
Those of you that had this done, tell me some pros and cons other than the obvious of being able to shoot the club up without repercussions.
You nailed the pro. Con…post op your balls will HURT for about a week (and they’ll be black/blue for about a month).

That said…best decision I’ve ever made.
  • Jilge
  • 09-14-2024, 10:16 AM
That says... IT ALL!
When you feel like you want to be touched "there" again, go for it!! As a matter of fact, they will probably tell you to shoot several loads before fully empty of live rounds in the chamber. After that, let'em fly like the rifleman!!
Nickonebyme's Avatar
Has no problems. Take it easy and I mean easy from Thursday till Monday morning and you should not have any problems. I last a little longer since mine
I got the "no scapel" method (this was 25 years ago) and it really wasn't that bad. I didn't have that much pain and bruising at all. I think I was back in the saddle in less than a week. I've never regretted it.
I had the "no scapel" done about 20 years ago and had sex that night with my girlfriend. Protected of course until I was all clear. Best decision I ever made. No serious pain or issues.
I got the "no scapel" method (this was 25 years ago) and it really wasn't that bad. Originally Posted by GolfNut6372
No scalpel method?? WTF is that?? I had mine done about 35 years ago, under general anesthesia and I think the doctor just stretched out my junk over a stump and then used a hatchet!!
They use a sharp tool with a hook on it. They pierce the skin, grab to tube, pull it through, cut it, tie it off and stick it back in. Super simple. No stitches or anything.
They use a sharp tool with a hook on it. They pierce the skin, grab to tube, pull it through, cut it, tie it off and stick it back in. Super simple. No stitches or anything. Originally Posted by Okiephoto71
What he said. I got mine done about 30 years ago and my doc said he'd been doing it that way for about 5-6 years. And at that time, he was one of the few in OKC that did the no scalpel method.

It went so well for me, I thought that within a few years every vasectomy would be done that way.

I didn't have sex that night, but if I remember correctly, it was only about 3 or 4 days later.

Poor Ed. Looks like you just missed getting in on the new technique.

P.S. I know I said 25 years ago in my first post, but I re-did the maths in my head and it's really more like 30 years ago. I actually could have saved myself some trouble and just asked my youngest son how old he is.