that these were a vicious, radical, and even deplorable people. Contrary to what we had been told, we found the MAGA people to be warm, loving, and even rather cheeky at times.

"As we spent time with the MAGA people, we learned that their mantra, 'Make America Great Again,' is an optimistic belief that the United States will once again prosper by returning to its founding principles of a government by and for the People. Under these beliefs, the MAGA people strive to protect America's Constitution, freedom of its citizens, health of its people, and a yearning to restore the American Dream that existed not so long ago."

The narrator goes on to note the "MAGA People's" love of family, concern for preserving borders, advocacy for ending war, adding that they come "from all walks of life." He then adds that they've recently joined forces with the "MAHA People," with the aim of making America healthy again. He wraps by noting all they've learned from the "MAGA People," hoping for a similar movement to emerge for those of his native land.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where did you get that, who is Nicole Shanahan and why is she relevant?
Does the truth set you off?? The truth is always relevant no matter who it comes from.
The women is a dyed in the wool leftwinger...at least she tells the truth...can't say that of the leftwing media.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What truth is that? You didn't even cite the source of that quote. How do you know this person is telling the truth. I guaranfuckintee you if she'd spoken out against the MAGA cult, you'd have called her a liar.

Again, you're worried about the media because you think it's their fault MAGA is a cult and the most shameful chapter in this country's history since the Civil War.

Look within, son!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Upon further inspection. It’s nothing more than a touchy feely appeal to people who are still coming to grips with trying to be Republican when your leader incites an insurrection.

Well done film. But utter bullshit.

We know who the “MAGA people” are and how they act. And it isn’t in that 1950s sitcom video.

Oh, and she only retweeted that. She didn’t show us anything.