University of Texas at Dallas, Movin On Up

As an alumni of UTD, I look for interesting events that take place on their campus. Being basically a dry and dull campus has kept the riff-raff out of their student body.

Well things seem to be changing. This is from yesterday's e-newsletter:

Documentary Film “The Price of Pleasure”
Wednesday, July 21 (6 - 8 p.m.) | Galaxy Rooms
UniTeD Against Sexual Assault Project partners with the Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center for a screening and discussion of “The Price of Pleasure,” a documentary film about pornography. More Info
Librarians on the Loose
July 21 | July 29 | Aug 23 | Various Locations
At different times and locations around campus, librarians venture forth from McDermott Library to assist you where you are. More Info

These student services did not exist when I was a student, DAMN!
LazurusLong's Avatar

Porn leads to rape? Am I reading this correctly?

And I guess that women who dress in scanty clothes deserve to be raped also?

What a load of crap being pushed onto young minds.