How worried are you about it, really?

After doing some research... I can say I'm not NEARLY as worried as I was before I started this hobby. And I was very worried. Not abnormally so, but it was kinda high up there.

With the common practices of most high end escorts (it's their livelyhood on the line after all), reviews/alerts keeping the majority of hobbyists informed, the transmission rates of STDs themselves, relatively quick treatments to cure what you do catch (Aside from pregnancy or HIV of course. But both of those things have solutions/preventative measures in place), it seems STD and STI fear is way overblown.

Media hype? Scare tactic based sex ed?

I say this because before I started the hobby, my fear was kind of high. "What if this.." "what if that..." "what if the condom broke..." blah blah blah, worry worry worry.

After actually learning the facts and doing the research... my worries are much lower.

Was curious about the thoughts and opinions from much more experienced hobbyists than myself. Was I just influenced by the media too much in my earlier years? The facts just don't support the scare tactics that are used by the whole anti-sex crowd.

Thanks all for your answers.

P.S. Have any of you experienced hobbyists tried bareback with an escort? What were your conclusions, if any.
albundy's Avatar
You mention you are not scared of STDs because "preventative measures are in place", then wonder about barebacking a prostitute? So much for the "preventative measures".

Seriously though, OBVIOUSLY the chances of catching (or spreading) something increases drastically without a cover. But, if you find one that's "open minded" and you don't have someone else you're currently having sex with that you could possibly infect, knock yourself out.
The P.S. was just a random thought (more like a brain fart), not meant as the focal point. The majority of the hobbyists use covers, hence, that is the place I am speaking from in relation to STD transmission. But I can where you're coming from after re-reading the original post

Edit for Further clarification: The PS was coming from a place of... "are there people who are less worried than me about STDs and they consider bareback relatively low risk based on their experiences, the level of escort, and what they know about transmission of STDs and STIs."
OP, here's a link to some CDC (Center for Disease Control) data that may help you make a decision.

The above only pertains to HIV. Herpes can be transmitted through skin areas that wouldn't be covered by a condom. The rest can be treated.

Hope that helps.
OP, here's a link to some CDC (Center for Disease Control) data that may help you make a decision.

The above only pertains to HIV. Herpes can be transmitted through skin areas that wouldn't be covered by a condom. The rest can be treated.

Hope that helps.
I always get the best medical and scientific information on this SHMB!! My doctor doesn't know shit!!!
I agree, the Media is all about using FEAR to manipulate sales & make the big bucks. And the fear (of course) is justified!

However, for all sexually active adults, our best line of defense is our own education. And then taking whatever necessary precautions to protect ourselves & others. And of course being CONSISTENT about methods of protection every time. It only takes one time, right?

Those are my thoughts. And I would be lying if I didn't say that it's hard sometimes, to not want to get carried away in the heat of the moment... But that's just life. Thank God for the invention of Condoms in the first place!
Alexxxiana Azul's Avatar
use protection every time. i've been asked to do it without a cover. my response was"for a million dollars" the response to that was "thats a bit unreasonable don't you think" and lastly my final response"just as unreasonable as you asking to go without a cover"
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I always get the best medical and scientific information on this SHMB!! My doctor doesn't know shit!!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
That was funny, and depending who you are and how ya view such statements, some might find it demeaning, derogatory, factual, or even sarcastic. LOL

I love me some Docs and for lotsa reasons, however, what they do or do not know about the latest, greatest, or even truthful info is much like what any other expert might know about their field of expertise. As expert as they are, we all refer to an expert of medical knowledge as some one who practices. If you are practicing anything, it might mean, you have yet to know everything. Experts may have or may not have all the current info concerning anything, including all aspects of their field of expertise. I imagine that depends on the sources made readily available, or whether they seek their info in a lot of different places.

One might also understand, believe or not, that there are many interested in certain individual aspects of any field, study everything they can concerning that, and while their knowledge has no certification from Expert University, it does not mean their knowledge is any less worthy of consideration. Ask the expert? Absolutely. Learn to discover for yourself as well? You bet! Otherwise, how could you possibly conclude that an expert knows anything at all? Ya can't.

Personally, I've discovered that there have been lotsa experts throughout history, that everyone revered as experts, however, what they were sharing with the rest of us, wasn't correct in any form or fashion. Some practiced their expertise with malice, having little or no concern about the impact. Others practiced and shared their expertise, with the whole hearted belief, they knew all there was to know, only to discover, they weren't looking in all the places they possibly could for the right answer, but only in the places they knew to look.

Not too long ago, Pluto lost it's title as a planet, the atom was considered the smallest particle, blood letting could cure diseases, the world was flat, etc.....
Experts are awesome, but if one does not imagine they could discover something is even more truthful, works better, etc., than what the expert told them was the end all knowledge of something or everything in their life, they may never know what, is actually true. Right?

There are a lot more practicing BB than would admit, as evidenced by the many who try and ask. Just because it's "taboo" and folks lie about it, doesn't mean it's untrue. Don't ask me cause I ain't gonna, despite what the gent I never met managed to share with certain gents in such a manner as I was unable, or even allowed to defend myself or negate as true. The BBs really came outta hiding and it was how I discovered the "error" of said gent. But, much like a feather pillow, cut n slashed, feathers blown in all directions, some were never returned. Nor did the gent step up and compensate the losses incurred. Again, another "sorry". Sorry, is for the sorry. Take responsibility for your actions, especially when they have a profound affect on others. Otherwise, keep your sorry, because I am not, and have no desire to be, sorry.

The more things are kept in the dark, the more others believe they can keep things in the dark. Ya gotta learn to look for answers and see for yourself. Then, make it a practice to share what you found and not all parties knew were hidden. You'd be surprised what you learn, boys and girls. Maybe others will be saved the hassles of what some have already endured, whether with malicious intent, or not.
Just for my clear understanding when you are referencing BB you are talking about BBFS and not BBBJ correct? Most high end ladies that for obvious reasons don't do bbfs still tend to offer bbbj.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Just for my clear understanding when you are referencing BB you are talking about BBFS and not BBBJ correct? Most high end ladies that for obvious reasons don't do bbfs still tend to offer bbbj. Originally Posted by Dcasianlover
I should have been more clear. Yes it is BBFS I was referring to.

Assumed that but thanks for clarifying. Aside from hiv which has a lower risk from oral transmission aren't we all taking similar sti risks from bbbj?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Assumed that but thanks for clarifying. Aside from hiv which has a lower risk from oral transmission aren't we all taking similar sti risks from bbbj? Originally Posted by Dcasianlover
I like to research, but this isn't weighing as overly heavy, on my mind. However, there are lotsa other things I'm trying to learn right now, so my research plate, is full. But could do a search if ya want. Use some keywords in your search engine, and you may or may not be able to locate some real statistics, or something that passes for them. Good Luck and... Let us know......