What's longest sex only relationship you have had?

koseylee's Avatar
My SB/FWB and I are coming up on our 6th anniversary. We don't really socialize, just hook-up weekly or so, have great sex and go our separate ways. No romance, we both know that would be a disaster. We are from different worlds. I do enjoy her company and still help her out. I know she sees other guys, even had a boyfriend for awhile. But, she is very open and honest w me. I even get off some on hearing about her "adventures" and the dumb shit some guys do.
To be honest, I can't believe we haven't gotten tired of each other yet. I still look forward to seeing her and get excited when she walks through my door.
Probably about 32 hours. Mostly one and sometimes two hours at a time
Koseylee, I had two SB types, and we were good for 4 years. I met one at the Lodge and the other on SA. I would see them every 2 weeks. With one, I was very social. We would usually talk for 2 hours before having sex. With the other, we would talk a little and then get down to business.

Both were 9s and 10s in and out of the bedroom. What caused it to end was that I got a divorce so I could play more often and the siren call of new pussy was too strong. The other part with both was that I wanted to be more intimate with them after the divorce, but they both knew I was seeing other women and I wasn't ready to commit to being exclusive with either of them. They weren't going to emotionally invest in a guy who wasn't willing to be exclusive.

Despite all my experience with new pussy, I really didn't get anybody better and got a ton that were worse.

Part of the hobby is thinking the next one is going to be so awesome, so amazing that you can't wait. Then after you are done, most times, you tell yourself that you would have been better with one you have seen in the past.

I am at the point of my life where I have gotten new pussy out of my system and have realized that the intimacy is more important than the sex at least now. Of all the things in the hobby, the good times and bad times, those two relationships were probably the most worthwhile and fulfilling.

At the time, I wanted more, could afford it, and I think needed to get tired of new pussy. I wish I could have convinced myself that those two were enough at the time. It's amazing to me I wasn't content with what I had and so desperately needed more.

Most guys in the hobby, especially the ones who don't want or can't have a s.o., should be striving for what you have and what I had. Kudos for keeping it going strong for that long.
Koseylee, I had two SB types, and we were good for 4 years. I met one at the Lodge and the other on SA. I would see them every 2 weeks. With one, I was very social. We would usually talk for 2 hours before having sex. With the other, we would talk a little and then get down to business.

Both were 9s and 10s in and out of the bedroom. What caused it to end was that I got a divorce so I could play more often and the siren call of new pussy was too strong. The other part with both was that I wanted to be more intimate with them after the divorce, but they both knew I was seeing other women and I wasn't ready to commit to being exclusive with either of them. They weren't going to emotionally invest in a guy who wasn't willing to be exclusive.

Despite all my experience with new pussy, I really didn't get anybody better and got a ton that were worse.

Part of the hobby is thinking the next one is going to be so awesome, so amazing that you can't wait. Then after you are done, most times, you tell yourself that you would have been better with one you have seen in the past.

I am at the point of my life where I have gotten new pussy out of my system and have realized that the intimacy is more important than the sex at least now. Of all the things in the hobby, the good times and bad times, those two relationships were probably the most worthwhile and fulfilling.

At the time, I wanted more, could afford it, and I think needed to get tired of new pussy. I wish I could have convinced myself that those two were enough at the time. It's amazing to me I wasn't content with what I had and so desperately needed more.

Most guys in the hobby, especially the ones who don't want or can't have a s.o., should be striving for what you have and what I had. Kudos for keeping it going strong for that long.
Freakaholic's Avatar
About 4 months...Great sex, but came to realize I didn't like her as a person at all so that made me walk away
TinMan's Avatar
2 minutes.
TheOracle's Avatar
Over ten years. Still not totally sure if it's over. There was an attempt to end it, but similar attempts have failed in the past.
koseylee's Avatar
WoodyB I kinda did the same thing. I chased the dream here on eccie for awhile then realized I had what I wanted w her.
I may have been incorrect in saying we don't socialize. We spend 4-5 hours together at a time and talk a lot. I know her family, kids and some of her friends. Hell I've hung out w her best friend and ever her sister. All w her approval and her joining us. Just we don't intrude on each other's day to day lives.
rexdutchman's Avatar
First wife about 6 months ,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have a fuck buddy that’s been going on 14 years now.

We were together for about a year and broke up, but we’ve never been able to stop getting together for a good fuck once in a while.

It’s weird. Don’t care to be around each other for too long, but the sexual chemistry is pretty mind blowing for both of us.
My right hand since I hit puberty. Didn't even get pissed when I cheated on it with the left, fuck even joined in for a threesome couple times with the left. What a slut.

Some days...I just wish I could like me for me.

My right hand since I hit puberty. Didn't even get pissed when I cheated on it with the left, fuck even joined in for a threesome couple times with the left. What a slut.

Some days...I just wish I could like me for me.

Cheers Originally Posted by Sig9er

That sure brought some chuckles out of me!
I may have been incorrect in saying we don't socialize. We spend 4-5 hours together at a time and talk a lot. Originally Posted by koseylee
I figured that. If you are with someone that long, you have to have fun in other ways and respect her character.

I forgot with the SA girl that another reason I ended it was bc of her BF. She loved the guy but told me, "If I found out he is cheating on me, I will cut his dick off." I told her that I was right here and asked her why she expected the guy to be faithful while she wasn't. She stammered, but the reality is that she was afraid of losing out on the money I gave her, and it too was a factor in my leaving her. She needed to commit to her BF with me out of the picture, and she did in fact marry her BF a year or so later.

The stripper had more of a transactional feel, but we'd meet at her place and I got to know her more. I really admired her too, the only stripper I met that I would call normal. She used her money to buy a house and car, didn't do drugs, and worked her ass off at her other job. She then decided she hated her job, wanted to work in IT, took classes for two years, and then got a job there. All the while, she danced, worked out, and I couldn't recall seeing a speck of fat on her body.

Of all the SBs/friend type escorts I have had, she is one of two that I miss.


This is the stripper. Most men would kill for just that, and I had another one like her and still I wanted more. In hindsight, I can't believe I needed more than just those two.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-12-2019, 04:56 PM
I have a fuck buddy that’s been going on 14 years now.

We were together for about a year and broke up, but we’ve never been able to stop getting together for a good fuck once in a while.

It’s weird. Don’t care to be around each other for too long, but the sexual chemistry is pretty mind blowing for both of us. Originally Posted by pistol shot
G-Damm! 14 years? You're in love buddy
TexTushHog's Avatar
2 minutes. Originally Posted by TinMan
So what did y’all do for the other minute and 45 seconds?