First timer reference

Guys, is it ok to provide linkedin details to provider as reference. I understand meeting stranger is a safety concern, however, I want to see that it does not turn into any other consequnces. Suggestion needed.

Is incall safe? I havent done yet, so worried and has first time nervousness. Any precuations or suggestion greatly appreciated.
Toonman's Avatar
I would not provide any personal information to a provider at all, ever. Never have and never will. Just my opinion of course. I'm sure others will disagree.
Thanks. I tried reaching 3 or 4 providers, never been able to make an appointment successfuly. Wondering how difficult it is. Never bargained.
Thanks. I tried reaching 3 or 4 providers, never been able to make an appointment successfuly. Wondering how difficult it is. Never bargained. Originally Posted by Captainh2018
It not that difficult, but a lot of these girls are less than OCD about answering phone or text or msgs, for huge variety of reasons. You will only need references for higher end girls such as on Eros, n often it is the ones who travel from area to area.Absolutely never ever ever give your any real personal info to an unknown provider, especially LinkedIn. Great way to get your identity stolen, find yourself getting blackmailed, your info posted on the internet, or other very bad consequences. Once you have enuf posts somewhere, some will work with you if you tell them your screename.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
It’s pretty standard for girls who accept newbies with no reference to require real life personal info.

You’re worried about getting outed by a woman you don’t know. We have to worry about getting raped or murdered by someone we don’t know

Realistically, someone who’s well established and with good standing in the community, isn’t going to mess up her reputation by stealing a $50 deposit or messing with your personal info

Never say never. We all take risks. But this is a very normal screening process
Thanks babygirl for vision from providers perspective. There are always two sides to a coin.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
You’re welcome
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
So here’s a guys perspective on references. I had a previous handle here that I used on a number on boards. A few years ago a well respected provided in the downstate area who had been a board favorite for years, decided she had enough and ruined a bunch of guys. I had met with her a few times and she was great. She was always fresh, made ya feel like she was into you, hot as hell, and a true GFE. She was one that insisted on personal references that many guys freely gave up. What could go wrong.., she was well reviewed, well liked, and seemed to enjoy her work.

Well something went wrong. One day she decided all guys participating in the hobby were scum and she was going to make it known to family and employers what the scum bags were doing. She contacted employers of some, sent messages to wives, and made life miserable for more than a few guys. I was one of the lucky ones. I’ve been on the boards for years, had a history and plenty of references. I was able to see her without giving up the personal info.

I know a few guys lost there jobs and families. Yes, that’s not as bad as getting killed or raped, but most of us who are married and respectable people in real life are selfish bastards to begin with, that’s why we hobby in the first place. I laid low for a while and closed some of the accounts I had on different boards. When I returned to hobbying I took a different approach. I know mostly stick with AMPs. Not always the best experience compared to an actual GFE with a hook, but IMO much less risk involved.

Albany ECCIE was a little more lively a few years ago. There was some serious drama between a few of the guys here and a couple of hooks. It could have easily turned bad and people could have been exposed.

My advice, don’t give out personal info in this game. I assume BUSTY BG, is a lot of fun and seems sincere, but everything we do here is not real life. How many of you ask for the gals real name. Just saying.
I don't give out my personal info. I don't care how hot the girl is or well reviewed. If you want high end enough they need references then work your way to that. I don't think a lot of guys jump into the game by paying out 500 an hour, at least not in Albany.

You eventually get to a point where your presence speaks for itself or it doesn't. There's a few guys here who know who I am by happenstance and by necessity when, for whatever reason, people thought I was Frank the troll (who isn't around anymore?). Otherwise, this is private. I find providers are seeking pictures now because, and I quote, "cops won't send pictures" lol. I just walk away, stupid is what gets you in trouble.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Everyone screens how they feel comfortable. I’d never ask anyone to do anything they aren’t comfortable with.

I do believe OP is asking about screening as a newbie with no references

Hobbiests don’t give personal information. Many white collar workers on Twitter give out employment verification as a screening method.

Also - high end girls in larger cities are actually far more likely to require personal info than low end girls. The consensus in this thread seems to be that reputable girls take references and lower end girls require personal info. Big city/High end girls actually take reference, personal info, and a deposit. Obviously I wouldn’t trust a random girl with no history on STG with your personal info, lol.

And don’t trust anyone if you don’t want to. See a newbie friendly girl who has other alternatives then use her as a reference going forward
Hobby1750's Avatar
I see city girls often. I have never given my last name; my employer; my LinkedIn; nor ever sent a deposit.

I wouldn't recommend anyone giving any of this real info.

First name: OK
Photo of ID/Badge/Biz Card revealing first name/pic, with all else blocked out: OK
Obscured selfie: OK
Your Professional Industry: LIE
Place of Employment: LIE
LinkedIn: NEVER
Deposit: NEVER

The best method: see many mature girls like BustyBabyGirl, treat them well, and then use them as willing references.

I have had much success with this method. P411 and all those other invasive sites are NOT WORTH THE RISK. Yes, if a girl wants to fuck over a guy, she can try, but don't make it easy for her.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Everyone screens how they feel comfortable. I’d never ask anyone to do anything they aren’t comfortable with.

I do believe OP is asking about screening as a newbie with no references

Hobbiests don’t give personal information. Many white collar workers on Twitter give out employment verification as a screening method.

Also - high end girls in larger cities are actually far more likely to require personal info than low end girls. The consensus in this thread seems to be that reputable girls take references and lower end girls require personal info. Big city/High end girls actually take reference, personal info, and a deposit. Obviously I wouldn’t trust a random girl with no history on STG with your personal info, lol.

And don’t trust anyone if you don’t want to. See a newbie friendly girl who has other alternatives then use her as a reference going forward. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl

All of it.