Say it ain't so Joe

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden has RECENTLY said that Black Americans:

• can’t get lawyers or accountants
• don’t know how to get online
• don’t know how to raise their own children
• have no diversity of thought
• are not really Black if they don’t vote for him

All recent, all on video.

One would think that this combined with the legislation he wrote in the 90’s would be enough for every Black American to disavow him. Nope.
berryberry's Avatar
A lot of the talking heads who encouraged people to vote for Senile Biden so we "could return to normalcy" have interesting comments re: his illegal promise to wipe out student loan debt.

Senile Biden is a doddering old racist fool, a militant leftist, & all of you knew this all along.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden isn’t a leftist, rightist, or any other ist. He’s an feeble old man that says what he’s told to say. If he were to repeat half the stuff he supposedly believed in 20 years ago he’d be lynched in the rose garden by a herd of multi-colored haired land whales.