Finding Adult Friends

Anyone used any of the places that have adverts on eccie? Anyone use AdultFriendFinder, for example? OR - where do people go to just meet others?
Would love to know where to go to meet women. I travel a lot so it's hard to keep a girl.friend. Providers simplify things a lot for me. Love you ladies!! But, once in awhile it would be nice to be with someone because they like me without money changing hands. Even if I have to get them.a little drink first. :-)
pyramider's Avatar
Bingo parlors are full of women, just do not fuck with their cards.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
do you mean to meet friends or to meet women to boink for free?
ManSlut's Avatar
I go to nice Hotel bars to make lady friends and get 'boinked' for the price of several drinks and a complimentary tennis lesson.
pyramider's Avatar
do you mean to meet friends or to meet women to boink for free? Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
There is no such thing as free boincking.
do you mean to meet friends or to meet women to boink for free? Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Well, there *are* benefits besides boinking, but boinking is one of them, right? But don't women enjoy or want to just go do something, watch a movie, or just spend time together without getting paid $200-300/hour?
free boinking is available when meeting women in hotel bars... even more available when there are conventions in town...
mark77070's Avatar
One of the eccie guys--I can't remember who--has a by-line that reads to the effect, "There are two kinds of women out there, the kind you pay to have sex with, and the kind you don't pay. The latter category *always* costs more than the former category." A cautionary tale, my friend.
Sad to think that there are no authentic man-woman friendships in this world. Either there's not, or there's just not for people who agree with that byline. Or it may be that it is true for some people but not all.

Doesn't anyone else know couples that are both best friends and lovers and not in it only to use the other person as a means to their own ends?
bored@home's Avatar
Sad to think that there are no authentic man-woman friendships in this world. Originally Posted by jceeman
Male to female friends do exist, just one of the pairs wants more than friends at some point and causes the friendship to strain.

Doesn't anyone else know couples that are both best friends and lovers and not in it only to use the other person as a means to their own ends? Originally Posted by jceeman
My SO is my best friend and my lover... she is also at times a huge pain in the ass.... if you see a couple that appear perfect then you are only seeing a small portion.
Male to female friends do exist, just one of the pairs wants more than friends at some point and causes the friendship to strain. My SO is my best friend and my lover... she is also at times a huge pain in the ass.... if you see a couple that appear perfect then you are only seeing a small portion. Originally Posted by bored@home
Well, of course if someone HAS an SO then male-female friendships can be problematic. But, if not, a male-female friendship would, i should think, be open to the "more than friends" possibility at any time if that is what both want to do. Or do we live in a society that is so messed-up with regards to sex that this is some kind of big "red line?"
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah that big red line is drawn straight to the kitty. Most women that have male friends maintain a strictly friend zone relationship. Some may dabble from time to time, but it usually just friends. Whereas the males with maintain a friendship with a woman for years in the off chance he will be able to tickle her taint.
rxram03's Avatar
Male to female friends do exist, just one of the pairs wants more than friends at some point and causes the friendship to strain. Originally Posted by bored@home
Ain't that the fucking truth. I'm recently going through that right now (again). Fell in love with a good friend, she doesn't feel the same, we both agreed that nothing will happen to our friendship yet our friendship is fading fast. Doesn't help that she lives out of state, even if it is just a 9 hour drive. I've come to the conclusion, since this very scenario has happened quite a bit, that if you develop feelings for a friend never let them know and move on from it otherwise that friendship IS going to end. I've lost some good friends because of honesty.
Roguejet's Avatar
Ain't that the fucking truth. I'm recently going through that right now (again). Fell in love with a good friend, she doesn't feel the same, we both agreed that nothing will happen to our friendship yet our friendship is fading fast. Doesn't help that she lives out of state, even if it is just a 9 hour drive. I've come to the conclusion, since this very scenario has happened quite a bit, that if you develop feelings for a friend never let them know and move on from it otherwise that friendship IS going to end. I've lost some good friends because of honesty. Originally Posted by rxram03
Been there too; but it's sort of fucked up, right? I mean, what kind of relationship is it when, if you're honest about your feelings, it causes her to drop you like a butt. Makes you wonder what the hell she was doing hanging out with you in the first place - and what the hell did she expect? or, it did me. I was "friends" with the woman I'm referring to for three years; the last year, we became really close and did freakin everything together - like shopped for a Christmas tree together kind-of-together; she even told all of her girlfriends I was her best friend; hell, strangers thought we were married; but we never had sex. Then when I unloaded my feelings on her one day, she started drifting away and "poof" - she was gone. We don't even call or text anymore. Did I miss something, or is that just Fucked Up?!