Texas Rangers in 2010?

Ya Think Its Possible?
Int3rested's Avatar
Absolutely...look at the D...the bats.. pitchers..and the rest of the league...some good stuff.
Very very good babseball. I think it is very possible.
Its been fun watching them play (win) this season !
flexywun's Avatar
just took a 6 game lead.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Some great "d" tonight! Angels will be tough all the way to the end though, they got the skins on the wall...
yaddayadda's Avatar
Been watching since '72, its the best team I have ever seen. With the addition of Cliff Lee they have a 50/50 chance of beating the Yankees in the playoffs.

The 95-99 Rangers were pretty good but won 1 playoff game, the 2010 Rangers could do better than that....I really hope so.
Int3rested's Avatar
Fall baseball is going to be a great lead into winter football at this Superbowl...get ready...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Been watching since '72, its the best team I have ever seen. With the addition of Cliff Lee they have a 50/50 chance of beating the Yankees in the playoffs.

The 95-99 Rangers were pretty good but won 1 playoff game, the 2010 Rangers could do better than that....I really hope so. Originally Posted by yaddayadda
I to have been watching the Rangers for a long long time and this is the best team ever, pitching is much much better with Lee & Hunter, defense is better,

1998 division winners batting average was .280 for the starting 9, 2010 currently .292

I watch every night, guess I will dvr the new shows come September
scooterpie's Avatar
They have a really good shot at winning the division, and if they can get past the f&@%ing Yankees, a World Series Berth is definitely not out of the question. This is the best Rangers team I have ever seen.

P.S. Tom Hicks is a douchebag.
slims099's Avatar
Been following them strongly this year. Love it! They're doing really well minus that series in Baltimore. I just hope they don't crash in September, ya know?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, they're in shape and fairly healthy. They also have some talent that seems to play well with others. Either Nolan is making a huge difference in the attitude and professionalism departments or, due to all of the drama Hicks is causing, they are having a "Major League" (the movie) moment - or both. Sure as hell hope they're NOT removing clothing parts from a cutout of Tom...now there's a freakin' disturbing visual! Whatever the case, it's sure been a treat to watch them.

Now, about taking on the Evil Empire (my favs since the early days of Mantle), wellllll.....wtf - play ball!!!
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 07-22-2010, 10:36 PM
..that matches up with any AL playoff team...Having personally been in attendance at each and every Playoff game that has been played at the Ballpark...We now match up...We can roll out C Lee, K Lewis and here is the BIG Thing...Wash can actually chose his #3 Starter from Lefty CJ Wilson OR Tommie "Big Game" Hunter....
And we still have good hitting and Good Defense that keeps you in games...Angels may have "skins on the wall" but after 2nites nifty win to put us 6 games up...if we take 2 of next 3 from ANGLES...THEN the ANGLES leave town down 7 games....Theyr gonna need us to help them catch us.....GUARANTEE there was some puckering goin on in the ANGLE clubhouse/front office when they learned of Cliff Lee acquistion...
Should be a fun next two and half months


ITS TIME...!!!!

Boltfan's Avatar
Cliff Lee is a stud. Watched him last night and he is just a monster. His 8th inning was amazing. 9 pitches? Are you kidding me? 99 total? Exactly what they need to keep the BP fresh for the rare nights they are needed for long relief.

And I think he is going to drive the others into his philsophy of just throw strikes and let the defense play.
Jasser's Avatar
I think it's possible, but not likely. I see a Romo-like ending to the season. So much talent, but always falls short.