Let's welcome JCM800 to the Nebraska Staff

CryptKicker's Avatar
He has been doing yeoman duty in KC and Missouri and you have probably noticed he has been helping here in Nebraska for the last couple of months. I'm sure you folks will enjoy his presence here.

Welcome aboard sir!
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-21-2014, 02:13 PM
Welcome, jcm! Hope our sleepy Nebraska forums provide 3 mods enough work
Welcome, officially, to the official side of the Big Show.
Nebraska and Kansas City boards seem to garner plenty of action and activity. Hope there aren't too many speed bumps on this ride for ya!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Welcome to Nebraska.
Welcome! Just watch mutualpleasur2's reviews very carefully. The man is an animal, and his stamina is the stuff legends are made of.
JCM800's Avatar
Thanks everyone ....I'm glad to help out.

Welcome! Just watch mutualpleasur2's reviews very carefully. The man is an animal, and his stamina is the stuff legends are made of. Originally Posted by Smooth Sailing
I'll watch for that, lol