Is this a good idea for a site?

grtrader's Avatar
Is She Was She a Whore . com

thinking make it search-able by name, description, phone, keywords, and facial recognition.

Include all the major sites, like Eros, P411, bd, CV, CL, BP and so on. use a general page capture to show what was being advertised and by who date and so on.

Since it would keep them over time it would also be able to keep ad targeting areas so it could be miss used by LE to track escorts.
But one could check his GFs past or employers could check a woman out on there, or relatives who suspect their daughter or sister all could take a look and see what pops up.

What do you think good idea for a site? Is that a clear enough question?

Now, I only bought the .com of this name and just this variant on the name. someone else who gets POed may want to open their version.

Since I am no longer going to help another provider come hell or high water this question is for the clients on here.
youngatheart's Avatar
GR, You REALLY need to find something, in addition to hobbying, to occupy your time. Do you really think someone is gonna sign onto a site like that?
grtrader's Avatar
GR, You REALLY need to find something, in addition to hobbying, to occupy your time. Do you really think someone is gonna sign onto a site like that? Originally Posted by youngatheart
You missed the point. It is a search engine based site that scans sites and creates a record of of all the listing and posts. Using a bot or crawler or spider which ever you want to call it.

So there is no signing on to the site. It is like google or yahoo or any of the other search engines but this one keeps a record of all the data provided including images, phone, name, description, email address if available...

I probably could make a fair share of money just off advertisement. Got to wonder how many jealous boyfriends, over protective parents are out there who wander what their girl is doing, companies could scan it part of an employee back ground. I bet there would be quite a few entities that would be willing to even get a subscription to it.

Talking easy profit just sit back let that web crawler run and accumulate the data and store it in the data base.

Anyway the vote is still in your guys hands. Should I make it or just keep this one url so no on does with it. Strictly the guys vote here counts.
Yeah, what could go wrong with that?

grtrader's Avatar
Yeah, what could go wrong with that?

Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
You mean like LE using it to their advantage. Or family members finding out their daughter / sister / whatever is an escort. Or someone loosing a job because the employer finds them on it. Or they just don't get a job for the same reason. Yea, I can think of a lot of those so called problems.
Not my problem.

Nothing against you Carrie but after the treatment I got today and the accusations that flew on this board screw it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'd like to handle a defamation case on a contingent fee in a nice conservative jurisdiction for the first false positive . I know that much.
You mean like LE using it to their advantage. Or family members finding out their daughter / sister / whatever is an escort. Or someone loosing a job because the employer finds them on it. Or they just don't get a job for the same reason. Yea, I can think of a lot of those so called problems.
Not my problem.

Nothing against you Carrie but after the treatment I got today and the accusations that flew on this board screw it. Originally Posted by grtrader
So, basically you're threatening to out ladies -- most of whom you've never even interacted with -- and possibly ruin their families and careers because your feelings are hurt?
grtrader's Avatar
I'd like to handle a defamation case on a contingent fee in a nice conservative jurisdiction for the first false positive . I know that much. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
actually it would never give an actual positive it would show ones that closest matched. It would be up to the user to determine yep that is my sister or whoever.

So sorry no deformation case could be brought I would only be providing a list of information that was found on the web over a period of time. but hey have fun.
Does this guy ever shut up?

Of course I have activated the ignore button

We need to start a thread on Post Whores with little value....guess who would be at the top of the list...
Sensei's Avatar
Dude, seriously. Stop trying to sound educated, it hurts my head. Must be my brain deforming.
grtrader's Avatar
So, basically you're threatening to out ladies -- most of whom you've never even interacted with -- and possibly ruin their families and careers because your feelings are hurt? Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Nope not threatening to do so. I never make threats I act for one.
Second, I left the choice up to the guys on this site. As to what they want to do.

Since, I put this out there well you can see how this may also give other guys also the idea if they get POed to do something similar.

See I could go along and say yea ok my feelings are hurt wawa boo hoo.
Sorry not my style. You want to go to someone and have a talk. Talk to the little know the hell it all bitches who think they know how to run their world when the truth is they can't manage their own ass. If they did you know the rule don't pick a fight with someone you have know dam clue of what they are capable of.

There is a lot of ways I could have chose to deal with it. I chose to make a point. One I can legally do.

We could make this even better. Maybe, I should go and not just give it to the men on this site to make a choice this large you are right it could effect a few people so maybe I should involve a larger percentage of the public and put it up on myspace as a pole or face book? Maybe, I could inolve other organisations that take poles as well. We could try some of the Christian ones, and other religions. Post it on other bulletin boards.

I hope if there is a next time the ladies on this site think about what can happen.

I honestly had nothing but good intentions with my question. They chose that path now I offer this one.

I'll have to decide how long to run this pole. If it gets shut down obviously I will just move it then to myspace and so on and the choice goes to their hands. Pretty simple solution don't you think.
Youre gettin some time off to chill the heck out and think about the crap you're saying buddy. When/if you get back you had better have changed your tune....for your own sake.
ANONONE's Avatar
St. Christopher is so awesome, he makes me think about becoming Catholic again!
Sorry not my style. You want to go to someone and have a talk. Talk to the little know the hell it all bitches who think they know how to run their world when the truth is they can't manage their own ass. If they did you know the rule don't pick a fight with someone you have know dam clue of what they are capable of.


I hope if there is a next time the ladies on this site think about what can happen.
Originally Posted by grtrader
*Emphasis added*

How can any sane guy arrive at the conclusion that he has figured out the plan or path for all the escorts to follow in order to succeed? And talk about being unable to handle rejection maturely. Hopefully he doesn't take this attitude in when he has an appointment with a lady.
What a great idea!

Of course, I'm sure you also plan on starting a site called
