Fundraiser for Superhero Escort who killed Neal Falls in self defense

I'm sure y'all heard about the West Virginia escort who killed Neal Falls, a man authorities are calling a "textbook case" serial killer, in self defense on July 18th.

We don't think she should have to go back to work just yet if she doesn't want to. We think she should have her rent paid, her lights on, and her fridge full. And she should be able to make an appointment with a f-ing therapist because if this isn't a cause for PTSD, I don't know what is.

Anyway, if you'd like to contribute, here you go:

Superwoman - Sex Worker Superhero in Charleston WV

From the indiegogo page:

On July 18th, a Charleston, a West Virginia sex worker shot and killed Neal Falls in self defense. Falls has since been connected with the disappearance and/or deaths of sex workers in at least nine states. We at SWOP-NOLA would like to provide support to this woman after this ordeal, and we welcome you to join us in reaching out in what is often the most helpful way possible: with a fistfull of cash (well, via the internet, that is).

Indiegogo Life does not deduct fees for this type of fundraiser. Any funds collected will go through the site and be transferred directly to Heather. This is not a legal fund; this is simply an effort to provide financial help for whatever she may need--money to cover rent and expenses if she'd like to take time of work, get therapy to deal with the trauma she's experienced if she chooses that option, take a vacation because hell, she deserves it, etc. Considering what she's been through and the lives she may have inadvertently saved, it's the least we can do from several states away.

"I Knew He Was There To Kill Me" Says Woman Who Killed Possible Serial Killer (
"She tells Eyewitness News she's now living in fear but recounted the terrifying chain of events that led to her getting a hold of Falls' gun and killing him on her kitchen floor."

Textbook Case': W.Va. Sex Worker Stopped a Serial Killer, Authorities Say (
"Neal Falls, the Oregon man who was killed this month by an escort he'd met online, is now being investigated in connection with the deaths and disappearances of sex workers in at least nine states from coast to coast, authorities told NBC News on Wednesday. Authorities said they are convinced that the woman stopped a cold-blooded serial killer when she shot and killed Falls with his own gun July 18 in her Charleston, West Virginia, apartment."

"Neal Falls Investigation Expands To Las Vegas-Area Dismemberments" (Huffington Post)
"Neal Falls, the Oregon man shot to death by a West Virginia prostitute as he tried to strangle her on Saturday, is being investigated in connection with unsolved cases in Nevada that may include the deaths and dismemberment of several women."