Let me preface this by saying I'm an old guy, but reasonably intelligent and consider myself to be rather worldly and astute. At a Christmas event yesterday, something happened that made me think back over the years and reflect on my 15 years of marriage and realize that of many unanswered questions which arose during my life, the one I am relating now to our female friends on this forum has always perplexed me.
I was sitting with a close family friend who will be 90 years of age in January. There were many people scurrying about a large kitchen preparing a great meal and this lady asked her daughter and granddaughter "What are you all drinking?". It took several minutes, but it dawned on me that she didn't want to hear the response, "Dr. Pepper", but in fact wanted something to drink for herself. I asked her if that was in fact what she wanted and she said yes, she'd like some tea.
Is there a course in grade school named "Gender Communication:Fun With Secret Codes"?
I realized how many problems and issues could be avoided by just being direct many years ago, and wonder why this practice continues. I do not pretend to speak for all men, but personally, when I am in a relationship, I feel like Dick Tracy (sorry!) trying to figure out what the S.O. really means or wants or doesn't want. I hesitate to believe that this behavior is hard-wired and is instead learned. Can I go to the class?
Maybe that's why I am divorced now and in the hobby.