Provider Orgasms - how important are they?

Braveheart's Avatar
To the ladies - how often in sessions do you get to the finish line on average? One "O" a session, once a day, once a week, etc.

To the gentlemen - how important is it for you to know (and feel) the experience of helping the lady have an orgasm as part of your visit?

As a guy, I will is VERY important. And, although I understand that realistically it doesn't always happen, I wonder what I could have done differently to help.

So, I many of the ladies are so determined to "get theirs" that they will guide us to help them?
Most important
m5552009's Avatar
Most important Originally Posted by piquant2009
yaddayadda's Avatar
The first one is for me the second one for HER. Now if she were paying I might change the order....LOL.
TheBizzer's Avatar
When I'm with my SO, I'm all about pleasing. I'll work as long and as hard as I need to to make sure she is completely satisfied, and then satisfied, and then satisfied...

When I'm with a provider, I tend to make the session more about me. I stop worrying if I'm letting her go down on me too long, or if I need to stay down on her until she o's even if it's taking forever. It's no offense to our lovely ladies, but when I'm paying, it's "me first".

Part of this also stems from my skepticism that the girls even are looking for the fuck of the century. I've had girls tell me their favorite clients are the ones who are finished before they knew it was starting. Less wear and tear, so to speak. Every now and then I'll connect with a provider, and convince myself she is really into it, and usually I switch gears into pleasing mode. Those are few and far between, however.
For me getting an orgasm during a session really isn't that important.. if it happens..GREAT..if not upset either..because half the fun is trying for it..and the other half of the fun is getting the guy off really good!

Does it happen..YES..BUT NOT FROM RECIEVING ORAL..not for me.. good hard fuck..NO CLIT PLAY.. or some good hard anal..

facts are facts often times doesn't happen, but its my job NOT to pretend as if it did..but make the guy comfortable with the fact that I'm totally OK with that..him having fun..showing me a good time..orgasm or not.. is all that matters..

i get that guys want to feel like they got the girl off.. you know..sometimes for me atleast.. i don't have to "get off".. let me suck your cock..fuck my ass..fuck my pussy..knowing you had a good time..knowing I got you off the way you wanted for me anyways..trumps the need for a damn orgasm all the time..

and once again..facts are facts..some guys aren't equipped to get me off..some don't know how(i.e they think it revolves around the clit..or lasting a long time..or licking or something else)..some don't want to.. either way..if the end result is they had a good time..and i'm enjoying them having a good time..more often than not..the guy doesn't care if i got an O.. he just is worried if I had fun..and i almost always have fun..orgasm or not
daty/o's Avatar
Would I like for her to 'O'? Absolutely. Do I think she will? Not at all. I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but, GFE stands for Girl Fakes Ecstasy. I have long since resigned myself to the fact that my 'hour' of sexual activity a week, with a girl who may have several hours a day, several times a week, is not going to light her up like a Christmas candle. I think Bizzer is right; the session has to be about me. If I have to be concerned about her gratification, we will both be disappointed (except that she will still have the money, duh).

DeAnna, what a great attitude you have, baby.
the session has to be about me. If I have to be concerned about her gratification, we will both be disappointed (except that she will still have the money, duh).

. Originally Posted by esteve
For me..this is very very true..if more guys just came in..and worried more about having fun and less about getting ME to the big O..

The guy will O..and as i said..everyone can have fun and enjoy without having to get the girl off..

but your right.. she still has your money regardless of whether she O's YOU "o" or anything lol..

if the guy O's and and the girl gets paid and had fun in the should be considered a good day
warlock's Avatar
I prefer for the lady to "O". Better experience for both parties involved. Psychologically it pushes $$$ further out of the equation. Makes it a more GFE type experience. Good for the ego too.
And, its a major turn on to see a woman in the throes of ecstasy, even better if you're the one responsible for giving her that pleasure.
So yes, mui importante.
I prefer for the lady to "O". Better experience for both parties involved. Psychologically it pushes $$$ further out of the equation. Makes it a more GFE type experience. Good for the ego too.
And, its a major turn on to see a woman in the throes of ecstasy, even better if you're the one responsible for giving her that pleasure.
So yes, mui importante. Originally Posted by warlock
and this is why women fake!! lol i said i get that orgasms are important..what if women were actually honest and "real" in a session and when you are a bad "fuck"..they lay there..uninterested, you can't bring them to orgasm no matter how hard you try..

would that make you wanna see her again? probably point is..women are programmed to fake..they know this satisfies the you never really know if she really o's or if she is faking..and and flailing about in the bed like a moron..and even "wetness" do not indicate orgasm.. i get plenty wet and never have an orgasm.. and can wiggle and shake and quake with the best of them..

but my point is..whats the point? if the lady has fun..whether she orgasms shouldn't and really doesn't effect how much fun she provides and/or you get.. it simply can't..if women need to be brought to orgasm in order to be really good at providing then thats why they find themselves tired..wore out..burned out..

provide a fun experience.. whatever that may be that suits the customers needs.. but for the very reason a guy NEEDS to give a girl an orgasm..what if you can't? then what? who's fault is that? hers? yours? will a bad review result because she was disinterested simply because you needed her to orgasm and couldn't make her?

i don't know.. i mean i get why guys need to feel like they gave a girl an orgasm..but i don't buy that it leads to a better session..i can get naughty, nasty, kinky, provide fun, have fun..and wear some guy out and never orgasm..never even try to orgasm..

i do buy into..there are guys that need the ego boost..they need to think they did "something" for the girl.. that need leads to disappointment..that need is what makes GFE so sought after..the illusion so needed
Peanut's Avatar
In the real world (RW) and hobby world (HW) I like to make sure the lady has at least 1 O. On the first meet in both worlds it doesn't always happen. Each lady is different and it takes different ways to make them O. You have to learn want gets her to O. with the ladies in the hobby I can usually pick up in about 15 minutes if I will be able to get them to O. If I click with them RW or HW it usually is an awesome time and leads to an O. If they dont click with me it still can be a fun time without their O in the HW.

One thing I dont like is a Faked O. If she Os then great but if not dont fake it, I have gotten pretty good at picking up on faked Os. A fake O ruins the session for me.

Side note - I can tell when the RW lady doesn't O. She will tell me I can't be done til she is done...
bigmarv's Avatar
For me the most important thing is did we have a good time together.
mansfield's Avatar
if the guy O's and and the girl gets paid and had fun in the should be considered a good day
I think that pretty much sums it all up very nicely!

Would it be nice if she did? Of course. But it's not likely and frankly I'd rather not even be offered the fake one. I'm a realist.
I think that pretty much sums it all up very nicely!

Would it be nice if she did? Of course. But it's not likely and frankly I'd rather not even be offered the fake one. I'm a realist. Originally Posted by mansfield
thats gotta be realistic..I personally WILL NOT and never have faked it.. i will have a good time and enjoy the guy and the activities..but simply refuse to fake an orgasm..if he needs that from me..then he picked the wrong person..we will be into it..dirty talkin, skin slappin etc.. but the faked..moaning and writhing on the bed ain't gonna happen..

For me the most important thing is did we have a good time together. Originally Posted by bigmarv

thats it in a nutshell..just have a freakin good time.. you'd be amazed how much more fun could be had if people weren't so "goal driven" in the bedroom..just have fun..
pmdelites's Avatar
To the ladies - how often in sessions do you get to the finish line on average? One "O" a session, once a day, once a week, etc.

To the gentlemen - how important is it for you to know (and feel) the experience of helping the lady have an orgasm as part of your visit?

As a guy, I will is VERY important. And, although I understand that realistically it doesn't always happen, I wonder what I could have done differently to help.

So, I many of the ladies are so determined to "get theirs" that they will guide us to help them? Originally Posted by Braveheart
i really like how you phrased that last paragraph!!
however, it's not so much that she guides me or i guide her there. we both guide each other. well, at least in the better encounters i've experienced.

in my experiences, i often tell the woman i'm with "dont wait on me!!!"
and i do what i can to guide both of us so we experience pleasurable delites. they usually out-O me by at least 5-1 or 5-2. and i am not upset or pissed or mad for them doing so [envious? maybe. mad? no]. it's more of a biological difference and not a willful choice.

if all parties pay attention to details, breath, and do it to it, there a better than average chance that someone will O and thereby share that energy w/ the other as well as with the universe!!!

and if one or all parties dont O but all parties still had a deliteful [fun] time, as has been said, then that cant be all bad.

oooooooooooh, yessssssssssssss!!!! [as my entire body shudders]
i just felt several Os from some dfw metroplex-ites of our sub-culture!!!