What Got YR Banned??

Just curious.

I picked up a few points and a stern warning for making a derogatory remark toward another member a while back. As I look back, it was in poor taste.
  • Tiny
  • 06-29-2021, 10:18 PM
chefnerd's Avatar
Who knows? The way things are going I would not be at all surprised if I get pointed for a few honest things I said today. I do remember getting warned because I said someone showed ignorance instead of saying they lacked knowledge. Guess we're all supposed to be namby pamby nice
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
who's YR? who cares? he earned it. end of story.
chefnerd's Avatar
Same question could be asked who's TWK or CN.
winn dixie's Avatar
who is cn? thats a commie news network right?
chefnerd's Avatar
No, just someone who actually is able to think for himself rather than parroting conspiracy theories.
winn dixie's Avatar
who's YR? who cares? he earned it. end of story. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
an ode to clarksville
winn dixie's Avatar
No, just someone who actually is able to think for himself rather than parroting conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by chefnerd

if you say so
chefnerd's Avatar
an ode to clarksville Originally Posted by winn dixie
Don't miss the last train
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Same question could be asked who's TWK or CN. Originally Posted by chefnerd

Clinton News Network

No, just someone who actually is able to think for himself rather than parroting conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Clinton News Network

an ode to clarksville Originally Posted by winn dixie
Don't miss the last train Originally Posted by chefnerd

be careful what u ask for ..

for YR until he returns .......


chefnerd's Avatar
No not the Clinton News Network. I did NOT vote for Shillary. Glad to see you at least were able to pick up on the Monkees reference. Unusual for a Trumpanzee
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No not the Clinton News Network. I did NOT vote for Shillary. Glad to see you at least were able to pick up on the Monkees reference. Unusual for a Trumpanzee Originally Posted by chefnerd

i am unusual but not in the way you think

chefnerd's Avatar
Yes, I know you are unusual/weird thinking more like you just like to harass people for the hell of it
Ripmany's Avatar
who's YR? who cares? he earned it. end of story. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don't have to work at my being banned it just is given to me.