Two Systems of Justice in our Banana Republic

berryberry's Avatar
We now live in a nation where there is one set of laws if your last name is Trump and another set of laws if your last name is Biden or Clinton

A blind man can see it.

A federal judge interested in the rule of law would reject the sweetheart Hunter Biden plea deal and impose prison time, but that won’t happen because the regime always protects itself. In a failing republic, that is its only purpose.

Lying on a federal firearm background check form carries up to 10 years in prison and is a felony. Not for Hunter Biden.

On top of that, not reporting over $1.5 million annually for two years in income on your income taxes to cheat the government and not paying over $100,000 a year in income taxes and any other American would have the book thrown at them. The senile president's son gets a slap on the wrist. We have a two-tiered justice system in our country. It's a disgrace.
berryberry's Avatar
Feds wanted to send Lil Wayne to prison for 10 years for the same crime that Hunter Biden is getting a slap on the wrist for.

For those who always cry racism, how many black men in inner cities have been locked up for 10 years for committing the same crime Hunter Biden did?
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathan Turley: "I think for many this is going to look like you ticketed the getaway driver after a bank robbery."
matchingmole's Avatar
Do you get a discount in your Banana Republic? Most of their stuff is made in China
berryberry's Avatar
Democrats loudly proclaim their passionate commitment to “gun safety” & “tax fairness.” After an investigation that (inexplicably) dragged on for years, the Senile Biden DOJ has handed a no-jail deal to a repeat tax cheat who also lied on a gun purchase form—whose last name is Biden.

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden just had his leading opponent arrested for "documents" while his son, Hunter -- whom the media assured us was innocent -- gets a sweetheart deal and will, no doubt, be pardoned.

Trump was right about the Biden Crime Family in 2019, and they impeached him for it.

This BidenCrime Family regime is, by far, the most corrupt in US history.
Senile Biden’s corrupt DOJ giving Hunter a sweetheart deal, while fabricating criminal charges against his leading political opponent, is additional evidence of their savage level of corruption.

Banana republic.
berryberry's Avatar
Hunter Biden is getting a pretrial-diversion on the gun charge. Something virtually never offered by DOJ. And by being allowed to plead to tax misdemeanors he is getting a deal that actually violates DOJ policies.

According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which tracks prison sentences given for crimes:

- The average sentence for tax fraud offenders was 16 months.

Senile Biden's DOJ is ignoring decades of policy and precedent to seek felonies not misdemeanors and seek sentences within the guideline range. The diversion agreement on the felony is offensive to everyone not politically connected who sought diversions and were literally laughed at by DOJ.
how many black men in inner cities have been locked up for 10 years Originally Posted by berryberry
Senator Biden's 1994 Crime Bill signed into law by Bill Clinton
led to mass incarceration "Lock the SOB's up"
matchingmole's Avatar
Is our Banana Republic going to open any new stores?
rmg_35's Avatar
Since there is currently plenty of whining in magaland about the Hunter Biden plea deal, let's make sure that this is CRYSTAL CLEAR for you magats.

A trump-appointed US Attorney, David Weiss - who Joe Biden chose not to fire when he could have easily done so! - investigated Hunter Biden and agreed this plea deal with him. Joe Biden and the Democrats had nothing to do with it.

So the feckless moronic maga jackasses can keep whining, crying, and bitching about two tiers of justice. It's just more fucking bullshit fun the radical extremist far-right wing media. Have fun crying whining and bitching. Makes you look more and more like idiots.
Since there is currently plenty of whining in magaland about the Hunter Biden plea deal, let's make sure that this is CRYSTAL CLEAR for you magats.

A trump-appointed US Attorney, David Weiss - who Joe Biden chose not to fire when he could have easily done so! - investigated Hunter Biden and agreed this plea deal with him. Joe Biden and the Democrats had nothing to do with it.

So the feckless moronic maga jackasses can keep whining, crying, and bitching about two tiers of justice. It's just more fucking bullshit fun the radical extremist far-right wing media. Have fun crying whining and bitching. Makes you look more and more like idiots. Originally Posted by rmg_35
... Looks like name-calling and insults from YOU.

#### Salty
rmg_35's Avatar
More than 5 years of crying, whining, and bitching about Hunter's laptop and the Biden crime family has come to this. Moronic far-right extremist jackasses with all their conspiracy theories has come to this. Time to wake up and deal with the fact that you have been played for fools and fell for all the fucking bullshit that you have been fed and vomited back on a daily basis. Laughing my ass of here.
berryberry's Avatar
A criminal tax lawyer for a near quarter-century notes: "I confirm how rare & extraordinary the Hunter Biden plea deal is. Indeed, the deal violates DOJ Tax official policy, where Biden's DOJ prohibit prosecutors from even offering this deal to people who did far less than Hunter."
berryberry's Avatar
And the bullshit "Diversion" would not be available to anyone similarly situated to Hunter Biden. Directly from the DOJ website

Absent approval by the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, any pretrial diversion program created by a U.S. Attorney’s Office shall exclude any individual who is:

1. Accused of an offense related to **** exploitation or **** pornography, or an offense involving sexual abuse or sexual assault;
2. Accused of an offense resulting in serious bodily injury or death;
3. Accused of an offense involving brandishing or use of a firearm or other deadly weapon;
4. A public official or former public official accused of an offense arising out of an alleged violation of a public trust;
5. Accused of an offense related to national security, including terrorism offenses, or foreign affairs; or
6. Accused of an offense in connection with which the individual held a significant managerial role in a large-scale criminal organization or in a violent gang.

One would have to be clueless to not see the two standards of justice
berryberry's Avatar
And for those who falsely cry racism all the time, why are they so silent on this? We all know why.

How many black men are in jail for the same crime Hunter Biden committed? Thousands.

Imagine if any normal citizen was a years long ******** who:
- Lied on gun form
- failed to pay taxes on over 3 million in unreported income
- got a Dem donor/Hollywood lawyer to pay it for you

Any normal American would be in jail yesterday. Hunter is going free.

Two systems of justice. How ill informed / uneducated would one have to be to think otherwise?