Are you friggin' kidding me?

LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Has anyone else read this?

I know its Texas, but c'mon. What if she walked in his house and got started and the dude hadn't showered in a week so she turned down the appt? I'm not saying she should have taken his money but wtf did he expect from a BP girl?
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Wow! I can't believe they let him off. Texas is a different place.
As for Bp girls, of us girls use BP and don't rip people off! There are good and bad everywhere, including here!
Oh and it wasn't bp is was craigslist!
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Oh, I hear ya, I use it sometimes! I guess I was more or less referring to the BP girl "mentality". You know, upselling, low quality of service, pimps, shady locations, etc.
This Texan is moving your way. Better be nice to me.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
As long as we're on my turf, we'll be juuuuust fine. I do so love a southern accent...
What is interesting is he was partaking in an illegal activity, and I don't believe any charges were brought because of that.
Bigh1955's Avatar
I saw this on the national boards a week ago or so. TX law, right or wrong, allows the use of deadly force to protect personal property (at night). Some might see this case as dehumanizing sex-workers, others may see it as a clear indication TX law, as seen in this case, needs to be reviewed/revised. Still others will say - all is right in the world, and nothing will change. Unfortunately, the last is mostly likely.
Layne, for the most part, I share your outrage. While the lady in question WAS ripping him off, and Texas law DOES allow the use of deadly force in defense of property, I believe he should have been convicted. Now....if he had hit and killed the PIMP.....I'd a shook his hand and given him a cigar.

Your strawman....refusing service for some reason and not returning some or all of the a good one. In theory, in Texas, it would be ok to shoot you for that.

But in the spirit of "what's sauce for the goose", I offer up the following:

This providers only mistake was not doing business in Texas. By passing along an uncurable STD, he did at least $150 worth of damage to her property. In Texas, that's justification for lethal force.

And speaking of force.....every time you point that thing at me it makes me randy as hell! Quit it!
so ... if the shoe was on the other foot... and say she rendered her services but he didn't pay could she shoot him and be in the clear? Its crazy that not only he wasn't convicted but not even of a lesser charge.
Had he tried to stiff her after she gave him sevices she still could not have killed him. State and Federal law state that a contract for illegal goods or services in uninforceable. Hypothetically, if you were in an area where Taxi services were illegal and stiffed a cabi, he can't do anything about it as the money was never legally his.

Don't get me wrong, I think this law is more than slighlty appalling. However, I think that the jury came to the correct verdict. Their job was not to be a force of moral justice, but to apply the law. The law in this case was messed-up, but the jurry followed it.

I don't like KKK rallies either, but I support their right to free speech.
Had he tried to stiff her after she gave him sevices she still could not have killed him. State and Federal law state that a contract for illegal goods or services in uninforceable. Hypothetically, if you were in an area where Taxi services were illegal and stiffed a cabi, he can't do anything about it as the money was never legally his.

Don't get me wrong, I think this law is more than slighlty appalling. However, I think that the jury came to the correct verdict. Their job was not to be a force of moral justice, but to apply the law. The law in this case was messed-up, but the jurry followed it.

I don't like KKK rallies either, but I support their right to free speech. Originally Posted by cuda1179
I cannot disagree with this statement strongly enough without becoming rude.

The Judge is there to make sure the law is followed. THE JURY IS THERE TO MAKE SURE JUSTICE IS MET. This is why the constitution specifies a JURY OF OUR PEERS.

Read up on jury nullification and the founders intent for juries. I'd a nullified the hell outta that law and voted to convict.
John Bull's Avatar
Jury nullification only works to get someone off because of being prosecuted by an unfair law etc. Not the other way around.
sdawg's Avatar
  • sdawg
  • 06-15-2013, 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by cowboy_john
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Originally Posted by sdawg
Haha...funny thing, she changed her avatar shortly after this was posted. Coincidence?