Brown face Trudeau!!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Just another libtard hypocrite!!!!!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
gotdammit! you got there first! while i was putting Jax in his place here ..


let's look further that this egregious act of political incorrectness and cultural appropriation shall we?

oh sorry! wrong cultural appropriator!


this goober is lucky he's a canucktard! in America he'd be toast .. with eggs and spam!

here he is impersonating a leader!!

bambino's Avatar
Maybe his grandfather was Hindu?

He supports radical changes to prevent Global warming, and he supports inclusive language, so he gets a pass on his racist behavior.
I, for one, am still wondering about that fake eyebrow
bambino's Avatar
Hey, he apologized and shrugged it off. Time to move on.
lustylad's Avatar
Why the fuck did he have to apologize like a pussy wimp? He went to a costume party with an Arabian Nights theme. He chose to be Aladdin. A white boy like him isn't convincing as Aladdin - hence the makeup. He did nothing wrong and shouldn't let the PC assholes push him around or put him on the defensive!
Why the fuck did he have to apologize like a pussy wimp? He went to a costume party with an Arabian Nights theme. He chose to be Aladdin. A white boy like him isn't convincing as Aladdin - hence the makeup. He did nothing wrong and shouldn't let the PC assholes push him around or put him on the defensive! Originally Posted by lustylad
I agree, it wasn't racial and wasn't intended to be. That's what life has come to be now. You turn on the T.V. and tune into a news station all you hear is negativity, open up a paper negativity. This idea that people need to take into account the things they do might offend someone is bullshit. Life is too short for all that. Even though I am not a fan of Trudeau he didn't do a dam thing wrong and wasn't obligated to make a public apology.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm surprised no one has accused him of assault... look at how he is almost choking that girl in the picture! He must have taken lessons from Joe Biden.
  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2019, 09:34 AM
Why the fuck did he have to apologize like a pussy wimp? He went to a costume party with an Arabian Nights theme. He chose to be Aladdin. A white boy like him isn't convincing as Aladdin - hence the makeup. He did nothing wrong and shouldn't let the PC assholes push him around or put him on the defensive! Originally Posted by lustylad

LL- Agreed
The D... PC Police anonymously seek to establish their rules on everyone - anyone criticized on social media must - by DPST standards- publicly apologize.
The hell with the PC Police - they need to be told where to shove their criticism.
  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2019, 09:35 AM
Why the fuck did he have to apologize like a pussy wimp? He went to a costume party with an Arabian Nights theme. He chose to be Aladdin. A white boy like him isn't convincing as Aladdin - hence the makeup. He did nothing wrong and shouldn't let the PC assholes push him around or put him on the defensive! Originally Posted by lustylad

LL- Agreed
The D... PC Police anonymously seek to establish their rules on everyone - anyone criticized on social media must - by DPST standards- publicly apologize.
The hell with the PC Police - they need to be told where to shove their criticism.

BTW - one of the DPST PC'ers is now with the "Band"!!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ok, lets just put up a northern border wall to keep the raving Canucks out.
trump broke the back of pc here

just not everyone has accepted that

but it is one of the huge reasons I am in his camp

everyone should realize it has always been selectively applied

however the fake umbrage and shunning and disqualification from work if you are found as having broached protocol proceeds forthwith

so scared people cower and lower their eyes at their "mistakes" and apologize for being so wrong

even when they did nothing wrong,

when fear strikes though any face is too close to black face and black face is the ultimate

niggardly and guerilla warfare and just a cotton pickin' minute have all caused prostrate supplication to no avail

and leftist teachers scare little children in their classrooms if they dare say God bless you at another's sneeze

trudeau has been conditioned to blink in the face of pc so he apologized without reason and with no thought
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He needs to go