What a defector engineer from Russia can tell the U.S. about Tu-160 strategic bombers

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
out of 5 million assholes from south american who don't deserve asylum we finally get one who does ...

a russkie engineer with secrets. who knew???

What a defector engineer from Russia can tell the U.S. about Tu-160 strategic bombers


106Wed, March 1, 2023 at 10:35 AM CST·5 min read

As NV has previously written, this was first reported by Yahoo News, referring to information from anonymous sources in the U.S. government.

According to this unconfirmed report, the engineer and his family entered the United States from Mexico at the end of December 2022, saying that he was one of the Tu-160’s engineers at the plant in Kazan.

Claiming that he had “important information for the U.S. government,” the man explained his move by saying that he was afraid of persecution for participating in protests in support of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

The journalists did not release the alleged defectors name, but their FBI and other law enforcement sources have reportedly confirmed his identity.

Judging by Russian media reports, the Tu-160M variant – the first strategic supersonic bomber and missile carrier to be built completely in Russia – made its debut flight a year ago. The Americans are first and foremost interested in whether the modernized strategic aviation of the Russian Federation can carry hypersonic weapons.
Secret information

Citing its sources, Yahoo News reported that the Russian engineer worked on the Tu-160 from 2018 to 2021.

This aircraft was adopted by the USSR army in the late 1980s, and today it is the most modern missile carrier in Russia’s strategic aviation fleet.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Ukrainian Air Force received 19 Tu-160s, but by 2000, these air-craft were disposed of as part of the American disarmament program, and also transferred to Russia as payment for natural gas.

Today, the Tu-160 and other strategic bombers are being used by Russian troops to launch cruise missiles to strike Ukraine.

“The aircraft can carry up to six Kh-55SM ground-attack cruise missiles, each with a 200 kiloton thermonuclear warhead, or Kh-555s armed with a conventional high-explosive fragmentation warhead,” writes Kyle Mizokami, who writes about defense and security issues for Popular Mechanics.

"As a carrier of cruise missiles, the Tu-160 usually flies at a speed of 940 km/h and at an altitude of up to 12 km. The bomber can also penetrate enemy airspace at low altitudes, flying at speeds in ex-cess of 1,000 km/h and using collision avoidance systems.”

According to him, there are at least 17 Tu-160s, built at least 34 years ago, in service today with the Russian Aerospace Forces. In 2014, the Kremlin launched a modernization program for these bombers and planned to produce 40 to 50 of the new Tu-160s.

It is extremely important for American intelligence agencies to obtain information about what engines these aircraft will receive and how their performance characteristics will change.

So far, it is known that the latest version of the Tu-160M is equipped with new navigation systems, new satellite communications equipment, a modified glass cockpit, and other components. The new generations of Tu-160 are designed for 40 years of operation.

Since the Tu-160 is part of the Russian "nuclear triad", it is also important for the U.S. military leader-ship to know what weapons systems new versions of this strategic bomber can carry.

This first and foremost concern is the hypersonic X-47M2 Kinzhal missile system. According to its declared characteristics, the Kinzhal is Russia’s most competitive weapon in relation to similar systems from the United States and China.

The missile’s speed is presumed to exceed 14,500 km/h, and it can be carried by the MiG-31K super-sonic fighter-interceptor, the Tu-22M3M strategic bomber, and most likely its relative, the Tu-160. There are also presumed to be ground-based Kinzhal launchers, although the exact number of these missiles in service with the Russian army remains unknown.

If the MiG-31K can carry a maximum of one hypersonic missile, according to some reports, up to eight Kinzhals can be loaded onto the upgraded version of the Tu-160 (four on each of two drums).

A number of outlets have reported that a Kinzhal missile fell near the city of Stavropol on September 14, 2022, about 350 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. Among the possible reasons is a technical malfunction of the rocket’s engine on its way to attack a target in Ukraine.

Strategic aviation of the Russian Federation

As of today, Russia's strategic bomber fleet consists of 125 aircraft, including 66 Tu-95s, 42 Tu-22Msand 17 Tu-160s.
These aircraft are located at air bases in the Saratov, Ryazan, and Kursk Oblasts, which were hit by strikes by the Ukrainian military in December 2022.

The most outdated bomber is the Tu-95, which still uses turboprop engines. Nevertheless, it is still an extremely dangerous and powerful weapon which the Russians have repeatedly used to launch cruise missile strikes at Ukraine from the Caspian Sea and from Russian territory.

The Tu-160 can carry up to 12 modern X-101 cruise missiles (with a warhead mass of more than 400 kg and a flight range of up to 5500 km) in its internal compartments, while the Tu-95 can carry up to eight such missiles on an external platform.

The Tu-95 can also carry up to three obsolete Kh-22 cruise missiles, which was the type used to destroy a residential building in Dnipro.
The main mission of these aircraft remains the launch of long-range cruise missiles with nuclear war-heads. According to the Russian state corporation Rostec, two more Tu-160M missile carriers were sent for flight tests in December 2022.
How many engineers work in an aircraft factory? Thousands. In Russia, most will work there their entire careers due to lack of civilian aircraft production. This guy has worked there 3 years. The guy who gets coffee for everyone. On the night shift.

12 kilometers is less than 40000 ft high.
1000 kph is less than 700 mph. The speed of sound is @770 mph

A 777 has a ceiling of 43000 (13+ kilometers)and a top speed of just under 600 mph.
The performance of the plane is so-so. Speed is 1.9 mach at high altitude. Faster than our bombers but not stealthy. Nowhere near as fast as our fighters. Since there are very few of these planes (all are at same base) and the air frames are nearing 40 years old, there isn't much we don't know. Since the defector only work at the plant for 3 years, only a few planes were there, and the planes are non standard, there is very limited value to his info. He would only have specific info about his area at best. Russians are very compartmentalized (as are US defense contractors). He could be a landing gear guy or fuel systems guy, or whatever.
Which means he can learn to pick strawberries or some other useful skill.
Much of the information in the yahoo article is incorrect according to:

They can't keep the limited number they already have flying. Upgrading 10 of the current planes is scheduled to finish in 2027. Not sure where the 40 to 50 new aircraft number comes from but they don't have money for the ones they have. The plane is a total boat anchor. And at 1.5 billion a pop, they are unbelievably expensive.
Here is another website.
out of 5 million assholes from south american who don't deserve asylum we finally get one who does ... They won't let him in our aircraft factories (so he can't learn about our planes and then return to your favorite country with our information). No aircraft company will hire him. Someone who defects once will do it again (or as the FBI says about defectors, once a cocksucker, always a cocksucker(per Tom Clancy)).
They might use him to confirm info they have. But in less than 2 years, they'll have squeezed him dry. Then he'll be getting that money that illegals don't. And he sure won't be doing that work that illegals do.

a russkie engineer with secrets. who knew???

What a defector engineer from Russia can tell the U.S. about Tu-160 strategic bombers


106Wed, March 1, 2023 at 10:35 AM CST·5 min read

As NV has previously written, this was first reported by Yahoo News, referring to information from anonymous sources in the U.S. government.

According to this unconfirmed report, the engineer and his family entered the United States from Mexico at the end of December 2022, saying that he was one of the Tu-160’s engineers at the plant in Kazan.

Claiming that he had “important information for the U.S. government,” the man explained his move by saying that he was afraid of persecution for participating in protests in support of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

The journalists did not release the alleged defectors name, but their FBI and other law enforcement sources have reportedly confirmed his identity.

Judging by Russian media reports, the Tu-160M variant – the first strategic supersonic bomber and missile carrier to be built completely in Russia – made its debut flight a year ago. The Americans are first and foremost interested in whether the modernized strategic aviation of the Russian Federation can carry hypersonic weapons.
Secret information

Citing its sources, Yahoo News reported that the Russian engineer worked on the Tu-160 from 2018 to 2021.

This aircraft was adopted by the USSR army in the late 1980s, and today it is the most modern missile carrier in Russia’s strategic aviation fleet.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Ukrainian Air Force received 19 Tu-160s, but by 2000, these air-craft were disposed of as part of the American disarmament program, and also transferred to Russia as payment for natural gas.

Today, the Tu-160 and other strategic bombers are being used by Russian troops to launch cruise missiles to strike Ukraine.

“The aircraft can carry up to six Kh-55SM ground-attack cruise missiles, each with a 200 kiloton thermonuclear warhead, or Kh-555s armed with a conventional high-explosive fragmentation warhead,” writes Kyle Mizokami, who writes about defense and security issues for Popular Mechanics.

"As a carrier of cruise missiles, the Tu-160 usually flies at a speed of 940 km/h and at an altitude of up to 12 km. The bomber can also penetrate enemy airspace at low altitudes, flying at speeds in ex-cess of 1,000 km/h and using collision avoidance systems.”

According to him, there are at least 17 Tu-160s, built at least 34 years ago, in service today with the Russian Aerospace Forces. In 2014, the Kremlin launched a modernization program for these bombers and planned to produce 40 to 50 of the new Tu-160s.

It is extremely important for American intelligence agencies to obtain information about what engines these aircraft will receive and how their performance characteristics will change.

So far, it is known that the latest version of the Tu-160M is equipped with new navigation systems, new satellite communications equipment, a modified glass cockpit, and other components. The new generations of Tu-160 are designed for 40 years of operation.

Since the Tu-160 is part of the Russian "nuclear triad", it is also important for the U.S. military leader-ship to know what weapons systems new versions of this strategic bomber can carry.

This first and foremost concern is the hypersonic X-47M2 Kinzhal missile system. According to its declared characteristics, the Kinzhal is Russia’s most competitive weapon in relation to similar systems from the United States and China.

The missile’s speed is presumed to exceed 14,500 km/h, and it can be carried by the MiG-31K super-sonic fighter-interceptor, the Tu-22M3M strategic bomber, and most likely its relative, the Tu-160. There are also presumed to be ground-based Kinzhal launchers, although the exact number of these missiles in service with the Russian army remains unknown.

If the MiG-31K can carry a maximum of one hypersonic missile, according to some reports, up to eight Kinzhals can be loaded onto the upgraded version of the Tu-160 (four on each of two drums).

A number of outlets have reported that a Kinzhal missile fell near the city of Stavropol on September 14, 2022, about 350 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. Among the possible reasons is a technical malfunction of the rocket’s engine on its way to attack a target in Ukraine.

Strategic aviation of the Russian Federation

As of today, Russia's strategic bomber fleet consists of 125 aircraft, including 66 Tu-95s, 42 Tu-22Msand 17 Tu-160s.
These aircraft are located at air bases in the Saratov, Ryazan, and Kursk Oblasts, which were hit by strikes by the Ukrainian military in December 2022.

The most outdated bomber is the Tu-95, which still uses turboprop engines. Nevertheless, it is still an extremely dangerous and powerful weapon which the Russians have repeatedly used to launch cruise missile strikes at Ukraine from the Caspian Sea and from Russian territory.

The Tu-160 can carry up to 12 modern X-101 cruise missiles (with a warhead mass of more than 400 kg and a flight range of up to 5500 km) in its internal compartments, while the Tu-95 can carry up to eight such missiles on an external platform.

The Tu-95 can also carry up to three obsolete Kh-22 cruise missiles, which was the type used to destroy a residential building in Dnipro.
The main mission of these aircraft remains the launch of long-range cruise missiles with nuclear war-heads. According to the Russian state corporation Rostec, two more Tu-160M missile carriers were sent for flight tests in December 2022. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Precious_b's Avatar
What is the percentage of flight ready aircraft at any time of this lot?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What is the percentage of flight ready aircraft at any time of this lot? Originally Posted by Precious_b

you tell me. doesn't matter. what matters is if this guy's story checks out and so far the Feds are giving it serious consideration and have taken him in, what can he tell the US about the capabilities of this bomber?
Precious_b's Avatar
you tell me. doesn't matter. what matters is if this guy's story checks out and so far the Feds are giving it serious consideration and have taken him in, what can he tell the US about the capabilities of this bomber? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If it has a flight readiness of 3%, I wouldn't give it the time of day. Variable wing aircraft have loads of problems. Not saying they were not the hot shit back in the day.

Ima sure he knows alot of other stuff.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If it has a flight readiness of 3%, I wouldn't give it the time of day. Variable wing aircraft have loads of problems. Not saying they were not the hot shit back in the day.

Ima sure he knows alot of other stuff. Originally Posted by Precious_b

show me it has a flight readiness that low. but given Russia's naval seaworthiness i wouldn't doubt it.

Precious_b's Avatar
If it has a flight readiness of 3%, I wouldn't give it the time of day. Variable wing aircraft have loads of problems. Not saying they were not the hot shit back in the day.

Ima sure he knows alot of other stuff. Originally Posted by Precious_b
show me it has a flight readiness that low. but given Russia's naval seaworthiness i wouldn't doubt it.

bahahahahahaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'll repeat again. "If" it has a flight readiness of 3%, "I" wouldn't give it the time of day. Variable wing aircraft have loads of problems. Not saying they were not the hot shit back in the day.

Ima sure he knows alot of other stuff.

Well, their army is showing the same propensity for delivering Like their *advisors* when they were in Angola as "observers." People their said they worse aim than the natives.