Stay Safe Study Buddies...

Wanted: Study Buddies

With the theft of homework on the rise lately we need to take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of OUR homework. One such way is to form a Study Buddy Group; It's basically an online board where you go and post your info before you head off to a study date.

We do this for a few reasons. First, if your study buddy group notices you haven't checked back from your study date they can call you and make sure everything is alright. You know, make sure your not in a life or death struggle over your final exam! Second, if someone should try to steal your homework you have created a paper trail that points to the culprit.

I know some people are big on privacy and wouldn't feel comfortable putting all that info out there like that and that's okay. In this case might we suggest a Secret Study Buddy. Someone you trust that can basically keep tabs on you and knows when you are out tutoring or on a study date. Someone you trust to check up on you if you don't check back in when your supposed to. There are many secret studiers out there. Perhaps you don't want to be labeled 'geek' or 'nerd', whatever the reason, you study and tutor behind closed doors and no-one knows. You feel your alone and so you go about it all alone. That might have been ok for yesterday but it's not safe anymore. Together we are stronger than apart.

In a Study Buddy Group you will find others who thought they were alone. You may even find the perfect Secret Study Buddy. So what are you waiting for - FORM A STUDY BUDDY GROUP TODAY!!!
grtrader's Avatar
To be honest this provides a false sense of security over anything.
One your buddy only knows to check up on you if you haven't reported back.
That is after the fact of whatever happened.

Some women call a friend right before the meet talking just before walking to the door. Then the friend is supposed to call back about 5 min later and make sure everything is ok.

Put it this way 5 min is a lot of time for something to go wrong. Add on top of that police response time and it can be a long as hell time before any form of help shows up by then very likely to be to late.

As for a deterrent it doesn't work. Most the bad guys know just what said above. If a person was going to be deterred by that they probably wouldn't do it to start with. so they aren't the ones you need to worry about.

Take some serious defence classes something on the line of asset protection. Get a carry permit, carry pepper spray the type they use for bears, ...

The point is I don't give crap about catching the guy I rather you be alive.
Mr. Gentleman: grtrader,

Your EDS was merely just making a suggestion to fellow Ladies is all....

Thought was being helpful...

Your EDS personally does not keep anything...just suggesting a safe person to call-to check in with and/or having a study buddy or group within Ladies Only area of Boards, along those lines....
Sounds like a great idea and hope it spreads like wildfire.... you have done a great job on your homework!!
grtrader's Avatar
Mr. Gentleman: grtrader,

Your EDS was merely just making a suggestion to fellow Ladies is all....

Thought was being helpful... Originally Posted by ErectionDemolitionSpclst
First let me say I applaud your intent. If it was something that made women safer I would be all for it. But it does the opposite in truth.

I realise it was but a suggestion. The problem is it is suggestion that creates a program that provides a false sense of security. Which means then it just made it a lot more dangerous. That lull or false sense of security lets people drop their guard and that is when they get hurt.

A few things work when it comes to protecting people's lives. One knowledge, and the second is actual defence capability. Even they are not full proof because not always is knowledge complete or accurate. Also your level of physical defence can just be flat over whelmed at times. Example: Is you have body guards but someone plants a bomb in your car. Unless someone sees the bomb or realises there is one there before hand its over. Since you can't legal take a proactive stance and go out and eliminate hostiles there is no sense discussing that direction.

Being alert and recognising the signs of a potential problem is your first line of defence. Knowledge of the person and potential issues. Then physical defence methods. Knowledge again plays a big role. If you are in a hotel and scream rape how many you think will come to help you. Start screaming fire your a lot more likely to get attention.

Unless your so called study buddy is standing out side the door and armed it is fairly pointless when it comes to protecting your life.

The most it can hope to do is point the police in the right direction if something happens to you. That is after the fact. In most cases it probably won't even do that. Why well think of a situation where you are to meet at a hotel. Most these guys have hobby phones you will be hard pressed to trace that to them. If they did something wrong like what we are talking about you can bet that phone will get ditched real quick. Next most these guys don't give out their real name. So you got nothing to go on there. At best you can hope for it that you gave the room number and in some way that is traceable to them but if you been reading the forums you would know we even discuss how not to use your real name for that as well. So maybe they will get to the right room and the guy won't have sprayed everything down with bleach or ammonia and maybe the front desk will have the guy on camera that is if they didn't walk in with knowledge a camera is in the room and prepare for that. Your best hope is they left the finger prints on the receipt but that is so easy to deal with wearing a pear of leather driving gloves or something. No one thinks about it. So if the police are really gung ho about finding the person who did it. Then they will pull all the cash, get everyone's finger prints they can from the money. Then look at who has a record get IDs of the ones they can find pray the clerk can ID which person rented the room. ...

Starting to get the idea of why I said it is pointless.

My back ground has been around the military and security all my life when I say all I mean "all" My father was military retired from it then, I went military then worked for DOD after that.

I'm for reviews on clients because it is possible to give a heads up. Bad client lists are good to a point - changing an ID and phone and so on is fairly easy. I'm even for providing course in actually protecting yourself.
It's far better to check in/check out with a live person who you know and trust, but if that's not an option, a site like that is better than nothing. At least there's a record of where you were last if the worst happens.

Just based on my own experiences, I don't think either option creates a false sense of security or encourages ladies to lower their guard. We all know through reading all the alerts that are posted daily how dangerous this job can be, even when your client is someone you've seen before. I agree that it isn't something that provides a first-line protection from harm, and it shouldn't be used like that. The primary benefit is that it creates a record of where you were last and the name/alias/information of the person you were with. And that is a hell of a lot more to go on than ... uh, nothing at all.
grtrader's Avatar
It's far better to check in/check out with a live person who you know and trust, but if that's not an option, a site like that is better than nothing. At least there's a record of where you were last if the worst happens.

Just based on my own experiences, I don't think either option creates a false sense of security or encourages ladies to lower their guard. We all know through reading all the alerts that are posted daily how dangerous this job can be, even when your client is someone you've seen before. I agree that it isn't something that provides a first-line protection from harm, and it shouldn't be used like that. The primary benefit is that it creates a record of where you were last and the name/alias/information of the person you were with. And that is a hell of a lot more to go on than ... uh, nothing at all. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
You are 100% on the living person is better if they can be trusted. But still unless both sides are 100% reliable it is not worth using.

Does it create a record of the last place you were? Or does it just create a last place of where she bothered to update?

Negating the fact it could have the police looking at a false suspect and focusing purely on her potential safety or even the arrest of someone who may have harmed her. It very likely will just have the police focused on where she was and not were she is.

You know how many place once they have a potential suspect start focusing on him verse looking else were. The stupid idea is if it pans out he/she may lead them to the missing person.

Mean while the person may have gotten run off the road be injured and in need of sever medical attention.

for it to be any ways useful in the after the fact the person would have to update it religiously. That means update when you arrive and when you leave and were you are going.

I know I would not like to put that kind of info on the net any place can you imagine how that can be used against you. Its giving a powerful tool for someone who might not like you to do harm to you.

If you want to put any of your safety on another person or even after the fact. It would be best to use a good friend or someone you trust. If they can actually be physically near then better talking like next room near around the block isn't any better than across town.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-28-2010, 09:22 PM
...Take some serious defence classes something on the line of asset protection. Get a carry permit, carry pepper spray the type they use for bears, ... Originally Posted by grtrader
Dude, take it easy.

You're looking at this through a pretty strong lens. People are gonna think you're hyper about it.

It's probably good to have some people who are really focused on keeping themselves from being victims of serious crime. There may be a chilling effect on some criminals knowing a certain percentage in every crowd have a Glock in their belts and are perfectly able and willing (hopefully not eager) to use it in self defense. In cases like yourself they may even be trained for it.

That said, the energy and focus required to maintain that kind of readiness (not to mention the toll that such effort take on a balanced lifestyle and personality) are beyond the level that most folks are willing to make. If for no other reason than that the actual probability of their ever making use of all that hardware and preparation is truly miniscule.

Don't you think that for most people the best course is to stay alert, get moving if your spidey sense starts to tingle and exercise some easy, common sense safety practices like the one the OP recommended?
grtrader's Avatar
What I am talking about in courses are minimal course of learning to protect yourself. Yea, ideally taking a full on asset protection course would do you a lot of good in learning what all to look for and stuff. However, there are course they teach in most large cities that teach very basic defence and alertness classes.

You will find they teach stuff like target areas to really hurt a person besides just a groin shot. Places like how to dislodge a knee cap, eye balls, nose, nerve just below the jaw line right close to the carotid artery...

Carry your car keys in your hand when you leave a store. A car key can be held a number of ways and makes a very lethal weapon.

They teach you to start using your perception and work on your instincts a little when something happens.

Police departments often give women defence courses, a lot of martial arts studios give lessons trying to recruit people in.

Yes, to answer the question above as I said above "Being alert and recognising the signs of a potential problem is your first line of defence."
Being alert for what are you trained to recognise the things you need to be watching for? Have you been trained to respond properly and practised it so that you don't panic if you actually need it.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-01-2010, 11:11 AM
...Being alert for what are you trained to recognise the things you need to be watching for? Have you been trained to respond properly and practised it so that you don't panic if you actually need it. Originally Posted by grtrader
If you're talking to me, yeah. I'm a Thunder Ranch Defensive Handgun/Urban Rifle graduate and have a longtime layman's interest in how people react to danger. And like you, apparently, I have the personality and life experience to make it useful.

Most people don't and, unlike you, I'm not crazy about the notion of armed hookers walking the streets of our fair city.
pointless? i don't see how you can say that this idea is pointless, and i read your posts. i personally love my right to bear arms, but there are some ladies who don't have any family or friends that they can go to and say, "hey, i'm gonna be escorting tonight at x location at x time. if i'm not done by...." and there are also some ladies who weigh 98lbs that a self defense class would most likely only hurt them even more.
i think it's a great idea to leave behind a trail *in case something happens to you* that someone could go back and trace. it's best to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-01-2010, 01:20 PM
...i personally love my right to bear's best to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst Originally Posted by dirty diana
Hmm I'd rather discuss your right to bear legs.

If you read you might find this worth the time. [ame=""] Fear Less: Real Truth About Risk, Safety, and Security in a Time of Terrorism (9780316085960): Gavin de Becker: Books[/ame]
grtrader's Avatar
pointless? i don't see how you can say that this idea is pointless, and i read your posts. i personally love my right to bear arms, but there are some ladies who don't have any family or friends that they can go to and say, "hey, i'm gonna be escorting tonight at x location at x time. if i'm not done by...." and there are also some ladies who weigh 98lbs that a self defense class would most likely only hurt them even more.
i think it's a great idea to leave behind a trail *in case something happens to you* that someone could go back and trace. it's best to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst Originally Posted by dirty diana
going to take a guess you haven't been to to many tournaments or demonstration were a female black belt in sho-shu or Judo or something strong in defence is used. I used to do full contact and 98lbs women who know their stuff may look good as hell but can be very lethal and that tight wound up package coming at a guy not expecting it from some small is nothing but pure fun to watch.

I say pointless in the fact that doesn't really provide any protection. guys who are going to be scared off with my buddy knows were I am at are not the guys going to attack you to start with.

Most victims are killed by people they know or trusted. #1 family members / lovers. Which is why so many investigations start there.
going to take a guess you haven't been to to many tournaments or demonstration were a female black belt in sho-shu or Judo or something strong in defence is used. I used to do full contact and 98lbs women who know their stuff may look good as hell but can be very lethal and that tight wound up package coming at a guy not expecting it from some small is nothing but pure fun to watch.

I say pointless in the fact that doesn't really provide any protection. guys who are going to be scared off with my buddy knows were I am at are not the guys going to attack you to start with.

Most victims are killed by people they know or trusted. #1 family members / lovers. Which is why so many investigations start there. Originally Posted by grtrader

omg, here we go again...
listen, i'm sure that there are 98lb women out there who can kick some butt, but not everyone is karate material. some people just aren't fighters and never will be/don't want to be.

the thread starter posted an idea to help keep the community safe. just because it doesn't meet your protection requirements, doesn't mean it isn't helpful. despite the fact that you think you know everything, i find it hard to believe that you know exactly which guys will and will not try to harm a lady.

you know, just because someone makes a statement, it's not up to you to prove them wrong.
grtrader's Avatar
omg, here we go again...
listen, i'm sure that there are 98lb women out there who can kick some butt, but not everyone is karate material. some people just aren't fighters and never will be/don't want to be.

the thread starter posted an idea to help keep the community safe. just because it doesn't meet your protection requirements, doesn't mean it isn't helpful. despite the fact that you think you know everything, i find it hard to believe that you know exactly which guys will and will not try to harm a lady.

you know, just because someone makes a statement, it's not up to you to prove them wrong. Originally Posted by dirty diana
Maybe it has to do with hostage negotiation training which I was required to know for my jobs in both the military and DOD / DLA.

Maybe, not everyone talks out their ass like you.