
Are the weekends sooo dead! Boooo lol. Staff edit, availability. dj8
It’s always been that way.Everyone is stuck at home on the weekends, it seems like we have more freedom during the week.
Well it’s boring lol!!! I want company!!!
Well, majority of the men cant help they are attached at the hip. Helps to walk to red carpet on the weekends
  • B02
  • 01-27-2019, 07:57 PM
Just courius,red carpet?
Cravinhead69's Avatar
May I ask how you meet clients working the casinos? Do you approach the guy or do you dress to attract their attention and hope they come up to you?

I ask, this because I don't hang out in casinos, but have heard that a lot of the girls do & it's a good place to find them. I would be leering picking up a girl in a casino with all the cameras watching. I know, they know what is going on, especially if the same girls are working the floor a lot.
sorry if this is a dumb question, but I honestly don't know.
I have been approached.

Usually by somebody who recognizes me from prior experiences.

A couple times by random persons.

If a lady sits next to you while you are sitting in the middle position of a row of 20 machines.... and are the only person in the row....and asks

are you getting lucky or what?

I make a great breakfast and my place is not far if you are interested.

I am tired and bored, are you ready to leave?

Can you give me a ride home?

I get the hint somebody is working.

BTW, her breakfast wasn't that good.
Lol, dang a name, sorry you had that experience. Lol, I let them come to me. She was super obvious
I’ve never been propositioned at a casino, I guess they figure my broke ass on the quarter slots couldn’t afford them. I did get hit on by a drunk grandma one time though but I ain’t that desperate
Cassie107's Avatar
I've had a few experiences at the casino but my favorite was when I was minding my own business calling the machine I was on a b**** because it lined the jackpot up above the pay line on me. Suddenly I hear my email notification and check my email. The message read: if you're feeling that violent we can go upstairs and I can help replace that money you just lost lol. My name is ***** ****** and my p411 ID is ******. I looked up and the gentleman two machines over I'd been joking with for the last hour was smiling at me. I still laugh at that experience. I have never officially walked the carpet but I have made a couple dates there after being approached with casual conversation.
  • vadc
  • 01-29-2019, 07:24 AM
For me Biloxi Casino is harder to pickup than Vegas or AC.
I have been approached by one that didn’t look like provider at all. She said she been watching me playing. Kind freaked out by that. She looked awesome but she was asking crazy high Staff edit, forbidden topic. dj8. I’ve seen about 5 girls that appear to be there to pickup but I didn’t approach since they were not up to my standard.
I will be stopping by again on my way home so will see how my next trip will be.
I've never met anyone by hanging out at a casino, it's always been a pre-arranged date. Makes me wonder though, I have been considering reserving a room soon for a night away from home just because.
I barely go to casinos. Lol but I’ve never been approached there either :/
  • vadc
  • 01-29-2019, 12:52 PM
Why get a room? Go to his room or make him get a room. Easyness will be depend more n you looks and/or how you approach. If older ladies can get guys, you can too.