Storm damage, or Toto, we almost made it to Kansas last night!

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Last night's storms came through wild and wicked (like ME) on the north side. Hope everyone out this way is okay? We had tornadic winds, power outages, flooding rain, and my apartment complex has trees and debris down everywhere. The pool is full of patio furniture from EVERYONE'S patio. My walkway is blocked, so unless you feel like climbing over limbs before getting wrapped up in MY limbs, today is not a suitable day to visit a sassy lassie's lair of lechery, but everything should be cleaned up and spiffy by tomorrow. Work crews are here and busy.

Thought I'd better post this since I've already had to turn down a couple of callers, dang it. This may not be the appropriate forum, but I didn't want to use up my allotted one post in the provider ad section this week. Please move, mods, if this should be directed elsewhere. Thanks!

Oh, I saved a birdie! I found a poor wee feathered beastie blown out of the trees and actually stuck in the muck, barely moving, a cat eyeballing him. (The cat staring raptly at the ground is what called my attention over.) Took him (I call every wild creature "him" unless I know otherwise, something Freudian, I'm sure) in, cleaned and dried off the exhausted fella (had to pick matted leaves and embedded twigs out of his feathers and gently wipe off mud, poor thing), put him in a box with a warm towel and fresh water, covered that with a light cloth. He stayed the night on my patio, me checking on him periodically. (Yes, I'm tired today.) At dawn I uncovered the box, he stayed for a bit longer, fluffed himself and stretched his wings, and flew off. WOW. A simple thing, but it made me feel wonderful, 'cause I actually thought from the way he acted last night that he was a goner. (Well, he would have been a snack had the feline had her way.) Call me the Birdwoman of Alcohol (Jameson) instead of Alcatraz!

(P.S. - For anyone wondering, my old chihuahuas at the cottage in the deep, dark, spooky woods in far northeast Montgomery County are fine. Thunder, lightening, rain and wind, but no damage, according to my pup sitter. Just panting, pacing little dogs all trying to hide under the same chair at every rumble. They hate it when the Big Dog in the Sky gets pissed off and pisses on the world while growling.)
cumalot's Avatar
Sometimes it's the little creatchers that need our help the most during Mother Nature's rage. Your a good person Fancy....I'm sure he made you smile when he left and that was your reward....
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Thank You Fancy, You made me smile! We all need to be reminded to take a moment and give back.
Mr Turov's Avatar
I love my cats but I really don't like it when they go after the birds. I know they are just being cats but it still bugs me and I do my best to try and keep them from getting them. You did a very nice thing Fancy.

On a side note I sure hope I can schedule my next trip back to see family in East Texas through Houston so I can see you. You and Ms. Athena are high on my list of ladies to see.

Glad you all weathered the storm - take care.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Aww you're a sweetie, Miss Fancy

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Another post from Fancy that has made me smile.

Wonderful. But that's too bad about such a mess. Hopefully, it'll be cleaned up soon!

dearhunter's Avatar
does boardman know that you were the who stole his dinner?
boardman's Avatar
Birds are good!
Fancyinheels's Avatar

How about vegetarianism?

Boardman's typical diet:

  • romab
  • 06-13-2012, 05:20 PM
Damn Fancy I told you not to show my picture in public. Romab