Friends, Buddies, and Relatives

strawberrycar934's Avatar
So, there have been a couple of posts regarding relatives. I am a live and let live kind of guy so I don't care. But I am also a curious sort. People's norms and mores interest me.

So, let's examine some scenarios. You are at a strip club and on stage arrives you boss'es daughter. Do you tip? Do you leave? Do you ask for a lap dance? Do you tell your boss?

Let's say it is your best friend's daughter.

Let's say it is the hobby.

Let's say it is your sister-in-law.

I will start.

If it is my friend's daughter, I leave. Depending on how close I am to that person, I may tell my friend. If it is my boss'es daughter I leave.

Same applies to the hobby.

If it is my sister-in-law, I stay at a club. I assume by sibling knows and we are adults. If it is the hobby, I leave.

I don't think that I can justify all of my reasons - they were just my first reactions.

I think that this could be a very interesting conversation. Yes, the topic was ripped from today's headlines but I have no agenda just a sociological survey if you will.
Ok....understand and agree with all your reactions but one:

If the dancer is someone you've seen or know from the hobby....why leave?

Color me stupid here....don't get it.
Bigh1955's Avatar
The second law of thermodynamics says things move from a disordered to ordered state. It's a law and applies to everything in the universe.

So how come it doesn't apply to hobby ramblings? LOL

I ran into the daughter of one of my employees dancing in a strip club. She's a formally trained dancer, and watching her was "inspiring." I didn't talk to her, or give her a tip. I just watched from a distance then left. A few days later her mom says to me she understands I saw her daughter dancing. I guess her daughter saw me. I said I had and she was one of the best dancers I'd ever seen - that her classic training really showed. Her mom lit up with pride, and that was the last anything was said.

The second law of thermodynamics prevailed - things are more ordered now than before I saw her dance.

Truth be told, I rather watch her mom dance on my desk, but that fantasy would put a huge wrinkle in the time-space continuum
strawberrycar934's Avatar

I am honest in my hypocrisy. I have one very good buddy. The kind of guy that has and would do anything for you and I would do anything for him. If I saw his daughter dance, I would have to leave out of respect for him.

I have other buddies who I am not as close so I might sneak a peek but in the end, that is their daughter and I just could not do that to them.

I realize the hypocrisy of my comment because everyone woman is someone's daughter. But the adage, ignorance is bliss is sometimes true. If I don't know the guy, I don't owe him anything so it is ok for me to indulge.

Part of the reason that I like to pose these questions is that I realize how fucked up my own morality is. My actions don't always mirror my beliefs so by asking questions, I learn how many of the rest of you are messed up like me ;-).
The second law of thermodynamics says things move from a disordered to ordered state. It's a law and applies to everything in the universe. Originally Posted by Bigh1955
Your premise is wrong. The 2nd law (entropy) is accepted to show order degenerates to disorder (not the other way around) unless energy is expended to sustain the order. Things have a natural tendency to chaos and it takes energy to keep them ordered.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Your premise is wrong. The 2nd law (entropy) is accepted to show order degenerates to disorder (not the other way around) unless energy is expended to sustain the order. Things have a natural tendency to chaos and it takes energy to keep them ordered. Originally Posted by cowboy_john
Shit you guys are taking this way too seriously....he just said he wants her mom to dance on his desk....and you guys go and fuck it up with all this serious talk.

I could go into a treatise about the Fiscal Cliff and the relationship to the increases in the local prices of golden pussy but you don't hear me doing that, do you?
As an ex public school teacher I have always wondered what I would do if I ran into a former student in one of these scenarios. Strip club I am certain I would stay. Might get a lap dance depending on how I got along with her as a student. Not sure what I would do if I found out one was an escort. I guess the same as above. I did have several that would flirt with me so the thoughts were definitely there. Just didn't go there. Bosses daughter? How close am I to my boss? That would be the deciding factor. Best friends daughter? Yes because he would do the same. He's a perv. Sister in law? strip club stay with no lap dance, escort leave. It's a fucked up world out there.
The point you miss, while discussing not-so-unreal and fairly interesting hypotheticals, is in the natural order of things the Universe (and your personal insignificant place in it) is set up to dissolve to chaos unless you work at it. If you can not process the importance of this while wondering whether you tip your boss' stripper daughter keeps me being able to send my son to very expensive private schools. More importantly, you would be surpirsed how many drop-dead gorgeous women find intellect (and the pile of cash that comes along with it - lol) stimulating.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Your premise is wrong. The 2nd law (entropy) is accepted to show order degenerates to disorder (not the other way around) unless energy is expended to sustain the order. Things have a natural tendency to chaos and it takes energy to keep them ordered. Originally Posted by cowboy_john
Son of a gun...I typed it sdrawkcab!

The heat went from high to low - there ya go!
Bigh1955's Avatar
Shit you guys are taking this way too seriously....he just said he wants her mom to dance on his desk....and you guys go and fuck it up with all this serious talk.

I could go into a treatise about the Fiscal Cliff and the relationship to the increases in the local prices of golden pussy but you don't hear me doing that, do you? Originally Posted by mbinlincoln
Go for it! It's Friday and I'm boring outta my friggin mind
Osolomio's Avatar
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Go for it! It's Friday and I'm boring outta my friggin mind Originally Posted by Bigh1955
Go fuck somebody! Or something. I did.
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