Christmas Get Together

I'm holding true to a promise I had made to a few folks a couple months ago.

I'm going to host a small Christmas get together on Dec.13th, which is a Thursday evening. This is just an informal, relaxing way to get ready for the Christmas/HannaukaNYE's holiday headaches.

I was thinking of doing a white elephant/gag gift exchange or a Toys For Tots donation. I'm quite fond of the toy donation myself.

Those who wish to attend may contact me directly to be screened/OK'd and the location will be given out the day of via text or phone call.
I'm game. Sounds like a fun time. Let me know what I can do to help.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Sounds like fun...evenings are usually tough for me but that one might work. I like the toy donation myself.
I forgot to add in my original post......

I have a friend who is going to be joining the hobby scene in Omaha very soon and she'll be there to introduce herself to a few of my good friends.
I can't make that night, but I like the toy for tot idea as well. Hope you have a fun time.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Yay!! Ya know I really like the idea of the toy donation also.. dont get me wrong, I was looking forward to gag gift shoppping.. but im totally down with the toy drive!!
This will be a great way to start my birthday weekend!! See yall there
If I can get away I am in. Toy donation works for me too.
me too, if I sent
I'm so touched that you guys are willing to donate. Kendra and I can drop off the toys the day after the party to the Marines. ROWR Hopefully we can give them a huge trash bag full of toys.

Schmucken......I received your PM.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
So what else are you two going to donate to the Marines? OORAH!!

I'm so touched that you guys are willing to donate. Kendra and I can drop off the toys the day after the party to the Marines. ROWR Hopefully we can give them a huge trash bag full of toys.

Schmucken......I received your PM. Originally Posted by MsElena
So what else are you two going to donate to the Marines? OORAH!! Originally Posted by huskerguyomaha

All depends on what they look like.
strawberrycar934's Avatar
I would like to attend.

I have chatted with Ms. Elena in the past, but I am not sure if I am 100% verified. Is that required?

If ladies and gentlemen are attending and we are moved to do so are we able to do so.

I ask this because I thought that I read some prohibitions against M&G's through Eccie. And if this a get together rather than a M&G, I want to abide by all the rules so that I am not a poor guest.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Unfortunately my travels way up north will prevent me from attending, unless plans change (fingers crossed!).

Guys - At the end of the evening, please do not all just get up and run out and leave our lovely and gracious hostess to clean up the mess all by herself and carry everything down to the car. Hosting events like these is quite an undertaking, especially when one gets stuck doing all the work.
M&G's are not part of ECCIE. I can make the announcement and we can discuss it to a point, but its not endorsed by ECCIE.

Yes, you do need to be screened by me for the party.

And thank you HGO, you're too sweet!!
wild_times's Avatar
This sounds like fun and supports a great cause...I will do my best to make it this time!!!