Lovemaking on a Tantra Chair?

Browneagle's Avatar
Has anyone here had any experience with The Tantra Chair? Apparently it is a piece of furniture designed to enhance the advanced sexual positions of the Kama Sutra. I wonder if it is worth the investment?
burkalini's Avatar
I looked at the ad. It does look fun. I am 6'7" and the specs make it to small for me. But 1299.00 thats alot of lettuce
I looked at the ad. It does look fun. I am 6'7" and the specs make it to small for me. But 1299.00 thats alot of lettuce Originally Posted by burkalini
Think how much time you could spend with an HDH for that amount (or a little more?).
The postions where this piece of furniture is better than a chair or ottoman are mostly ones where the man or woman's head is upside down.

I guess that's good for the brain to have blood flowing into it...but it will create a neck ache fighting against gravity if one brings the head in order to watch the activity.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-10-2010, 10:48 AM
I really don't see a difference in the 1200 Tantra Chair and the 400 Liberator Esse.
DallasRain's Avatar
looks like fun!!!!