pickupkid's Avatar
HOW DO FEEL WHEN YOU SEE A PROVIDER (well reviewed) and your milage is differnt.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
It happens. Everyone is different. Don't sweat it.
Still Looking's Avatar
Reset the milage counter and try again! More often than not I get better milage than expected. But I shoot for the curb anyway, so if I do better than that, I'm a winner! LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Please God, remove the visual of SL shooting for the curb. I promise to be good, PLEASE!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
There are just some people that dont click, and just going through motions and services dosent make it a good session. No ones fault. I do like to text and chat before a meet so that we have a little foreplay going on and a feel for each other. But if I am not what they are describing they are looking for, then I will refer them to another provider that I know does those services and can meet their needs. No use setting yourself up for failure and pretending your something your not.........
This has happened to me very recently. I was unhappy but I didn't post an angry review (at least I think so). I stated the facts, said how disappointed I felt, and moved on. I think she has seen the review and probably just doesn't care. Her WK's are probably telling her what an asshole I am and how they defended her.

I understand that sometimes that there just isn't any chemistry but at least try to get through it with some class and grace.
burkalini's Avatar
I've seen both sides of it. Both more and less. Sometimes you just don't match up well and the menu gets shut down.
Naomi4u's Avatar
A provider should always try her best to give the client his monies worth. It should show in her looks and performance. However, still YMMV. A provider that claims to click with every guy that walks through her door is lying.
HOW DO FEEL WHEN YOU SEE A PROVIDER (well reviewed) and your milage is differnt. Originally Posted by pickupkid
This has happened to me, and I have gone back to that provider more than once attempting to recover the desasterous meeting. One may ask why I would do that, my answer is I am attracted to her she has a awsome personality. I still talk to her via phone and or email to this day. I think what is important is that you are able to identify if the undesirable session outcome is a result of lack of effort/attitude or the fact that your gears just simply don't mesh. In my case I will make another run at it as I am certain that if we are lucky the results may be explosive.

With that said I have had experiances where you feel robbed and it is obvious to me the provider was giving lack luster effort, for those incounters you simply brush yourself off and move to the next one.
I have two rules:
  1. I don't have PA so I don't read reviews for ROS
  2. I've had a bad time so frequently, I don't expect a good one anymore
So, for the most part I don't have any expectations when the date is made.

Nor do I compare myself to the mongers who have gone before. I generally assume their mileage is better than mine. It's a matter of being short, fat, old and short-dicked.
If a client doesn't kiss, or keeps his mouth mostly closed he will not get me at my best. He'll get the motions but I won't be turned on and I won't be as wet and I won't cum.

Maybelook at yourself and not just her.
pyramider's Avatar
It happens . . .
CarolinaGent's Avatar
HOW DO FEEL WHEN YOU SEE A PROVIDER (well reviewed) and your milage is differnt. Originally Posted by pickupkid
It has happened to me a couple of times and I don't think that much into it. Everyone is different. There are so many factors that can affect the experience. Her appearance, the location (and condition of), her demeanor, her voice (helium like voice or the like is a huge turnoff for me), and lastly performance. I had one experience with someone who talked too much and was a crappy kisser. She had lots of great reviews on TER. She might have acted differently with others, or other reasons. I didn't get mad, shit happens. If you over think the experience, you will be dispappointed more often than not. So far the good has outweighed the bad by a wide margin for me.
You just have to take reviews are a guideline. They are reliable if you can read through the bs. You can't expect to relive the exact experience of each reviewer.
If a client doesn't kiss, or keeps his mouth mostly closed he will not get me at my best. He'll get the motions but I won't be turned on and I won't be as wet and I won't cum.

Maybelook at yourself and not just her. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Generally, I agree with you.

But there are ladies that don't DFK or do BBBJs, which are deal breakers for a lot of guys. The bad part is for the most part, they don't do full disclosure. So you go into the session not knowing that is off the menu.