A Suggestion - A Tribute to Elena

First off, as Miss Elena is retiring on the 14th (if her thread announcement is to be believed, and why would we doubt her) I strongly suggest we pay tribute to her. Many of us might have had differences with her, and some of us loved her as a great provider and friend. But regardless of our personal opinions, animosity, and love for her, she has contributed a great deal to ECCIE. In her own unique way she has done what she thinks is right for the community, and no one - even me - can ever question her contributions to hobbying on ECCIE.

As such, I propose we pay tribute to her. Let's go for 20+ pages of remarks. My only request is they be civil, positive and make her "retirement" a milestone for her and us. Remember the funny, brusque things she has said, the unique viewpoint, etc. I suggest we keep confidences in confidence, but that people share with her, on her "retirement" on the 14th as she announced to the world she was doing, the great things she has done.

I will start off. I know for a fact the Marine Corps Toys for Tots at Christmas is as genuine of a thing as I have seen. "SempFi beeatch." When it comes to good works, that is at the head of the pack.

Bravo, Miss Elena.

Happy well earned retirement.
John Bull's Avatar
She will be missed around here. I know there was some squabbling among some of the ladies from time to time but I don't think anyone could say she wasn't there to help when help was needed. I never saw her in person, being a guy who lives and works from Buckeye country, but had I ever gotten to her area of Nebraska, I'd have bought her dinner and drinks anytime as thanks for the good that I know she did.
Godspeed Elena and here's hoping you achieve everything you're seeking in your retirement.
Great thread CJ.

MsE befriended me and gave me support and guidance at a time I was having trouble getting my feet under me in the Omaha hobby community. Her advice, her trust and her wonderful company got me going. I will be forever grateful to this wonderful lady and skilled courtesan.

Many here have made comments about her less than genteel approach towards some posters. I frequently laughed my ass off at the posts she made that displayed her quick temper and acerbic wit.

It's like having our very own female Don Rickles!

I suspect that in our youths, while many of us were learning to "suffer fools gladly", MsE's response was "screw this".....and was out learning those other skills we love so much.

So, I want to thank MsE for her wonderful posts and support. And I want to apologise to her for those things I posted that hurt her feelings. And I'd love to give her a goodbye hug....but will never get the chance.
I'll respond to this later after giving it some well deserved thought.
JB and Hgrits.........

Thank you for the kind words. Very nice of you.

I'll send you a PM JB.
Come on folks. Let's hear for her. She deserves a great send off.

If no one else will add anything:

I liked it when she would encourage the other ladies to make certain to fully screen their gentleman friends, and to rely on each other. As I remember her explaining, we are all in this together, after all. If we can't trust each other, who can we trust? As she said, that's the question. Bravo, I say. Well said Miss E.
Come on dudes, give the lady some profs.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 06-11-2013, 11:19 PM
As I said in her retirement thread, I never got the pleasure of meeting her, and, at this late date, won't, unless she comes out of retirement.

I have enjoyed reading her posts, which generally seemed to make sense to me, even if I was not aware of the dynamic that was going on behind the scenes.

She seems to have spent plenty of time posting here, and I suspect she'll be missed greatly, even by those who don't necessarily "like" her.

Again, Happy Trails, Ms E!
Bigh1955's Avatar
For certain the boards in NE and IA will never be the same! I'm going to miss the candor!

...and lunches at Red Lobster.

Happy Landings!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I believe a major part of Nebraska's success here at ECCIE.net is because of Ms Elena's participation and I wish I could have bought her desert to go along with JB's dinner.
ddwbb's Avatar
  • ddwbb
  • 06-12-2013, 06:47 AM
I personally have not had the pleasure of meeting Ms. E, but from what I have read on the boards she will most certainly be missed. She has a unique and understanding point of view that always seems to be the one voice of reason that everybody can respect. Her reviews are always fantastic and show how much she enjoyed making you feel. Stress can be one hell of a thing that people have to deal with daily and with Ms. E being there that stress was alieviated I'm sure. Again Ms. E, we have not met but you will be missed. I wish you all the best in the world...
I wish Ms. E the best in her new adventure in life. Never meet her, but wanted to, as I don't have the time to hobby that I would like. With the way she contributed here on ECCIE my bet is she will succeed in her any and all things she does in her life. Best of luck to you Elena.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 06-12-2013, 07:30 AM
Elena was my first back on the hobby scene and taught me a lot about what we do, how to be safe, and has been an invaluable source of advice for me personally. I for one always enjoyed her posts and occasional acerbic observations and comments, especially to those less than polite posters. Even if you disagreed with her or didn't find the comments necessary, they were always entertaining. I know hobbyists and providers alike who she has helped in one way or another, with no personal gain to be found. I'm sure there are more, but she doesn't advertise those or take credit. I suspect her absence will make this place like less 'interesting' at the very least. I can't thank her enough for the guidance and courtesy she has shown me these past months and regret not being able to see her one last time.

Wishing you all the best, E!
snowbeard's Avatar
Ms E is a treat - even when she upsets! :>)

I hope things go well for you. I know that Elena will be missed by all - some because we appreciate her humor, her wit and her smile - as well as her fantastic body; others will miss not having her to jab at, scowl at or berate.

Thanks for being you Ms E. That is enough.
I love her tattoos and a great person to give a massage too.