Putting Rumors To Rest

After much thought of what I want to say and how I want to say it.............

I've decided to write this post to squash a rumor or two that has been making the rounds courtesy of three folks here on ECCIE and a few more people that have picked this up and ran with it that aren’t even members. This is my verison of what I know and how my name along with a few other very well respected ladies got drug into this mess.

Last week a provider from Lincoln, Sabrababy, was busted. I'm still surprised that it hasn't been mentioned on the open board because I know how some of you "NEED" to know this info. This provider had contacted me for a reference and I had told her, "Yeah, he's good." According to her, he was the client that got her busted. The client used several ladies as references, I am told, none of whom else were contacted for a reference that I know of, but they all would have responded the same, as far as ANY of us ladies knew, the client was good to go.

On Weds. of last week I started receiving phone calls asking me if I knew the lady who had been busted and was told then who it was. A few hours later, I started receiving phone calls telling me that there's texts, emails and phone calls being made stating that I had "set up " the provider who was busted, or that another provider had set up a lady that was busted. As all the info was forwarded to me, it became clear that two people who had NO direct knowledge of what happened were spreading lies and rumors. So let me clear up some of the lies that have been told to god knows how many people.

1. Sabrababy was busted in Hastings.
2. I gave her a reference for a guy I had seen once almost 3 months ago....she made an appointment with him and then she was busted. Others were used by that guy as references, not just me. None of the other ladies referenced were called that I know of.
3. The guy obviously made some type of deal. I've tried to contact him, but he's not answering his phone, obviously. No one else can reach him either.
4. I cannot and will not be held responsible for what happens after a guy leaves my door. That guy is NOT my responsibility. I gave him a reference based on his being a past good client. So would anyone else that had saw him. No one had any reason to believe anything else.
5. Jane is NOT involved in this and should never have spoken to anyone about it without all the facts – in my opinion she should have never have spoke about it at all as it wasn’t HER business. She had contacted numerous people telling them that I had set up Sabra, it would've been nice if she knew the whole story or simply not spread rumors. Now she has apologized to me, but the damage is already done.
6. Sabra never bothered to get in touch with me concerning this issue after she was busted. Myself, I would've contacted the provider who gave me the reference first to see what she had to say about it. But that didn’t happen interestingly.
7. Cowboy John has been one of the folks spreading the rumor also. Would've been nice if he had contacted me also, but I would've told him to mind his own business since I don't know him and he wasn’t involved as far as I know – but anyone can come on here and say they are anyone – so I don’t KNOW who he is, for all I know he could have been the person that rolled on Sabra given all the information he seemed to have with such intimate details.
8. After telling two people to get in touch with Sabra and have her call me......finally, two days later we talked and she told me that she didn't believe I set her up. BECAUSE I DIDN’T – and no other lady is going to either, no one would or will play that way, and no one will risk their business on another lady in that way.

Now, all you little wash women who want to spread the rumors, please continue to do so. You're only making yourself look the fool, not me.

I have worked too hard to have my reputation ruined by these lies. Myself and other ladies who have been dragged into this mess on nothing more than speculation would not risk their good names – we have all worked too long and too hard to get the reputations we have and I have one of being one of the most trustworthy escorts in the Midwest. I'm not going to ruin the trust my clients have in me over a chick I don't even know and in all honesty, I don't care about. And neither is any other working professional. Some of you jumped to this conclusion because of the interaction I've had with Sabra on the board. Its not that I don't like her, I don't know her to dislike her.......but, I have disliked some of her posts, just as I've disliked some posts made by other people and I'm sure just like some of you have disliked some of my posts. But, that doesn't mean we're going to start setting people up because we dislike posts does it? It is absolutely ridiculous.

I've been working publicly via the internet in Omaha for a little over 6 years and my reputation speaks for itself. I've done more to help you folks out and especially providers by supplying info on stings and even saving a local lady from being busted.....BigH, you can vouche for that one huh?

It saddens me that only two providers and four hobbyists came directly to me to ask me about this mess instead of listening to one side that was filled with bullshit lies.

And by the way, Sabra told me on the phone that her computer, her phone – everything was taken by the cops. Now that would be worrying me if I were a client. Sabra has been very vocal about her “charity” concerns in Lincoln, even going so far as to ask that checks be written to her in the name of the charity in an open board post (even if she was joking). If you guys don’t think LE is watching the board, you’re only fooling yourself. When LE starts calling clients or emailing or showing up at houses then I suppose you will blame me for giving a perfectly good reference and not her for being so inexperienced as to have that information with her? I don’t think so.

You guys also that are dragging other ladies into this mess, ANY lady that had seen that client would have vouched for him. It isn’t fair that you speculate about ANY lady setting another lady up – that is just bizarre and certainly no one lady is going ot risk her good name.

Stuff like this happens ALL THE TIME. You guys just don’t SEE it happen, so you think it doesn’t. More often than not when a lady is arrested if she is SMART, no one ever hears about it and she just goes about her business.

Now I’m done and I’m TIRED of defending myself and others against outrageous allegations. Shit happens, move on. I had nothing to do with this other than giving a reference that I thought was 100%. In fact, to be brutally honest, I don’t know for certain that he still isn’t, I don’t know how or in what manner the client information was compromised. Only Sabra does and there is no report in Infoshare before her account guested here. There is no report on Provider Buzz, all there is are a few people screaming bloody murder trying to ruin a few good names, but mainly MY name because some lady that's been on the scene for four whole months got herself (Sabra) jammed up.

If I'm to be held responsible for a reference I give and what the man does, well then all the other ladies should be held responsible too and be forwarned. Ladies who are smart and run this like a business know that things change as quick as the weather changes in Omaha. The smart ladies also know that a lady can't be held responsible for what a guy does after he leaves her door.

And for you idiots telling travelling ladies to stay away - look what happened in Iowa, and yet after 50+ are arrested, ladies still visit. You guys (and a few women) really NEED to MAN UP and realize this business violates the law and stop whining like a bunch of lil bitches when shit happens.

My true friends, my established clients and previous clients who truly know me, know the truth.

With all this said.....I will no longer be helping out as I have in the past nor will I be hosting any M&G's. This is what a person gets for being helpful I guess.

*****Oh and I will NOT give out any references unless you the hobbyist has contacted me prior to let me know who is asking for the reference. That's been stated on my website for almost two years and I admit to being lazy about holding true to that rule, but not anymore.

Damn...... I have been gone awhile.. Sry to hear

First I want to commend you for coming out in such an open and honest way to confront this issue head on.

With that said, I'll add a couple of things.

Speculation is almost always unfair. Reputations get tarnished and 9 times out of 10 the chatter going on couldn't be further from the truth. Some of it is born from innocent paranoia, while sometimes it's crafted from an agenda of opportunism. Since we can't control speculation, we must try and understand it and approach the situation in as responsible a manner as we can.

In over a decade of running these boards, I've seen these scenarios play out numerous times and interestingly it's usually only the names that change while the general circumstances are eerily similar.

In your case, you admittedly vouched for the guy who was evidently responsible for the incidents taking place with SabraBaby. It would have been nice if that little detail didn't send several off on the spreading of rumors and theories, but that it did does not surprise me one bit, and while unfortunate the whole thing is, I admire how you are handling it.

You are exactly right. You are not responsible for that guy. Obtaining provider references is simply one of the many practices a provider uses to improve their chances of safety in the workplace, but like any other measures taken it's certainly not flawless, foolproof, or perfect by any stretch.

All you can do is speak to your experience with said client, but it's to be understood that a "good client" vouch from any provider is hardly a guarantee that everything is going to flow smoothly and incident-free. In this case it did not, and while I do feel it's understandable that someone's first instinct might be to question the reference you gave, I also feel strongly that to start spreading talk of a set-up that you were involved in was and is pretty damn irresponsible and inconsiderate, and probably not too easy for you to overlook or forgive.

It's my belief that you, especially considering how you are setting the record straight here, will get through this just fine...with reputation intact.

I also hope for the best regarding the provider who was involved in the incident, and that she lands on her feet after what I'm sure was no doubt a pretty traumatic chain of events. I've seen it so many times. When things like this happen, people are so ready to throw somebody out with the bathwater and excommunicate them from society, instead of a more productive approach of communicating openly using the appropriate avenues and coming together to make sense of the situation and take steps to help in preventing a future occurrence. Fear drives so many of us especially in times like these, but given the risks involved day in and day out, it's best our interactions and actions are made with a level head and more thought is given to the potential of unwanted consequences to statements made.

St. C
Ok, we just got this request from SabraBaby. She has asked us to post her explanation to the members since she's no longer here and can't post herself. As I said before, I wish her the best and hope things work out.

Here goes...

This is Sabrababy,
I would like everything to stop. This is not Ms. Elena's fault and she did nothing wrong, I have no clue who did it!
I will share everything that happened. At 545pm I was driving to Hastings I got a call from a guy calling himself
Tom. Tom gave me Ms. Elena and Jackie D as references, I text Ms. E and she text me back he was ok. I procceded
call him back and set up an appointment.
He arrived at 915pm, banged on the door, I opened the door and said wow you bang like a cop. He said sorry that he knocks on
a lot of doors for his job. He started asking me what he got for 250, I told him that he got to spend time with me, he said doing what,
I said whatever he wants, then I told him I was getting uncomfortable with the questions. I then asked him for his ID, he told me
Tom was his hobby name and that his name was Al and showed me he ID. He then proceeded to ask me again what he would get for 250,
I told him to spend time with me and he said playing cards, I said sure, and I think he should leave because the questions are making
me uncomfortable. He said these are the same questions I asked MS. E and Jackie, I said I think you should leave. He then walked out the
door and then in came somewhere around ten cops, atf, narcotics, state patrol.
I said I want a lawyer and the cuffed me and took me to jail, where I sat until 330am where I bailed myself out. They got search warrants and
went through my car and hotel. They did get my phone and computer. There was nothing on either worth anything to them. I don't keep records.
This is what started all the crap.
Jane and I both received this email at 403 am (remember I bailed my self out at 330am.

contents of email edited out

Jane then got scared and posted what she did on this site.
No I didn't contact Ms. E or anyone else, I didn't have a phone, or phone numbers, I spent the next day contacting every site I was on telling them I was busted and to please close my accounts.
I was to busy trying to make it so that if they get my passwords and anything else It was all closed.
Ms. E had someone contact me to contact her, that person gave me her number. I did not post on any of the sites, because I closed the accounts before I thought to do that. I wanted to protect the sites from being compermissed.
I don't know who did what and who didn't. My attorneys said they will find out when we get the discover from the court. As of now they have not gotten into my computer or phone, they can't without a court order and we havent been to court for them to get the order (which my attorneys will fight).
As you can see from the email, they thought they were commingin and busting someone for drugs and trafficing girls, which I am in to neither, and would be the first to call the cops if I seen it happening.
The second email received:

And if they want the emails they can email me at sabrababy23@hotmail.com
thanks and sorry

Ok so now you all know exactly what I know. Everyone stop blaming everyone, and let it go.
It is my fauld because I got lazy and only called one provider for verification, and didn't do the rest of my screening.
Sorry I did not get to this sooner, this whole deal has caused a lot of problems in my own life and I am in the process of closing the doors on the Serenity House and trying to find the women somewhere else to go.
Because of my choices a lot of innocent people are being hurt, and frankly that is more important to me at this time then the Drama on here.
Thank you to whoever wrote these emails and set this up, I may have lost everything I worked for in the last 8yrs, but I am strong and will pick up the pieces and move on. Its the innocent girls that got hurt that didn't deserve this.
I apologize for the late reply to this matter as I have been dealing with some personal issues and I have not been posting actively - in fact, I haven't posted actively or been around much for the last couple of weeks . . . It has come to my attention through many conversations with various individuals that apparently my name was used as a reference along with Ms. Elena and others (or so I was told by Elena) by whomever the party was that was controlling the information which led to the arrest of Sabrababy. For the record, I was not contacted by Sabrababy to check the validity of any reference and I made no recommendation of anyone - however, I must admit that had I in fact been contacted with the same information that Elena was reportedly confronted with, I too would have "okayed" the client, as to the best of my knowledge, he was / is a good and valid caller. I have been unable to reach the client subsequently and have obviously placed the client on my DNS list pending verification of the phone number that was used in the sting as it does not appear on any "provider" alert board yet to this day, to the best of my knowledge.

Most disturbing, however, is the complete disregard for discretion and fair play displayed by many members here in the handling of the matter immediately following the incident and the complete asinine accusations that have been flying around regarding this situation.

I echo the post of Elena, all of it - and I want to unequivocally state that no legitimate working professional such as myself who has spent years cultivating and maintaining an unparalleled professional reputation for outstanding, exemplary service, unsurpassed client confidentiality and complete and total discretion would ever consider being involved in a matter that would jeopardize another working professional. To think otherwise is complete folly and I urge anyone stating such or having such belief to contact me directly to discuss their concerns. I have an unimpeachable record of protecting both clients and Escorts and providers from LE in NUMEROUS instances over the last several years - my record of such is detailed, and my word on such matters is highly respected.

I have never been asked for a reference by Sabra nor have I entertained her as someone I would want to associate my good name with . . . as I will admit openly that something in numerous postings made by her seemed almost taunting of law enforcement and her postings regarding her involvement with a charity in Lincoln that she purportedly supported with proceeds from this endeavor struck me as incredibly irresponsible as it was an overt admission of money laundering - and that type of cavalier attitude and such public comment is what catches the attention and ire of the authorities and gets people, well, arrested - just as it appears to have done in this instance.

I am deeply concerned for any clients of mine in Nebraska that may have crossed with Sabra as those gentlemen may now be in jeopardy by being in her phone or computer as apparently those items were in fact confiscated by law enforcement.

Given the outrageous circumstances of this situation and given some of the incredible accusations that have been forthcoming since - including a few people detailing to me direct threats of retaliation simply because my name was mentioned as a reference - I find I must immediately and indefinitely suspend any acceptance of any new client in Nebraska until further notice. Having just returned from a quick visit to several regular, long standing clients in Omaha just today, I must say that I am overwhelmingly disappointed in how this matter has been handled "back-channel" by several people - and by people that have absolutely NO direct involvement in the situation at all! Such comments I have read today with my own eyes and heard that have been made are so absurd that I seriously wonder if some gentlemen in Omaha are honestly playing with a full deck as they seem overwhelmed with emotion and are apparently not thinking clearly within the parameters of a professional approach to this endeavor.

With the exception of responding to any of you that seem to only want to spew your venom in the dark recesses of private messages and emails regarding this whole situation whom might find the (appropriate) courage to post openly, in the light of day where your comments may be seen for what they are and where your comments may be refuted or called out for the bullshit that they contain - this is my final comment on this matter.

EDIT: I was typing this post after St. C placed his second posting on this matter (post #4) onto the board. As Sabra has stated in the communication posted by the board owner, she (Sabra) has no idea who did this to her - so I would kindly appreciate that my good name be left out of any further discussion regarding this matter. As Sabra states in her own words, this is her own fault.
Being that my name was mentioned I will comment on this subject.

Everything I mentioned about the topic I did so in the men's only forum (which I wrongfully assumed providers do not have access to). Your accusations of what I said in that forum, as well as accusing me of potentially being the person who rolled on Sabra, are exactly the very thing you accuse others of doing. That is, spreading rumor and untruths. And interestingly, although I have never once mentioned your name nor otherwise identified you (or any of the other players for that matter, and specifically told people not to use names of people or places, and to keep a level head about the whole topic) you did not reach out to me for clarification of what I said in a men's only forum prior to using my name in a public forum (in this post). A forum you concede LE monitors.

As I helped her get very competent defense counsel, who feel confident they will get to the bottom of it through discovery, I am not going to spend any more time on it until the actual facts are available.

If discretion is important to everyone, I strongly suggest people start using it.
No, I don't have access to the locker room nor was anything from the locker room sent to me. I had a couple emails sent to me last week stating that you Cowboy John, Sabra and Jane had mentioned my name and that you all had thought I set Sabra up.

Its not my responsibility to contact you to stop you from spreading rumors, you shouldn't have been talking about something you weren't directly involved with. Unless you're her lawyer, which I highly doubt you are.

I didn't accuse you of rolling on Sabra, I merely speculated at the possiblity. And that's the big problem I have with all this.......not one of you three bothered to contact me until I had reached out to Jane and Sabra. Not one of you three seemed to be worried about trying to destroy my name, my reputation.

Also I forgot to add in my first post......for the little birdie who seems to think that the reason Sabra was busted is because I lost my phone......I didn't lose my phone. My phone died. Here's the post I made about it: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=553573 and if you need further proof, I can take you to Sprint and they can print out a page from my account with them saying they bought my dead Evo for $10 and I upgraded.

Keep ASSuming.

Discretion is very important to me, but obviously not to others.
OKAY I want my name left out a of a public forum. I did assume and I was wrong. I have done my part to clear that up and since than have stopped speaking on that subject. I never once put anyones name puplic, for Discretion purposes, besides saying Sabra and I weren't doing shows together. With no names ever being mentioned in a public forum until this thread, I (my opinion) would say this is a smug way to drag other's names thru the mud. Remember everyone intitled to thier opinion.

Common people.... Can't we let sleeping dogs lie???

I stated in a forum that I had posted saying... Contrary to what some think it is not a catfight, in other words, not provider against provider.

Ms.E if dicretion is important to you than posting names on a public forum is not discreet. Respect others discretion as you want your discretion respected. If names are to be spoken of than they can be started in a private email to whomever wants the information.

  • Rigin
  • 11-02-2012, 11:07 AM

I didn't accuse you of rolling on Sabra, I merely speculated at the possiblity. Originally Posted by MsElena
Nice, and then posted it on a public board, maybe you should have just kept it to the emails or between you and your supposed little Birdie.
kendra kayy's Avatar
I have not participated in any discussions in this forum for quite some time and a lot of the reason being is because of this kind of crap.

With that being said, if people -- hobbyist and providers alike, would mind their own business rather than getting caught up in others affairs while not knowing the validity of any of it, a lot of this could and would have been avoided.

Some of you who where mentioned wanna get your panties in a bunch because you were publically mentioned on a hooker board regarding your gossiping on this topic BUT at least you were able to defend yourself. MsElena was the topic of your speculations behind her back without a chance to defend herself or even explain her side of the story. But I suppose that is okay? Come on now.

If you didn't want your name in the mix you should have kept out of the mix. Its really that simple. No one knows what really happened and the circumstances except Sabra. There was no reason what so ever to put the blame on a lady (Elena) who has done a lot for our hobby community here. Any smart provider knows or at least should know that accepting only 1 reference isn't really suffice in ensuring ones safety. Clearly, a provider isn't responsible for that client or what he does. Did any one even for a moment stop to think he got himself in trouble after meeting Elena? And in order to protect his livelihood decided to work with LE? Doesn't that sound more realistic than putting this on a provider who has been around longer than most? Hell I can vouch for that.. Elena is the only provider in this area that was active when I started 7 years ago... But ya she is gonna bring down another newer provider for the hell of it and take the risk of ruining her own business? Sounds dumb to me.

I was hoping the bs on this board would subside over my lil vaca away from here but I can see that is clearly not the case. Sad but true. Lets all stop pointing fingers and ASSuming we know everything.

Have a nice weekend all!!
More sex less talk
Its gossip like this at work that make me need to unwind with a provider.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Kendra - please don't let this "crap" keep you from participating and contributing to the board. It's times like this where we need providers like you on here to keep the inmates from running the asylum. Besides, I rather enjoy looking at the pic you are using for your avatar
I have not participated in any discussions in this forum for quite some time and a lot of the reason being is because of this kind of crap. Originally Posted by kendra kayy
OKAY I want my name left out a of a public forum. I did assume and I was wrong. I have done my part to clear that up and since than have stopped speaking on that subject. I never once put anyones name puplic, for Discretion purposes, besides saying Sabra and I weren't doing shows together. With no names ever being mentioned in a public forum until this thread, I (my opinion) would say this is a smug way to drag other's names thru the mud. Remember everyone intitled to thier opinion.

Common people.... Can't we let sleeping dogs lie???

I stated in a forum that I had posted saying... Contrary to what some think it is not a catfight, in other words, not provider against provider.

Ms.E if dicretion is important to you than posting names on a public forum is not discreet. Respect others discretion as you want your discretion respected. If names are to be spoken of than they can be started in a private email to whomever wants the information.

Nice, and then posted it on a public board, maybe you should have just kept it to the emails or between you and your supposed little Birdie. Originally Posted by Rigin

I'm going to respond to these two posts and then I'm done with this.

Jane.....you admitted to me that you sent out texts telling people that I had set up Sabra. We talked, you made your post last week and we were all good. I'm not dragging anyone through the mud, its common knowledge that she was busted. Hell, you guys were back channeling that she had been busted and telling folks I had set her up.

Rigin and Jane both:

The reason I made the post is because I don't know who all was contacted except for the folks who had gotten in contact with me. I was forced to post it on the board for all to see because I have no idea who Sabra, Jane or anyone else had contacted.

Now, if you all wish to send me a list of everyone that was told the lie/rumors, then I'll be more than happy to send out private emails and ask the owners of the board to remove this thread.

This was my only recourse period.

I wish Sabra the best, I wish Jane the best......I'm done with this mess. Its taken up too much of my time as it is and quite frankly, I have more important issues to deal with.

Thank you Jackie, Kendra for the kind words and support. A big thank you to St. Chris and staff for your support for allowing me to confront this issue in a honest and open manner.

I am done!
Bigh1955's Avatar
Sorry - I didn't see this post or I would have responded sooner. I spoke with MsE on the phone and wanted to publicly add my two cents

Quote MsE - "I've done more to help you folks out and especially providers by supplying info on stings and even saving a local lady from being busted.....BigH, you can vouch for that one huh?"

I can, I will, I have, and will add it wasn't the first time you saved a hobbyist/provider's bacon.

There were many disturbing issues about this recent event and how it was handled. I am reminded of a very simple expression, one I plan to remember going forward - "TRUST is hard won, and easily lost!" There are few people I currently trust, but MsE is on my short list.

I hope we can return Nebraska to a place where we function as a team, supporting one another - not as a camp divided, threatening and accusing one another in the wake of something that was most likely the work of an outsider (neither hobbyist nor provider). IMHO