Nothing compares to home sweet home..

GwenVenom's Avatar
I've been in Georgia for months taking care of a sick elderly family member but I'm finally BACK and it looks like EVERYTHING has changed.
So many of my provider friends have left the area and I am a sad bean. 😢 I miss having babes to chit chat with.
And it looks like a lot of my formerly active regulars have all gone too, for the most part.

What the heck is happening? Is FL just becoming too expensive to live here anymore or what? Cuz I know the cost of living has gone up like crazy and rent is BONKERS.
I miss the good old days of decent but affordable rates and happy regulars and Florida sunshine. ☹️
BulldogCountry's Avatar
The hobby isn't as affordable anymore as most providers demand 400+ per hour session, and most of the new providers to the area give subpar and VERY MINIMAL services, or they try to UPCHARGE at every turn. I definitely don't play as often anymore because of this.

I have a couple of UTR providers I still see every now and then. Otherwise, yeah.. it has totally changed around here.
GwenVenom's Avatar
Yeah, it's hard keeping mine lower but I do as much as I can, for sure. Only thing I try to upsell is longer visits but I'm certainly not trying to kill anyone's pockets for THAT much.
I know it's gotten hard to keep up for everyone so it only makes sense some babes are more. BUT - you've gotta make sure what you're offering is worth it, yannow? I just hate that some just assume I'm gonna overcharge without even asking just because others do. It's like they're just jaded now ☹️
BulldogCountry's Avatar
One lady I communicated with a while back had her base hour price at 400, then a long list of "upgrades", and each "upgrade" added an additional 50 or 100.

My main thing is msog. If she doesn't offer it or if it's an "upcharge" to have it, forget it. I like to meet a provider, do our thing, then relax and chit-chat (maybe exchange backrubs), then by that time I'm usually recharged enough to go again. (Within the hour, of course)

And it seems all the newcomers to the area are "one and done" gals, or they upcharge for msog.

I definitely don't mind paying 400 for an hour as long as she puts in the effort and at least "pretends" she's having a good time. But last couple newcomers I saw, their attitudes were very lackluster.
GwenVenom's Avatar
(Staff edit)

I've been around a bit longer than many newer gals but they'll likely learn to adjust according to the market. This isn't Vegas or LA. Some are expecting to earn what they see in big cities and this just isn't that.

I'm just gonna keep on trucking with where mine are and keep my head down and my fingers crossed and keep on keeping on.
I don't have first-hand knowledge, but for those who have seen her reviews, my understanding is that she doesn't offer MSOG. She demands it and has made an art out of forcing you to tap out. Just my $0.02.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
My thing is, if I contribute to a full hour, I expect to go as many times as my body will allow in that hour. Whether it be once or 50 times. But, on average, I can only go twice in an hour. On RARE occasions, if she's AWESOME, I can go three times. But, usually by that third time, I'm just shooting blanks by that point. XD

It's rare a guy can keep thrusting for an entire hour, and not POP once. If he can go an hour without popping, he needs to start filming porn. lol
BulldogCountry's Avatar
In other words, I don't want to contribute for a full hour, then end up popping in the first ten minutes, and she's "done". lol

Being a little older now, I can't always predict how long I can last. XD