Interesting development from another thread

I've been watching with much interest. I didn't want to hijack the thread and keep it going but I was intrigued by a comment on this post "I will say, the reference fee thing is real, just not too common."
Help me understand the logic In that. I could understand that if a client continually uses a provider as a reference he's seen once, would said provider just say no or its been to long, and you should treat the client as if he's never met me. But at the same time, it's the same amount of effort To say yes.
If a provider says pay me before I give you a reference, how does one go about that, they not with the provider at the very moment.... Do I need an escrow account?
I welcome the experts input so I know how to handle it if/when it comes up.
I've been watching with much interest. I didn't want to hijack the thread and keep it going but I was intrigued by a comment on this post "I will say, the reference fee thing is real, just not too common."
Help me understand the logic In that. I could understand that if a client continually uses a provider as a reference he's seen once, would said provider just say no or its been to long, and you should treat the client as if he's never met me. But at the same time, it's the same amount of effort To say yes.
If a provider says pay me before I give you a reference, how does one go about that, they not with the provider at the very moment.... Do I need an escrow account?
I welcome the experts input so I know how to handle it if/when it comes up. Originally Posted by m.x.oz

Perhaps hooker #1 is telling hooker#2 that if you want a reference you are going to have to give me some of the action? Like a pimp, or maybe more like a temp agency?

If I haven't seen a provider in a year and ask her to give a reference and she tells me "no" unless I pay her then she will say "yes". Perhaps that's the reference fee?

As the person paying, I would say " fuck off". I can get around a reference if I am willing to just work with the girl I am wanting to see. Hell, I once told a girl who refused to see me because she didn't know me " I'll give you an extra 100 for the visit" Boom", fucking door opened. Ironically we became good friends and still communicate weekly. She's no longer in the hobby, but I can still see her if I want to. ( I seriously doubt I am the only one that sees her as well).

CASH is KING! Always has been and always will's like MAGIC

Typos are intentional for the well intentioned grammar Nazi's