NC/NS Cameron Cooper: Drove to BFE for NOTHING

pravda's Avatar

I figured I'd give this girl-next-door/MILF a shot. The only thing that was keeping me was the fact that she operates out of Clear Lake, which is at least a good 45 min drive from my office and a good 1.5 hour drive from my house in traffic. Despite that, I still gave her a chance. I sent her a private message on Wednesday the 6th and confirmed a meeting with her on the evening of Thursday the 7th. I told her I'd leave my office around 6pm and would arrive in the Clear Lake area around 7pm. She sent me a text on the 7th around 6pm asking if we were still on. I replied yes, we were, and that I was wrapping up some work and headed her way. As I was en route, I sent her a few texts letting her know my progress of how far away I was. No response. I stopped and got a cup of coffee and called her. No response. I sent her a private message. No response. I gave her a solid hour to respond. No joy. I gave her a solid hour of time to reply - to reschedule, to give me an excuse, tell me she hates me and doesn't want to see me, to tell me to fuck off, whatever. I sent her a text asking if she was okay, if she wanted to reschedule, etc. No "yes, sir" no "no, sir" no "fuck you, sir" NOTHING. I guess I don't rate common decency or a some professionalism. All she had to do was make up some bullshit excuse or tell me straight up she wasn't interested. Nope. I guess I don't rate a professional response. I ended up stopping by The Ritz and gave Cameron's money to a young, hot, stripper who took care of me. Guess it worked out in the end...Cameron, good luck in your endeavors. You lost some steady cash flow.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-08-2013, 07:13 AM
Man, that's truly messed up. Thanks for the info, sir.
STFUDora's Avatar
Damn, that's a long drive. Thanks for the intel!
inctown's Avatar
I hate it when that happens sorry man
Cameron is a good person, and sometimes things come up that you have no control over. Give her a chance to explain and make good on it before writing her off.
Funny, she's online now. Wonder if he got a PM?
cabletex7's Avatar
NC/NS is sort of a fuck you. But probably without the sir.
  • tf954
  • 02-09-2013, 10:10 AM
That sucks bro, I got nc/ns(not by Cameron) a few weeks ago after driving a good 45 mins so I know it just how bad it sucks.

I agree some bull shit excuse even if its clearly an excuse is better than nothing. Let us know if she makes things right.

customer service really is lacking with some of the ppl in the hobby on both sides I hear.
Cam C's Avatar
  • Cam C
  • 02-09-2013, 12:27 PM
Wow its funny how you f say you want to come bu at around 630 pm but decide to start calling and texting at 730 trying to say you're close by.... That's why you drove you're as down for nothing sweetheart... Was willing to reschedule to see you now not so much.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I think there's your "fuck you, sir" Pravda
Cam C's Avatar
  • Cam C
  • 02-09-2013, 12:50 PM
You decide to say im a ncns when what time did we agree that you would be at my place? WE DID NOT!!!!! You ciIalled and without a confirmation you came. This is not an accurate accusation this is bull shit i have no problem admitting my faults but I'll be damned if I'm going to be called out for someonelses stupidity
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you, Pravda. This is so messed up and tragic. I've been in similar unfortunate scenarios myself. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Oralist's Avatar
The Fucktard and the Hooktard duke it out in COED.
silverstate53's Avatar
My appointments with Cameron have been flawless
This appears to be a case of miscommunication. Hopefully these two can work it out privately without further repercussions.