Where are all the would be Lindsey Grahams?

Trying to spin your presidential pretender's latest fuckkk up?
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Trying to spin your presidential pretender's latest fuckkk up? Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Isn’t it bad enough that we’ve got to endure just ONE Lindsay Graham? You talk about a turncoat who used to criticize Trump, but now he can’t wait to suck up to Don the Con and kiss his butt.
What made him change his mind?
Dev Null's Avatar
He says it's because he decided to work with the new powers that be on behalf of his constituency.

Which can only mean one thing: another pee tape.
winn dixie's Avatar
Cant wait For Senator Graham and the patriots in the Senate to end this impeachment farce and then go after the criminal biden la familia!
Dev Null's Avatar
Some patriot. He clearly places partisan self-interest above the nation and the Constitution.

He voted to impeach a president for lying about a blow-job, but now he's against impeaching a president who engaged with a foreign government to interfere in a U.S. election.

And he was in favor of closed-door impeachment hearings for Clinton, but against them for Trump. Wouldn't a man of principle adhere to the same standard regardless of whether it's someone in his own party?

But he voted for two of Obama's Supreme Court nominees, even said they were wise choices. So I guess he has his moments of clarity.

Too bad he's so inconsistent in applying basic principles of fairness and justice and in standing up for the integrity of the Constitution.
winn dixie's Avatar
Dont speak of partisan politics to me.
Voting records will show libs usually vote straight down partisan lines. Republicans arent even close!

And slick willie lied about the bj. Then said he didnt know a bj was sex. He put the national security at risk for a bj. All Trump has done is try to investigate the criminal biden la familia. The libs have done everything to obstruct this because they know that he was the only candidate that could compete with Trump!

Too bad. Touchy feely joe aint winning sheet now..
mahahahammmahahahahahaaahhhaha hamaamahahamahamaaaa
Dev Null's Avatar
Trump didn't require an actual investigation. He just wanted it announced by the president of Ukraine to hurt Biden's standing. There is zero evidence that Joe Biden did anything criminal, and plenty of evidence that Trump did.

And state department officials testified that Trump put national security at risk by compromising the defenses of a friendly nation in a hot war with an unfriendly nation in defiance of Congress providing military aid to Ukraine. The blow job did nothing to compromise security.

But I guess you can't expect the radical right to see the difference since they are so blinded by partisan politics.
