The beautiful sights and sounds of sex.

burkalini's Avatar
Hey if we took the pleasure out of it, all we have is the way it looks and sounds.

Love that little ball of snot coming out of your nose.

That large vein in your neck is very appealing.

I didn't know a pussy could sound like a tugboat foghorn.

Are you happy or should I call 911. I can't tell by the look on your face.

If grunting is a form of communication then we are truly bilingual.

I know you came but fifty four birds just fell out of the sky.

Is it supposed to smell like that?

Ooh baby. You are tearing me up. No! I'm not on Ebay.

Thanks for the donation. Then she hands me a fifty page rule book on what's not allowed.

I guess it's your real pics if you lost 100 pounds, were 10 years younger, grew 4 inches and removed the ten tattoos you have on your body.

You are the ugliest man I have ever seen. Wanna fuck?

Why does your asshole keep winking at me

Any others?