What do you providers base their rates on?

grtrader's Avatar
Just rewrote this to make it a lot lot shorter.

I was wondering how many providers actually do any sort of market analysis to work out their pricing verse how many base it off of what they feel they are worth.

The reason I ask it seem for most not all little rhyme or reason is put into their pricing. That is from primarily dealing with women I know, met and looking on the post on BP and CL.

If you look at over all market changes in the last year it tends to support that. From what I calculated their is about 4 times more women escorts to as of 2 months ago than was on January last year. You also have clients with less money. That is a double market hit. More competition and less money to be divided. On average the prices don't seem to have reflected it.

What does reflect it is the number of Girls I see out there that get to the end of the month and need to make the ends meet are dam near willing to sell there sole.

I seen some seriously hot women over the last while that also are way underpricing themselves. I can list reasons such as new, unsure, low self esteem... number one at present desperate for money.

A lot of women are doing stuff they wouldn't normally do because they have been put in the bad spot.

Before this gets as long as my first write I will end here.

I do know a number of women who do some serious real world math to come up with pricing. But the fact is most don't that I know. Most who have esteem issues already really hurt themselves by pricing off of feeling rather than even the least data analysis. Some fear raising their prices they won't get any calls. They end up pricing themselves so low guys think they are frauds... Of course I seen the opposite as well were there is someone who is to into herself for her own good and thinks standing in the room with you is going to cut it when she physically isn't but a high 4 out of a 10 scale in looks.

The old rule guys tend to follow TGTBT. If it seems it is they believe it is. I tend to like breaking rules and finding out if a person is really who they really are.

As for reasons why I see so many women that don't use a sound basis for their pricing. Well you can probably point at a number of reasons. Such as self esteem to high or to low. How they were treated, previous monetary experience, age, education and lack their of...

I know of one who has for a long time priced herself low enough for a long enough time she is hard pressed to raise the prices. The fact is she is better looking and far better of a companion than a number of women asking 2 time to 3 times what she does they are the same ethnic origin. My advice to anyone in that spot is take a lesson from the gas companies. Slowly bring your prices up get them used to paying more then inch up again. 5 dollars each week or so till your calls start to drop. Then site there for a bit and let them get used to that rate for a while then 2 weeks later go up 5 dollars.

To restate what I said: To me it appears most not all women tend to not use sound basis for their pricing. Yes, I am going out on a limb and I know it probably won't be taken popularly what I just said. But, I'm not about to sugar coat what I said when the data tends to back it up. Here is a fact some women have the luxury of making most their money off a few sales most rely on a higher volume.


PS as to what I feel what a woman is worth. You can't put a price on the person.

Edited to make sure no one else mis-interprets what I am saying.
George...with all due respect, but...
I know of one who has for a long time priced herself low enough for a long enough time she is hard pressed to raise the prices. The fact is she is better looking and far better of a companion than a number of women asking 2 time to 3 times what she does they are the same ethnic origin.
This is just your opinion...not a fact... as I'm sure she hasn't met every hobbyist in our community to validate your opinion.
My advice to anyone in that spot is take a lesson from the gas companies. Slowly bring your prices up get them used to paying more then inch up again. 5 dollars each week or so till your calls start to drop. Then site there for a bit and let them get used to that rate for a while then 2 weeks later go up 5 dollars.
And, this is your "sound basis" advice for setting our rates...seriously??

First of all...providers are not gas companies selling gas. And, imho...we all hate the gas companies anyway for taking advantage of us with their gas pricing policies.

I think I can speak for most of the providers, when I ask how you have come to the conclusion that so many women don't use a sound basis for our pricing? Where is your sound basis for making this determination?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine and set a rate. It's rather fundamental...called strategic pricing and using simple benchmarks for a particular market. We set rates by what a particular market (city) will bear...and, like the Kelly Blue Book...adding and subtracting according to what we feel comfortable as an individual.

I didn't misinterpet your thread...but, in all honesty, I think this is an absurd thread. If I were to set my rate according to what you say as what I feel I'm worth...you wouldn't be able to afford it me. Just sayin...
grtrader's Avatar
George...with all due respect, but...
This is just your opinion...not a fact... as I'm sure she hasn't met every hobbyist in our community to validate your opinion.
And, this is your "sound basis" advice for setting our rates...seriously??

First of all...providers are not gas companies selling gas. And, imho...we all hate the gas companies anyway for taking advantage of us with their gas pricing policies.

I think I can speak for most of the providers, when I ask how you have come to the conclusion that so many women don't use a sound basis for our pricing? Where is your sound basis for making this determination?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine and set a rate. It's rather fundamental...called strategic pricing and using simple benchmarks for a particular market. We set rates by what a particular market (city) will bear...and, like the Kelly Blue Book...adding and subtracting according to what we feel comfortable as an individual.

I didn't misinterpet your thread...but, in all honesty, I think this is an absurd thread. If I were to set my rate according to what you say as what I feel I'm worth...you wouldn't be able to afford it me. Just sayin... Originally Posted by Likinikki
First, off your trying to make into something it isn't.

Second, Just reading your last line "If I were to set my rate according to what you say as what I feel I'm worth...you wouldn't be able to afford it me. Just sayin..." proves you did misinterpret what I said. I suggest using real world marketing techniques to determine price. I am also saying there are to many fresh babies out there no one has shown them how to realistically price themselves. Then you got a number of women who been in it a while and are struggling to get by.

Third, issue. when I said the girl was hard pressed raising the rates I mean she got zero calls requesting her for an entire week when she did. The only calls she did get was idiots who accused her of stealing the pictures of someone else. How do I know they are of her because I know her.

And, this is your "sound basis" advice for setting our rates...seriously??
No, it wasn't a suggestion for everyone to follow. Again were you mistook something. That was not the way I would suggest most women find out how to set their prices. That was strictly what she or someone in that position can do to soften a market were her current clients warm to the price changes.

Benchmarking as you put it is exactly what the oil companies are doing and what we are talking about. You have multiple ways of influencing a market price increase justify it to the consumer or give it to them slowly. Do you know what bench marking is? It testing something and seeing how it performs and taking data on that result comparing it to previous result or a predetermined frame work of values. Which by the way is the same thing as I suggest for the person who seems to hit a wall or hit a price barrier. It done in incremental steps to find were your cap / roof is and your optimum performance zone is. But in truth that is only a part of the problem because you can and should also factor in overhead and cost adjustments based living conditions taxes. With bench marking you find out what your best potential income is you can also use it to soften the market to the idea of a higher price. But it doesn't tell you if you meet the point you will make profit.

What about comparative product analysis: You know were you compare similar products and try to gauge a price based on some semblance of equal value. You know like when you go house hunting or trying to sell a house. This usually used to give you rough starting basis of where you want to place yourself. In this case a woman would find a number of women who look about the same as her. They should be offering similar services as she intends to. Then she could take the average price or some other measurement and use it to determine her price. Issues with that is she is not them. They may all have great personalities and she may make cuddling up to a Tasmanian devil sound more inviting. It could be the other way around. Or they could be poorly priced. Which you would then be accumulating bad data based on someone else's mistake.

As to how I know what is going on: Maybe it has something to do with the fact I keep data bases on large amount of info. I scan BP, CL, CV, Eros,.... and see what goes on. It is how I know the number of escorts has increase so drastically over the last year. It could also be the number of women I talked to and told me specifically how they made a choice.

Maybe the real problem here is your taking this as or trying to make this into some sort insult to women. I am only saying an obvious lack of information that could help a fairly large number of women is not being shared with the community as best it can be.
Has any one bothered to post a how to price yourself post on the female only threads? Was it fact or assumption on your part as to what my basis was and how I came to such a conclusion? The worst I am saying is for what ever reason there is a large number of women who haven't a strong enough understanding in marking themselves. That isn't an insult as were your attempt to make me out as an idiot is.

Before you try to make someone out to be an idiot: make sure you use the right terms.Using Kelly blue book would be comparative product analysis not bench marking. The way you can tell is your are comparing how one object is priced verses another object. It is fairly simple to remember because it is in the name. Benchmarking is testing the actual performance.
no matter how many times you edit it & try to put that sugary coating on it, it's just a very wordy

do not pass go, do not collect $200. aka

"Has any one bothered to post a how to price yourself post on the female only threads?"

lmao! i got an image in my head of ronald mcdonald & the king sitting down chatting over tea about how they should price the fries
wackatronic's Avatar
do not pass go, do not collect $200. aka
gtfoh! Originally Posted by dirty diana
While he posted a question that he was hoping to get answers to, saying gtfoh! is really not acceptable since this is a forum and you obviously do not have time to answer or care to answer. I am hoping other providers with a little more patience will answer the original poster's question without coming across as bitchy! Happy flaming Diana!
grtrader's Avatar
no matter how many times you edit it & try to put that sugary coating on it, it's just a very wordy

do not pass go, do not collect $200. aka

"Has any one bothered to post a how to price yourself post on the female only threads?"

lmao! i got an image in my head of ronald mcdonald & the king sitting down chatting over tea about how they should price the fries Originally Posted by dirty diana
This is a great example of someone who can't make a sound and rational argument so results to this behavior. Real classy.

To make the point I only re-edited it once and I left the comment in there as fairness so other would know I did in case some posted during that time or was posting based on what I put the first time. If you had read what I replied to her with might have realised all the stuff I pointed out she made false assumptions, was using terms she incorrectly applied or didn't understand.

Mc Donald sitting down with the King discussing pricing fries is called price fixing. What I am talking is giving someone the basic tools of economic understanding and showing how it applies in this trade.
Okay ladies and gentlemen, let's see if we can cool off a bit. I will admit that the original post did have the slight hint of male superiority in it, the response came, most likely, from an "I was about to explode anyway" situation. I have certainly been there myself.
When it comes to pricing I think most ladies do start with a plan. I spent a significant amount of time looking at the rates in my own area, as well as the rates in other parts of the country. I looked at traveling rates and how they changed based on location as well. I then determined what I would be earning if I were back in my "corporate life". I decided what the rate should be and then added to it. I am significantly more expensive than most of the ladies in my area. I also know, as with most businesses, things can be vey unpredictable. I decided in the beginning that I was not going to run "specials" or negotiate with anyone. If a hobbyist wants to spend time with me he knows what it takes, there are never any doubts. I do know that when the end of the month comes there must be many, many ladies that have a difficult time making ends meet, if it is even possible. Obviously, once a lady starts lowering the rates gentlemen can see the pattern. The "special" then becomes the new rate. I decided in the beginning I was not going to do business that way.
Does that remotely answer your question? Now tell me, why do you ask?
lmao! you wanted opinions, don't be mad at me cuz u don't like mines! like i said
gtfoh with that garbage. that's how i feel about it. am i supposed to be sorry that i don't care about your feelings? cuz i'm not... i didn't insult you, just your idea, which insulted me first

my name is dirty diana, not tell u what u wanna hear diana

"This is a great example of someone who can't make a sound and rational argument so results to this behavior."

no, this is an example of someone who isn't gonna waste energy sugar coating, or as you call it, rationalizing
ANONONE's Avatar
Here let me help you with that pesky grammar and verbosity:

GR: "Hmmmm. . .I wonder, if I post something that is an aggressive attack on the business plan of just about every lady here, hidden in a bunch of bombast, will it make them have a sudden epiphany and cause women everywhere to begin to lower their rates so I can hobby cheaper?

Hobby Community: No, but have fun and post it anyway because a forum is only good when free speech is promoted, even if it is sometimes akin to handing a pick axe to an imbecile.

I am not trying to attack you, but didn't you realize how this would make you look?
Perhaps it's just that we're all a little bit tired of having everything about us picked apart. It's bad enough that we can be reviewed so graphically (I find it a little tasteless). But we come on these boards to advertise and socialize to kind of give you guys an idea of our personalities, and it seems we are constantly berated with "Why are your prices so high?" "Why are you always broke?" "Why do you think you're worth so much when so-and-so is hotter than you and charges less?" "Why don't you offer this service?" "Why do you fake orgasms?" "Why do you lie to me about how much you love my penis?" "Why do you girls complain when someone hurts you? Don't you know that's a risk of this job?" "Why don't you get a REAL job?" and on and on.

I'm not trying to excuse anyone or point fingers anywhere particular. I'm just trying to help you understand why some ladies MIGHT be a little defensive or just plain fed up. For the most part, we LIKE you guys, we like coming here and talking and sharing with you. A few loudmouths can just make the whole experience a little exhausting.

As for the OP's question, frankly, most of us have our own ways of settling on prices. These ways may differ greatly or very little. Some price themselves at what they think they are worth and if no one wants to pay it, well, oh well. Some price themselves at what they think the market will bear. My question to you is, why do you care? I suggest you spend your valuable time in other ways, not analyzing the economic decisions of people who think (perhaps correctly) that their finances are none of your business.

With that said, why don't you go visit a lady of your choice today? I think it will make you forget all about your concerns and make you feel so much better.
grtrader's Avatar
Here let me help you with that pesky grammar and verbosity:

GR: "Hmmmm. . .I wonder, if I post something that is an aggressive attack on the business plan of just about every lady here, hidden in a bunch of bombast, will it make them have a sudden epiphany and cause women everywhere to begin to lower their rates so I can hobby cheaper?

Hobby Community: No, but have fun and post it anyway because a forum is only good when free speech is promoted, even if it is sometimes akin to handing a pick axe to an imbecile.

I am not trying to attack you, but didn't you realize how this would make you look? Originally Posted by ANONONE
Actually I was thinking a lot of them are way under pricing themselves. Guessing you also missed the point or failed to read it to entirety.

Maybe if the people read it for what it says and stopped trying to make it into what they want it to say they would actually get that part!

I mentioned more times underpricing than over price and the only part you see is over pricing? Do you not see an issue with how you read and grab little bites rather than the entirety of it.
grtrader's Avatar
Perhaps it's just that we're all a little bit tired of having everything about us picked apart. It's bad enough that we can be reviewed so graphically (I find it a little tasteless). But we come on these boards to advertise and socialize to kind of give you guys an idea of our personalities, and it seems we are constantly berated with "Why are your prices so high?" "Why are you always broke?" "Why do you think you're worth so much when so-and-so is hotter than you and charges less?" "Why don't you offer this service?" "Why do you fake orgasms?" "Why do you lie to me about how much you love my penis?" "Why do you girls complain when someone hurts you? Don't you know that's a risk of this job?" "Why don't you get a REAL job?" and on and on.

I'm not trying to excuse anyone or point fingers anywhere particular. I'm just trying to help you understand why some ladies MIGHT be a little defensive or just plain fed up. For the most part, we LIKE you guys, we like coming here and talking and sharing with you. A few loudmouths can just make the whole experience a little exhausting.

As for the OP's question, frankly, most of us have our own ways of settling on prices. These ways may differ greatly or very little. Some price themselves at what they think they are worth and if no one wants to pay it, well, oh well. Some price themselves at what they think the market will bear. My question to you is, why do you care? I suggest you spend your valuable time in other ways, not analyzing the economic decisions of people who think (perhaps correctly) that their finances are none of your business.

With that said, why don't you go visit a lady of your choice today? I think it will make you forget all about your concerns and make you feel so much better. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Finally some that knows how to both read and answer a question in reason. Thank you.

I really do see the point on how the such scrutiny and stuff on this and other sites. Can make one feel almost if they been hauled up on the block and have some guy checking their teeth and gums. If you notice I only have one review on here and that was because she asked. When ASPD was up I only had I think one there and 1 alert I posted. It isn't because the lack of seeing women.

Why I care. I start the website I have for one reason it was to help someone who was struggling. I helped another woman get her feet back on the ground let her stay with me 6 months with her 2 year old so on. They are not the first and won't be the last I help. However, dealing with and talking to a lot of women I meet and believe it most are not even on my site. You can use the site or not it doesn't matter. It isn't my plan "A" to make money ever on. What I see 99% of the time most the women are spending money as fast as it comes in. They don't know how to market themselves properly, they over invest in some sites that provide poor results for the investment of time the put in. They have little and no back up. Less than 10% have any sort of savings retirement plan what so ever. The only way I know to fix an issue that large is get women discussing it and teach them skills that can be valuable in getting them ahead.

Why care may be because the same reason I paid for the old woman's purchase at subway the other day when she was short. Maybe it comes down to my up bringing were my parents taught me to do for others regardless were I was sitting. Maybe it was I actually was raised a Christian and believed the teachings, maybe it was I was a boyscout, or I was US Naval Nuclear RO trained or maybe all those things are part of me because it is in my nature. I fix things done it all my life.
My background includes nuclear engineering, electrical, electronics, equipment engineering, microprocessor development, computer information system, computer science and that is just the short list.

Hope that answers your question.

Thanks again for reading and answering mine.
guest111010's Avatar
ew i dont even wanna read this entire thread but men yall suck and are crybabies and gtfo its not OUR fault your wife treats you like sht. and in all reality prop is fcking another man behind your back. its not OUR fault you have to pay to get some time. i know there are some good guys out there, but there are some cheap ass mother fckers. fck you and move along if you dont like it k thanks
grtrader's Avatar
Okay ladies and gentlemen, let's see if we can cool off a bit. I will admit that the original post did have the slight hint of male superiority in it, the response came, most likely, from an "I was about to explode anyway" situation. I have certainly been there myself.
When it comes to pricing I think most ladies do start with a plan. I spent a significant amount of time looking at the rates in my own area, as well as the rates in other parts of the country. I looked at traveling rates and how they changed based on location as well. I then determined what I would be earning if I were back in my "corporate life". I decided what the rate should be and then added to it. I am significantly more expensive than most of the ladies in my area. I also know, as with most businesses, things can be vey unpredictable. I decided in the beginning that I was not going to run "specials" or negotiate with anyone. If a hobbyist wants to spend time with me he knows what it takes, there are never any doubts. I do know that when the end of the month comes there must be many, many ladies that have a difficult time making ends meet, if it is even possible. Obviously, once a lady starts lowering the rates gentlemen can see the pattern. The "special" then becomes the new rate. I decided in the beginning I was not going to do business that way.
Does that remotely answer your question? Now tell me, why do you ask? Originally Posted by AvaAstor
Sorry, for got to than you for the awesome reply.
Not sure I would agree on the most ladies do. But a plan can be complex or can be simple so no argument.
grtrader's Avatar
ew i dont even wanna read this entire thread but men yall suck and are crybabies and gtfo its not OUR fault your wife treats you like sht. and in all reality prop is fcking another man behind your back. its not OUR fault you have to pay to get some time. i know there are some good guys out there, but there are some cheap ass mother fckers. fck you and move along if you don't like it k thanks Originally Posted by MandaNicole
Another person who attacks with out actually reading. Wow.
It got shit to do with women charging to much it is more about ones charging to little.

Dam hard to believe there are so many illiterate people on here or just lazy and full of assumptions. What is this the womens thing stereo type every guy as if he is trying to get a few bucks off on you.
