where can i go to find best advice on staying safe in the business?

I would love to find a thread, or hear from some of you about the best things to do to stay safe.

-what is the best way to screen....what is that verifyhim.com?
- what to do or not to do in the business
- i am not new but feel like i have alot to learn, and this site is so helpful , as are the great people on it.
-benefits of p411...how do they screen the guys?

thanks everyone...we all have to "have each others backs" and stick together

I appreciate any thougts on this subject
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Two good places to start:

1. Eccie's infoshare area. It's for ladies, only, and has a wealth of information.

2. Order the two books featured on this site:


Very no-nonsense advice (inexpensive, too!) and an excellent base to start from.

When I was learning about "this", I read a bunch of hooker books. Delores French's book, "Working", is a really good one to read and learn how things were done in the past decades.

Read and observe. And remember when asking others, "This story is to be sold, not told". So don't think too badly of someone if they're not just jumping up and down to take you under their wing.

Many of us learned this craft through the school of hard knocks.

thanks elizabeth...i will read that book...sounds perfect!
and i love infoshare...feel comfortable asking questions there
i just hate coming across as "cluless" sometimes
i want everyone to think i know everything! lol
There's some good reading on there, ElisabethWhispers.

I especially liked this link:


BTW, Angel in KC, ElisabethWhispers is the mod for one of the best forums on Eccie.net --- Another Realm.

It's mostly about sexual subjects that don't fit neatly into other categories, but it hosts some really far ranging discussions. I don't participate very much, but I like seeing other people's perspectives, and Another Realm is terrific for that.

I've thought about the necessity for some kind of Provider U. I hate the idea that providers are getting into this without some sort of base knowledge, unless they have some kind of good mentorship. There are a lot of dark paths people can head down without even realizing the road they're on until it's too late.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate them more than you know.

In the private provider sections, there is an Escort 101 just for the newer members. Hope this is helpful for everyone reading.

Again, thank you for the compliment about Another Realm. It's a great forum!
No, I get it. You and I are affirmation people. We like being supportive and encouraging of others, but it means we crave receiving it, too.

Anyway, it was sincere praise. I think you do a terrific job over there. It's a great environment.
i guess i will have to check out this another realm area

i spend so much time on my local board, i rarely get time to read national stuff....but sounds like its worth making time for
elizabeth, thanks for being a MOD. that would be such a tough job....and no pay! i appreciate people like you