LeBron opts out of contract...stay or go?

Prime Time's Avatar
King James will be a free agent on July 1st. He can still sign with the Heat or any other team, regardless of the money. Where should he go?

Heard a dude on sports talk yesterday. He was a linemaker in vegas and said they think there is a legitimate chance Lebron could come to Houston. That would be so mfing awesome!!!

Not since the Big Unit came to Houston has there been a chance of something like this.
The only way he leaves Miami is if he ends up with the Lakers. The money he will make outside of basketball by playing in La La Land will more than make up for the pay cut he'll have to take. The Rockets have a better shot at landing Carmelo.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 06-24-2014, 05:27 PM
There's no way he goes to my Lakers. There is zero chance he will play with Kobe Bryant and help the second best player ever add to his ring collection. Plus, The Mamba's new contract makes it hard to sign anyone. I hope we go for Kevin Love. Let LeBrick try to team up somewhere else and try to catch Kobe and Jordan in ring totals......
There is no way he leaves Miami unless Wade decides to retire. Houston would be a great place for him no doubt. At least we would have someone who at least resembles a perimeter defensive player. You wont get that in Carmelo.
And...Now we bring you back to regularly scheduled programming.......

He has always been overrated......Since having his high school game broadcast live on ESPN. We don't need him here. No reason for him to go to L.A. Hell, Kobe doesn't like TEAM ball......neither does Lebron for that matter. Going to Cleveland will only ruin Kyrie Irving's career because of the circus that will follow him. He won't be able to handle the pressure and the spotlight of NYC.....The media and the fans will eat him up when things don't go well. He don't like anyone being critical of him. His best bet will be to stay in Miami.......and more than likely that is where he is going to stay.
jstone420's Avatar
We have enough bullshit in Houston why would he leave
kerwil62's Avatar
Yep, he should stay in Miami.
Not since the Big Unit came to Houston has there been a chance of something like this. Originally Posted by Daddio
Geez, now Dopey Dude's not only reminiscing about JFF but also Randy's "Big Unit."

As for LeBron, I believe he will stay with Miami.
fragtasticator's Avatar
A lot of people talk about Lebron and where he could end up.

Like some of the others on here, I have to admit that I doubt he will leave Miami.

He's got a pretty cushy gig going over there. Lots of money, fans, and a staff that is dedicated to building a championship caliber team centered around James.

Miami wants him back, bad.

Wade, on the other hand, if he opts out, could be looking at getting handed his walking papers.

However, if Lebron does walk from Miami, for whatever reason, there are a lot of people saying there are some obvious places that could serve as possible landing spots.

Some say Chicago, some say LA. Some say Boston, some say Dallas.

Lebron's motivations at this point are going to be money, wins and legacy.

In the past, he definitely wanted wins and rings more than he wanted money or to be thought of kindly - hence 'the decision' to go to Miami in the first place - and the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. It is known.

If this season taught us anything, it's that the pieces are not in place for the Heat to challenge an elite team effectively. Age has seemingly chipped away at Wade's endurance to the point where he cannot play at an elite level for an entire season, no matter how well-rested he is. Lebron isn't getting any younger, either, and his ability to put the team on his back and will them to a ring has been tested and found wanting.

If Lebron leaves Miami, one can only believe it will be because he feels like he has a better chance to get more rings with a different team.

This means that two things will theoretically factor into James' new decision more than anything else:
1. Quality of Team
2. Ease of schedule

Given the way the league is currently constructed, this means you have to basically consider the best in the east against the best in the west (based purely on # of wins).


Let's get it out of the way first: LA is not currently considered a championship contender, and for good reason. Rabid fanboys are still all over Kobe's jock, but it seems clear that the Laker's chances are slim to make the finals, at least for the next few years. It's hard to see Lebron choosing the Lakers when they put up a lousy 27 wins last season.

1. San Antonio would probably love to have Lebron on board, but I don't know that they could find the cap room. They are clearly the king of the heap, and Lebron might well want to go there, I'm just not sure it could be made to happen.

2. Oklahoma again, would love to add Lebron to Durant and Westbrook - Not sure where the money's coming from though. Second best team in the league by wins, though - watch out for these guys.

3. The Clippers - Lebron might want to go here, but with the Sterling scandal and legal battles ensuing, I don't know if he could make this move from a PR standpoint. If anyone could sign on with the clips and survive the fall out, it's James, but I think his lesson learned from the first 'decision' will keep him away.

4. The Rockets - Well, we've got Dwight, Harden and Parsons, and supposedly deals in place to shed the weighty contracts of Lin and Asik - it could work, in theory. Tied Miami in number of wins *without Lebron* what could they do *with* him? 4th largest market in the country, no state income tax, and no freezing your balls off.

THE EAST (Or as I like to call it, the Bye League)

1. Miami - Beautiful city, rabid fans, family is settled there. They want him back, but cheaper. Wade has clearly lost a step, and may never get it back. Will Lebron be insulted by the demand for a price drop?

2. Indiana - Aside from a team meltdown, the Pacers were a damn fine team last season, with some talented pieces in place. Could Lebron be the needed Captain to take them to the promised land? On the other hand, it's Indiana. What are they famous for again? Corn?

3. Toronto - IT'S IN CANADA. I have a feeling James won't consider moving from Miami to freaking Canada. It's cold up there! On the other hand, prostitution is legal there. Decisions, decisions.....

4. Chicago - Cold, but at least it's still the US. Big Market. Derek Rose - not sure if that's a plus or a minus, BTW. Still in the East - former home of Jordan. May well get some run.

In the end, like I said, I think Miami gets the nod; he's already there. On the other hand, it's not much of a stretch to imagine him heading to SA, OK, or HOU should circumstances permit.