Should you STFU in a public place when talking about ECCIE?

sixxbach's Avatar
I missed the opportunity to comment before the thread was closed. I have talked about ECCIE in public but I do my damndest to not have anyone close by. Like dirk said, you NEVER know who is behind, around, or next to you.

I think you shouldn't broadcast it , but know its probably far from secret , or I wouldn't have heard about it !
I missed the opportunity to comment before the thread was closed. I have talked about ECCIE in public but I do my damndest to not have anyone close by. Like dirk said, you NEVER know who is behind, around, or next to you.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Your pole should specify civie environment or not. Without differentiating between the two the poll is meaningless. Only an idiot would be indiscreet in a public restaurant.

OK so what would you say is the worst case scenario of discussing ECCIE in a strip club which I believe was the specific situation discussed in the previous thread? If not then I rescind my posts in that thread.

You sure as hell won't get arrested or even harassed for just talking about ECCIE and anyone to be concerned about in your civie life isn't likely be hanging out behind you at a strip club.

If they are then they have their own skeletons to be concerned about.

I'm not suggesting being loud, obnoxious or indiscreet EVER in life because unnecessary info is power which can be used against you (Art of war) but what exactly seems to be the major concern here?

Didn't you get booted out of a strip club awhile back because of indiscreet public BCD activities with an ECCIE provider while hanging out with an extremely obvious ECCIE gang of guys and girls?

Merely discussing ECCIE in a club is pretty harmless compared to that I would think. I am pretty surprised you started this thread unless you are referring specifically to civie life.

If that's the case then obviously complete discretion is essential but who here doesn't know that?
Harro69's Avatar
I saw a funny comment joke last month that said "First rule about fuck club is: You don't talk about fuck club".
I wouldn't discuss eccie with a stripper, not because of any concern other then she might get a serious case of GPS.
texasfeet's Avatar
opsec/comsec is a must..
txtorn8do's Avatar
The Chicken Ranch in LaGrange operated just fine for about 70 years. It only takes one crusading do-gooder to fuck up a good thing. The less that's known, the better.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
The Chicken Ranch in LaGrange operated just fine for about 70 years. It only takes one crusading do-gooder to fuck up a good thing. The less that's known, the better. Originally Posted by txtorn8do
Damn Marvin Zindler. I loved that place. I hope the sumbitch never got a whiff of fine pussy after he pulled that shit.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
The 1st Amendment is a wonderful thing, but just like the government it's best to keep certain things out of the public's eye - or ear in this case.
Maybe I'm missing something but I think we All agree that one should avoid drawing attn. to ECCIE in general public. This is basic common sense. Does this really require suggesting or a poll?

The original thread that inspired this one refers specifically to strip club private conversation.

Are there really do gooders and religious extremists hanging around strip clubs for the purpose of listening in on monger chat when all they have to do is Google search escort sites?

No effort, research or investigation skills are required. ECCIE will pop right up front and center along with every other hooker site. I'm sure some of them are reading this thread.

The point is ECCIE is already out there and public for anyone who has an agenda to stir things up in the hobby community. It's as public and easy to find as Domino's Pizza delivery.

What could possibly be said in private conversation in a strip club that isn't already more than obvious and public online?

I'm not suggesting walking around titty bars trying to start up conversations about ECCIE but everyone's acting like ECCIE is still a little known entity in the hobby world.

Maybe when it first started but certainly not anymore. I didn't find out about ECCIE through some private invite. I simply hit the search button when I was ready to resume hobbying after ASPD. This was two years ago.
Sixx sorry I had mods lock my thread before you got a chance to respond, I started the thread as more of a public service announcement, Cody you keep referring to the club as a private place , that place is accessible to anyone over 21 , hell there is not even a cover charge until 5 during the day, and as far as a private conversation goes, it is not very private if I could over hear the whole damn conversation 2 chairs over to the point that I could tell you what the guy did for a living , who he worked for and that his wife loves anal, I really give 2 shits about all that but when ECCIE is brought out in a non discretion way I think something should be said, guys are getting sloppy with it and it could affect all of us, this has been a close nit community and fellow members appreciated the sharing of information , good or bad, im not so sure now, im not here to police eccie , I posted that as a concern for all of us. I agree with you Cody, private conversations in a strip club or anywhere else as far as that goes should be kept private, have all the conversations you want but be discrete about it and keep it at a level so that not just anyone could hear.
nuglet's Avatar
well, that's certainly true if you have secrets. personally, I don't give a shit who knows what I do, with who, where, or how much I paid. It's MY life, if they don't like it, either say something for move the fuck away from me. I don't live my life to please anyone but me. I remember a Catholic Womans school admin that used to come to our sex parties... pfft
Whispers's Avatar
I've never actually heard the word "ECCIE" out of anyone's mouth in a strip club other than once when a dancer inquired about it.... I hear conversations about P4P all the time.... at my table and from tables nearby at times..... but never anything that could bring attention to the site... Just to those discussing the topics....

SO I doubt it is one of the normal group of guys but there are a lot of guys that read the boards or post and never associate with others so who knows who might be doing what....

I do agree that discretion is called for in most settings.....

But a titty bar?.... Come on now... There is not a club in town where this could have happened that someone like Homer might not be in a corner booth getting blown for $20 a song or Odikar taking a picture of a girl with a vibrator up her ass in a another booth and sending it to me.... as I am walking out of another club with a young lady heading for a No-tell.

The only thing that bothers me is the potential for the girls nearby to go look it up.... Some know... most that know don't care or wish they hadn't found out....Rarely do any of them find the site and get upset...
nuglet's Avatar
YEAH,,,, What Whispers said,, RIGHT THERE!!! If you're in a titty bar, and activities or language bothers you... well, ya know where you can go with that complaint..
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 08-15-2012, 02:44 PM
It bothers me because I want dancers to think I am wide eyed and pure and would NEVER suggest what I am suggesting except well, they're just so gosh darned charming, as opposed to "guy who posts entirely too much about adult entertainers and sex workers".