Menendez Update - Dominican lawyer recants his story about prostitutes

I know how eager Whirly is to get to the "truthiness" of the Senator Menendez hooker scandal as he proved in this thread:

Well, now there is more. A Domincan lawyer representing 3 hookers says he made it all up at the behest of 4 US media outlets, including The Daily Caller:

The Daily Caller denies the lawyer's allegations and, in all honesty, the Dominican lawyer is obviously a shady character and his story sounds fishy also.

But it provides yet more evidence that this whole thing is a smear job by somebody against Menendez. Or at the very least it demonstrates that there is NO credible evidence against Menendez.
LexusLover's Avatar
Or the lawyer brokered a deal for the hookers with a % as a finder's fee.
Or the lawyer brokered a deal for the hookers with a % as a finder's fee. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Brokered a deal for what? To agree to lie about Menendez? Or to have sex with Menendez?

If it is the latter, why would Menendez need to use middleman to broker a deal with hookers? All you need is a fistful of money and waive it in their faces.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Menendez is still under investigation for corruption and as for the prostitution (underage prostitution) we have conflicting stories. So I guess we need a thorough investigation of the charges. Nothing wrong with a thorough investigation is there?
Menendez is still under investigation for corruption and as for the prostitution (underage prostitution) we have conflicting stories. So I guess we need a thorough investigation of the charges. Nothing wrong with a thorough investigation is there? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Two separate questions. On the corruption charge, carry on. Although I thought he paid back the travel expense money and that was either over or wrapping up.

On the prostitution story, at this point, where are you going to get credible evidence for an investigation? Everyone accusing Menendez looks like a paid liar and those people have been the only source of evidence against him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The corruption is not about the travel expenses (maybe a small part of it) but it is mostly about his relationship with a criminal/government official of the Dominican government. Port traffic, taxes, customs costs, lack of inspection, etc. Homeland Security should be spear heading this but they are too busy collecting bullets.

Went to a gun show this morning and Cabelas afterwards; I can't believe the scarcity and prices of ammunition and brass. Six months ago I bought 250 rounds of .22 magnum for $18. If you can find it today it costs about $18 for 50.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Menendez is still under investigation for corruption and as for the prostitution (underage prostitution) we have conflicting stories. So I guess we need a thorough investigation of the charges. Nothing wrong with a thorough investigation is there? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nothing wrong with a thorough investigation as long as the person is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty, right jd?

Anyone who presumed him to be guilty without a trial would be an un-American piece of shit or some other low life, right jd?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Investigations are always on people presumed to be innocent from the point of view of the court. The police and other investigative bodies have a different standard. They only investigate when they have some evidence of guilt which is enough for a objective judge to issue warrants. So you're not a lawyer, what do you do?
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone who presumed him to be guilty without a trial would be an un-American piece of shit or some other low life, right jd? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Based on this threshold, over the years of reading posts and comments on this and the former ASPD, there are a LOT of ....

"un-American pieceS of shit or some other low lifeS" ....

..... posting comments ... from all points of the "political" spectrum.
Check the mirror LL
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have it on the authority of a highly placed unnamed source that it is all true and then some and this lawyer is just trying to keep his own ass out of jail. As a "journalist" I must keep my sources confidential, sorry.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2013, 07:53 AM
And I have it on a higher authority that it isn't true.

Good Lord do not try and get facts before convicting somebody! Anybody remember the Joe Paterno thread!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It would be nice if that was the standard by which we ALL operated, now wouldn't it.
But WTF you thought this whole thing was the result of a BLOG entry! Seems a lawyer made the accusation, not some blogger. If you can't trust lawyers....