Of interest to clients and providers

Interesting article in the Washington Post


From the story:

“That picture hung on our wall for a long time,” said the vehicle services administrator in Nebraska. “We are pretty darn proud of that one.”

Go back and read the story again. Try to understand the implications this has for "the hobby."

Think we're too "small potatoes?". It is my understanding that the feds have given a $50 million grant to Colo to combat "Human Trafficing"......something we all agree is bad. Last couple of weeks they've busted 22 providers.....by infiltrating P411..

Be careful out there. Keep those Guy Fawkes masks handy.
where did you find th info about p411 hun?
Technology obviously is disrupting our ideas of personal privacy. But, to me and in my experience, what is far more dangerous is the weakness of human judgment. I am more afraid of the provider's jealous SO, or BF, or quasi pimp, who has complete access to her texts, her emails, her phone's call logs, etc., than LE. If you couple that access with a journal which includes real names, hobbyist names, times, places, amounts, favorite activities, also accessible by the SO / BF / quasi pimp (or whatever), one little fight between provider and SO / BF / quasi pimp can create unmitigated disaster. Having seen this play-out before and lives and families ruined, I am far more afraid of bad personal judgment by a provider than I am of LE and technology. (I am not implying any of the core group of ladies on here are included. I am speaking more about the fringe players BTW.)
BTW - Great find grits.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Here's some good reading on P411.
Quantum007's Avatar
In the short time I've been here on the board, everyone says it pays to do your research. I would think that as long as we stick with our known, verified providers we should be ok. Maybe I am a bit naive. It's happened before!