i saw this beginning a few week ago. some Yahoo articles (the few they actually write) no longer allowed comments. now it's all articles even third party content.
"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the experience." Start survey
we all know why this is happening. Yahoo is spending too much censoring comments. so they are just going to get rid of comments altogether. easier and cheaper than censoring all the Pro TRUMP comments that upsets those snowflakes at Yahoo.
most of the far leftist rags like the HuffyPooPoo never allowed comments. is it any wonder why? they don't want all those PRO TRUMP comments upsetting their libtards!
they need their safe space on the Internet!
take this article .. negative of course to Trump .. trying to support the Portland terrorists. clearly they don't want "top liked" PRO TRUMP comments.
because that's always what you see. the "top liked" comments. oh you can .. er .. could change that .. show other options like "newest comments" but by default it was "top liked".
just way too many "top liked" PRO TRUMP comments for those Yahoo snowflakes!
Trump's Actions in Portland Mesh With His Political Message
the source?
the NY Times. yeah .. those losers whose readership is tanking because they dared defy Lord Trump!!!!