Northern Cal lady in Documentary

It isn't often we hear of what life is like when an escort retires, or much about her life outside the business at all. Well NC native Kristen Diangelo is taking the veil off and giving the rest of the world a glimpse. If you have been following her tweets or her website you know about her documentary American Courtseans The site contains a trailer and short bios of 12 "Ladies of the Evening" that she indicates will be fleshed out in the film. These look like great and in some ways all american stories.
On of the stories is about Pearl Callahan who has lived the gamut of escort life and has been able to pull herself out of poverty, find love, marriage and retire. It is powerful and I was captured by her life.
This film has 12 such stories and Kristen tweets she would like it to make Sundance this year. It is gaining notice and is part of an article in Big Screen Bulletin .!.htm
Go to the website see and read about the making, the Courtseans and the crew. You will wonder how Kristen produced this while working full time as an escort.