411 on California (possible relocation)

rxram03's Avatar
Hey there SF people. I have 2 possible opportunities that have been presented to me. The company that I work for has 2 open positions in California, one in San Jose the other in Moraga. The question I have is about Cali in general, rather the current state of your state. I honestly haven't kept tabs on what's going on in Cali since I never thought I might have a chance to live there. I know Cali has had, or maybe still does have, budget issues in the past but what else is going on that someone may need to take into consideration before moving. I've fantasied in the past about living in or in close proximity to San Francisco so this could be that chance. I know Cali has a state income tax, something Texas doesn't have. Is there a city wage tax? My company gives a cost of living adjustment (though I'm not positive if state income tax is factored into that) and pays relocation costs. The position just opened up a couple of days ago so there's a lot of info I still don't have from my company yet. Any info you could send my way would be great or if there are any important websites you think I should look at.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
that's just sad 124 views an NOBODY could take the time of day to respond??? o.O
professoreccie's Avatar
Not much to be added to this and I sent him a PM to assist when he first posted this.